import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import { Appearance, ColorSchemeName } from 'react-native'; const logger = Logger.create('autodetectTheme'); let systemColorScheme: ColorSchemeName|null = null; // We export an `onThemeChange`, rather than using `Appearance.getColorScheme()` directly // to work around On some devices, // `Appearance.getColorScheme()` returns incorrect values. export const onSystemColorSchemeChange = (newColorScheme: ColorSchemeName|null) => { if (systemColorScheme !== newColorScheme) { systemColorScheme = newColorScheme; autodetectTheme(); } }; const autodetectTheme = () => { if (!Setting.value('themeAutoDetect')) {'Theme autodetect disabled, not switching theme to match system.'); return; } const colorScheme = systemColorScheme; logger.debug( 'Autodetecting theme. getColorScheme returns', Appearance.getColorScheme(), 'and the expected theme is', systemColorScheme, ); if (colorScheme === 'dark') { Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.value('preferredDarkTheme')); } else { Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.value('preferredLightTheme')); } }; export default autodetectTheme;