import * as React from 'react'; const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const { themeStyle } = require('lib/theme'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const { Header } = require('./Header/Header.min.js'); const prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js'); interface Style { width: number height: number } interface Props { theme: any; style: Style } interface Resource { title: string id: string size: number file_extension: string } interface State { resources: Resource[] | undefined sorting: ActiveSorting isLoading: boolean } interface ResourceTable { resources: Resource[] sorting: ActiveSorting onResourceClick: (resource: Resource) => any onResourceDelete: (resource: Resource) => any onToggleSorting: (order: SortingOrder) => any theme: any style: Style } type SortingOrder = 'size' | 'name' type SortingType = 'asc' | 'desc' interface ActiveSorting { order: SortingOrder type: SortingType } const ResourceTable: React.FC = (props: ResourceTable) => { const sortOrderEngagedMarker = (s: SortingOrder) => { return ( props.onToggleSorting(s)}>{ (props.sorting.order === s && props.sorting.type === 'desc') ? '▾' : '▴'} ); }; const titleCellStyle = { ...props.theme.textStyle, textOverflow: 'ellipsis', overflowX: 'hidden', maxWidth: 1, width: '100%', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', }; const cellStyle = { ...props.theme.textStyle, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', color: props.theme.colorFaded, width: 1, }; const headerStyle = { ...props.theme.textStyle, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', width: 1, fontWeight: 'bold', }; return ( { Resource, index: number) => )}
{_('Title')} {sortOrderEngagedMarker('name')} {_('Size')} {sortOrderEngagedMarker('size')} {_('ID')} {_('Action')}
props.onResourceClick(resource)}>{resource.title || `(${_('Untitled')})`} {prettyBytes(resource.size)} {}
); }; const getSortingOrderColumn = (s: SortingOrder): string => { switch (s) { case 'name': return 'title'; case 'size': return 'size'; } }; const getNextSortingOrderType = (s: SortingType): SortingType => { if (s === 'asc') { return 'desc'; } else { return 'asc'; } }; const MAX_RESOURCES = 10000; class ResourceScreenComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { resources: undefined, sorting: { type: 'asc', order: 'name', }, isLoading: false, }; } async reloadResources(sorting: ActiveSorting) { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); const resources = await Resource.all({ order: [{ by: getSortingOrderColumn(sorting.order), dir: sorting.type, }], limit: MAX_RESOURCES, fields: ['title', 'id', 'size', 'file_extension'], }); this.setState({ resources, isLoading: false }); } componentDidMount() { this.reloadResources(this.state.sorting); } onResourceDelete(resource: Resource) { const ok = bridge().showConfirmMessageBox(_('Delete attachment "%s"?', resource.title), { buttons: [_('Delete'), _('Cancel')], defaultId: 1, }); if (!ok) { return; } Resource.delete( .catch((error: Error) => { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); }) .finally(() => { this.reloadResources(this.state.sorting); }); } openResource(resource: Resource) { const resourcePath = Resource.fullPath(resource); const ok = bridge().openExternal(`file://${resourcePath}`); if (!ok) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(`This file could not be opened: ${resourcePath}`); } } onToggleSortOrder(sortOrder: SortingOrder) { let newSorting = { ...this.state.sorting }; if (sortOrder === this.state.sorting.order) { newSorting.type = getNextSortingOrderType(newSorting.type); } else { newSorting = { order: sortOrder, type: 'desc', }; } this.setState({ sorting: newSorting }); this.reloadResources(newSorting); } render() { const style =; const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme); const headerStyle = Object.assign({}, theme.headerStyle, { width: style.width }); const rootStyle:any = {, overflowY: 'scroll', color: theme.color, padding: 20, boxSizing: 'border-box', }; rootStyle.height = style.height - 35; // Minus the header height delete rootStyle.width; return (
{ _('This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.') }
{this.state.isLoading &&
{_('Please wait...')}
} {!this.state.isLoading &&
{!this.state.resources &&
{_('No resources!')}
} {this.state.resources && this.state.resources.length === MAX_RESOURCES &&
{_('Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).', MAX_RESOURCES)}
} {this.state.resources && this.onToggleSortOrder(order)} onResourceClick={(resource) => this.openResource(resource)} onResourceDelete={(resource) => this.onResourceDelete(resource)} />}
); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => ({ theme: state.settings.theme, }); const ResourceScreen = connect(mapStateToProps)(ResourceScreenComponent); module.exports = { ResourceScreen };