import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '../BaseModel'; import shim from '../shim'; import eventManager, { EventName } from '../eventManager'; import { ItemChangeEntity, SqlQuery } from '../services/database/types'; const Mutex = require('async-mutex').Mutex; export interface ChangeSinceIdOptions { limit?: number; fields?: string[]; } export default class ItemChange extends BaseModel { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private static addChangeMutex_: any = new Mutex(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private static saveCalls_: any[] = []; public static TYPE_CREATE = 1; public static TYPE_UPDATE = 2; public static TYPE_DELETE = 3; public static SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED = 1; public static SOURCE_SYNC = 2; public static SOURCE_DECRYPTION = 2; // CAREFUL - SAME ID AS SOURCE_SYNC! public static SOURCE_SHARE_SERVICE = 4; public static tableName() { return 'item_changes'; } public static modelType() { return BaseModel.TYPE_ITEM_CHANGE; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public static async addMulti(itemType: ModelType, itemIds: string[], type: number, changeSource: any = null, beforeChangeItemJsons: string[] = null) { if (!itemIds.length) return; if (changeSource === null) changeSource = ItemChange.SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED; if (beforeChangeItemJsons && beforeChangeItemJsons.length !== itemIds.length) throw new Error('beforeChangeItemJsons does not match itemIds'); ItemChange.saveCalls_.push(true); // Using a mutex so that records can be added to the database in the // background, without making the UI wait. const release = await ItemChange.addChangeMutex_.acquire(); try { const queries: SqlQuery[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) { const itemId = itemIds[i]; const beforeChangeItemJson = beforeChangeItemJsons ? beforeChangeItemJsons[i] : ''; queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM item_changes WHERE item_id = ?', params: [itemId], }); queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO item_changes (item_type, item_id, type, source, created_time, before_change_item) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', params: [itemType, itemId, type, changeSource,, beforeChangeItemJson], }); } await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } finally { release(); ItemChange.saveCalls_.pop(); for (const itemId of itemIds) { eventManager.emit(EventName.ItemChange, { itemType: itemType, itemId: itemId, eventType: type, }); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public static async add(itemType: ModelType, itemId: string, type: number, changeSource: any = null, beforeChangeItemJson: string = null) { await this.addMulti(itemType, [itemId], type, changeSource, beforeChangeItemJson ? [beforeChangeItemJson] : null); } public static async lastChangeId() { const row = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT max(id) as max_id FROM item_changes'); return row && row.max_id ? row.max_id : 0; } // Because item changes are recorded in the background, this function // can be used for synchronous code, in particular when unit testing. public static async waitForAllSaved() { return new Promise((resolve) => { const iid = shim.setInterval(() => { if (!ItemChange.saveCalls_.length) { shim.clearInterval(iid); resolve(null); } }, 100); }); } public static async deleteOldChanges(lowestChangeId: number, itemMinTtl: number) { if (!lowestChangeId) return; const cutOffDate = - itemMinTtl; return this.db().exec(` DELETE FROM item_changes WHERE id <= ? AND created_time <= ? `, [lowestChangeId, cutOffDate]); } public static async changesSinceId(changeId: number, options: ChangeSinceIdOptions = null): Promise<ItemChangeEntity[]> { options = { limit: 100, fields: ['id', 'item_type', 'item_id', 'type', 'created_time'], ...options, }; return this.db().selectAll(` SELECT ${this.db().escapeFieldsToString(options.fields)} FROM item_changes WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id LIMIT ? `, [changeId, options.limit]); } }