import BaseCommand from './base-command'; import app from './app'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import BaseModel, { DeleteOptions } from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel'; import { NoteEntity } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; class Command extends BaseCommand { public override usage() { return 'rmnote '; } public override description() { return _('Deletes the notes matching .'); } public override options() { return [ ['-f, --force', _('Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.')], ['-p, --permanent', _('Deletes notes permanently, skipping the trash.')], ]; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public override async action(args: any) { const pattern = args['note-pattern']; const force = args.options && args.options.force === true; const notes: NoteEntity[] = await app().loadItems(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, pattern); if (!notes.length) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', pattern)); let ok = true; if (!force && notes.length > 1) { ok = await this.prompt(_('%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?', notes.length), { booleanAnswerDefault: 'n' }); } const permanent = (args.options?.permanent === true) || notes.every(n => !!n.deleted_time); if (!force && permanent) { const message = ( notes.length === 1 ? _('This will permanently delete the note "%s". Continue?', notes[0].title) : _('%d notes will be permanently deleted. Continue?', notes.length) ); ok = await this.prompt(message, { booleanAnswerDefault: 'n' }); } if (!ok) return; const ids = =>; const options: DeleteOptions = { toTrash: !permanent, sourceDescription: 'rmnote', }; await Note.batchDelete(ids, options); } } module.exports = Command;