import { resolve, join, dirname } from 'path'; import { remove, mkdirp } from 'fs-extra'; import { _electron as electron, Page, ElectronApplication, test as base } from '@playwright/test'; import uuid from '@joplin/lib/uuid'; type JoplinFixtures = { electronApp: ElectronApplication; mainWindow: Page; }; // A custom fixture that loads an electron app. See // export const test = base.extend({ // Playwright fails if we don't use the object destructuring // pattern in the first argument. // // See // // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-pattern electronApp: async ({ }, use) => { const profilePath = resolve(join(dirname(__dirname), 'test-profile')); const profileSubdir = join(profilePath, uuid.createNano()); await mkdirp(profileSubdir); const startupArgs = ['main.js', '--env', 'dev', '--profile', profileSubdir]; const electronApp = await electron.launch({ args: startupArgs }); await use(electronApp); await electronApp.firstWindow(); await electronApp.close(); await remove(profileSubdir); }, mainWindow: async ({ electronApp }, use) => { const window = await electronApp.firstWindow(); await use(window); }, }); export { expect } from '@playwright/test';