const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js'); const { Database } = require('lib/database.js'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js'); const JoplinError = require('lib/JoplinError.js'); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const moment = require('moment'); const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils'); class BaseItem extends BaseModel { static useUuid() { return true; } static encryptionSupported() { return true; } static loadClass(className, classRef) { for (let i = 0; i < BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_.length; i++) { if (BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].className == className) { BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].classRef = classRef; return; } } throw new Error('Invalid class name: ' + className); } static async findUniqueItemTitle(title) { let counter = 1; let titleToTry = title; while (true) { const item = await this.loadByField('title', titleToTry); if (!item) return titleToTry; titleToTry = title + ' (' + counter + ')'; counter++; if (counter >= 100) titleToTry = title + ' (' + ((new Date()).getTime()) + ')'; if (counter >= 1000) throw new Error('Cannot find unique title'); } } // Need to dynamically load the classes like this to avoid circular dependencies static getClass(name) { for (let i = 0; i < BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_.length; i++) { if (BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].className == name) { const classRef = BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].classRef; if (!classRef) throw new Error('Class has not been loaded: ' + name); return BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].classRef; } } throw new Error('Invalid class name: ' + name); } static getClassByItemType(itemType) { for (let i = 0; i < BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_.length; i++) { if (BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].type == itemType) { return BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].classRef; } } throw new Error('Invalid item type: ' + itemType); } static async syncedCount(syncTarget) { const ItemClass = this.itemClass(this.modelType()); const itemType = ItemClass.modelType(); // The fact that we don't check if the item_id still exist in the corresponding item table, means // that the returned number might be innaccurate (for example if a sync operation was cancelled) const sql = 'SELECT count(*) as total FROM sync_items WHERE sync_target = ? AND item_type = ?'; const r = await this.db().selectOne(sql, [ syncTarget, itemType ]); return; } static systemPath(itemOrId) { if (typeof itemOrId === 'string') return itemOrId + '.md'; return + '.md'; } static isSystemPath(path) { // if (!path || !path.length) return false; let p = path.split('/'); p = p[p.length - 1]; p = p.split('.'); if (p.length != 2) return false; return p[0].length == 32 && p[1] == 'md'; } static itemClass(item) { if (!item) throw new Error('Item cannot be null'); if (typeof item === 'object') { if (!('type_' in item)) throw new Error('Item does not have a type_ property'); return this.itemClass(item.type_); } else { for (let i = 0; i < BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_.length; i++) { let d = BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i]; if (Number(item) == d.type) return this.getClass(d.className); } throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + item); } } // Returns the IDs of the items that have been synced at least once static async syncedItemIds(syncTarget) { if (!syncTarget) throw new Error('No syncTarget specified'); let temp = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT item_id FROM sync_items WHERE sync_time > 0 AND sync_target = ?', [syncTarget]); let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { output.push(temp[i].item_id); } return output; } static pathToId(path) { let p = path.split('/'); let s = p[p.length - 1].split('.'); return s[0]; } static loadItemByPath(path) { return this.loadItemById(this.pathToId(path)); } static async loadItemById(id) { let classes = this.syncItemClassNames(); for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { let item = await this.getClass(classes[i]).load(id); if (item) return item; } return null; } static loadItemByField(itemType, field, value) { let ItemClass = this.itemClass(itemType); return ItemClass.loadByField(field, value); } static loadItem(itemType, id) { let ItemClass = this.itemClass(itemType); return ItemClass.load(id); } static deleteItem(itemType, id) { let ItemClass = this.itemClass(itemType); return ItemClass.delete(id); } static async delete(id, options = null) { return this.batchDelete([id], options); } static async batchDelete(ids, options = null) { let trackDeleted = true; if (options && options.trackDeleted !== null && options.trackDeleted !== undefined) trackDeleted = options.trackDeleted; // Don't create a deleted_items entry when conflicted notes are deleted // since no other client have (or should have) them. let conflictNoteIds = []; if (this.modelType() == BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) { const conflictNotes = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT id FROM notes WHERE id IN ("' + ids.join('","') + '") AND is_conflict = 1'); conflictNoteIds = => { return }); } await super.batchDelete(ids, options); if (trackDeleted) { const syncTargetIds = Setting.enumOptionValues(''); let queries = []; let now = time.unixMs(); for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (conflictNoteIds.indexOf(ids[i]) >= 0) continue; // For each deleted item, for each sync target, we need to add an entry in deleted_items. // That way, each target can later delete the remote item. for (let j = 0; j < syncTargetIds.length; j++) { queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO deleted_items (item_type, item_id, deleted_time, sync_target) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', params: [this.modelType(), ids[i], now, syncTargetIds[j]], }); } } await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } } // Note: Currently, once a deleted_items entry has been processed, it is removed from the database. In practice it means that // the following case will not work as expected: // - Client 1 creates a note and sync with target 1 and 2 // - Client 2 sync with target 1 // - Client 2 deletes note and sync with target 1 // - Client 1 syncs with target 1 only (note is deleted from local machine, as expected) // - Client 1 syncs with target 2 only => the note is *not* deleted from target 2 because no information // that it was previously deleted exist (deleted_items entry has been deleted). // The solution would be to permanently store the list of deleted items on each client. static deletedItems(syncTarget) { return this.db().selectAll('SELECT * FROM deleted_items WHERE sync_target = ?', [syncTarget]); } static async deletedItemCount(syncTarget) { let r = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT count(*) as total FROM deleted_items WHERE sync_target = ?', [syncTarget]); return r['total']; } static remoteDeletedItem(syncTarget, itemId) { return this.db().exec('DELETE FROM deleted_items WHERE item_id = ? AND sync_target = ?', [itemId, syncTarget]); } static serialize_format(propName, propValue) { if (['created_time', 'updated_time', 'sync_time', 'user_updated_time', 'user_created_time'].indexOf(propName) >= 0) { if (!propValue) return ''; propValue = moment.unix(propValue / 1000).utc().format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS') + 'Z'; } else if (propValue === null || propValue === undefined) { propValue = ''; } return propValue; } static unserialize_format(type, propName, propValue) { if (propName[propName.length - 1] == '_') return propValue; // Private property let ItemClass = this.itemClass(type); if (['created_time', 'updated_time', 'user_created_time', 'user_updated_time'].indexOf(propName) >= 0) { if (!propValue) return 0; propValue = moment(propValue, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ').format('x'); } else { propValue = Database.formatValue(ItemClass.fieldType(propName), propValue); } return propValue; } static async serialize(item, type = null, shownKeys = null) { item = this.filter(item); let output = {}; if ('title' in item && shownKeys.indexOf('title') >= 0) { output.title = item.title; } if ('body' in item && shownKeys.indexOf('body') >= 0) { output.body = item.body; } output.props = []; for (let i = 0; i < shownKeys.length; i++) { let key = shownKeys[i]; if (key == 'title' || key == 'body') continue; let value = null; if (typeof key === 'function') { let r = await key(); key = r.key; value = r.value; } else { value = this.serialize_format(key, item[key]); } output.props.push(key + ': ' + value); } let temp = []; if (output.title) temp.push(output.title); if (output.body) temp.push(output.body); if (output.props.length) temp.push(output.props.join("\n")); return temp.join("\n\n"); } static encryptionService() { if (!this.encryptionService_) throw new Error('BaseItem.encryptionService_ is not set!!'); return this.encryptionService_; } static async serializeForSync(item) { const ItemClass = this.itemClass(item); let serialized = await ItemClass.serialize(item); if (!Setting.value('encryption.enabled') || !ItemClass.encryptionSupported()) { // Normally not possible since itemsThatNeedSync should only return decrypted items if (!!item.encryption_applied) throw new JoplinError('Item is encrypted but encryption is currently disabled', 'cannotSyncEncrypted'); return serialized; } if (!!item.encryption_applied) { const e = new Error('Trying to encrypt item that is already encrypted'); e.code = 'cannotEncryptEncrypted'; throw e; } const cipherText = await this.encryptionService().encryptString(serialized); // List of keys that won't be encrypted - mostly foreign keys required to link items // with each others and timestamp required for synchronisation. const keepKeys = ['id', 'note_id', 'tag_id', 'parent_id', 'updated_time', 'type_']; const reducedItem = {}; for (let i = 0; i < keepKeys.length; i++) { const n = keepKeys[i]; if (!item.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; reducedItem[n] = item[n]; } reducedItem.encryption_applied = 1; reducedItem.encryption_cipher_text = cipherText; return ItemClass.serialize(reducedItem) } static async decrypt(item) { if (!item.encryption_cipher_text) throw new Error('Item is not encrypted: ' +; const ItemClass = this.itemClass(item); const plainText = await this.encryptionService().decryptString(item.encryption_cipher_text); // Note: decryption does not count has a change, so don't update any timestamp const plainItem = await ItemClass.unserialize(plainText); plainItem.updated_time = item.updated_time; plainItem.encryption_cipher_text = ''; plainItem.encryption_applied = 0; return, { autoTimestamp: false }); } static async unserialize(content) { let lines = content.split("\n"); let output = {}; let state = 'readingProps'; let body = []; for (let i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let line = lines[i]; if (state == 'readingProps') { line = line.trim(); if (line == '') { state = 'readingBody'; continue; } let p = line.indexOf(':'); if (p < 0) throw new Error('Invalid property format: ' + line + ": " + content); let key = line.substr(0, p).trim(); let value = line.substr(p + 1).trim(); output[key] = value; } else if (state == 'readingBody') { body.splice(0, 0, line); } } if (!output.type_) throw new Error('Missing required property: type_: ' + content); output.type_ = Number(output.type_); if (body.length) { let title = body.splice(0, 2); output.title = title[0]; } if (output.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) output.body = body.join("\n"); for (let n in output) { if (!output.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; output[n] = await this.unserialize_format(output.type_, n, output[n]); } return output; } static async encryptedItemsStats() { const classNames = this.encryptableItemClassNames(); let encryptedCount = 0; let totalCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const ItemClass = this.getClass(classNames[i]); encryptedCount += await ItemClass.count({ where: 'encryption_applied = 1' }); totalCount += await ItemClass.count(); } return { encrypted: encryptedCount, total: totalCount, }; } static async encryptedItemsCount() { const classNames = this.encryptableItemClassNames(); let output = 0; for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); const count = await ItemClass.count({ where: 'encryption_applied = 1' }); output += count; } return output; } static async hasEncryptedItems() { const classNames = this.encryptableItemClassNames(); for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); const count = await ItemClass.count({ where: 'encryption_applied = 1' }); if (count) return true; } return false; } static async itemsThatNeedDecryption(exclusions = [], limit = 100) { const classNames = this.encryptableItemClassNames(); for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); const whereSql = className === 'Resource' ? ['(encryption_blob_encrypted = 1 OR encryption_applied = 1)'] : ['encryption_applied = 1']; if (exclusions.length) whereSql.push('id NOT IN ("' + exclusions.join('","') + '")'); const sql = sprintf(` SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT %d `, this.db().escapeField(ItemClass.tableName()), whereSql.join(' AND '), limit ); const items = await ItemClass.modelSelectAll(sql); if (i >= classNames.length - 1) { return { hasMore: items.length >= limit, items: items }; } else { if (items.length) return { hasMore: true, items: items }; } } throw new Error('Unreachable'); } static async itemsThatNeedSync(syncTarget, limit = 100) { const classNames = this.syncItemClassNames(); for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); let fieldNames = ItemClass.fieldNames('items'); // // NEVER SYNCED: // 'SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] WHERE id NOT INT (SELECT item_id FROM sync_items WHERE sync_target = ?)' // // CHANGED: // 'SELECT * FROM [ITEMS] items JOIN sync_items s ON s.item_id = WHERE sync_target = ? AND' let extraWhere = []; if (className == 'Note') extraWhere.push('is_conflict = 0'); if (className == 'Resource') extraWhere.push('encryption_blob_encrypted = 0'); if (ItemClass.encryptionSupported()) extraWhere.push('encryption_applied = 0'); extraWhere = extraWhere.length ? 'AND ' + extraWhere.join(' AND ') : ''; // First get all the items that have never been synced under this sync target let sql = sprintf(` SELECT %s FROM %s items WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT item_id FROM sync_items WHERE sync_target = %d ) %s LIMIT %d `, this.db().escapeFields(fieldNames), this.db().escapeField(ItemClass.tableName()), Number(syncTarget), extraWhere, limit); let neverSyncedItem = await ItemClass.modelSelectAll(sql); // Secondly get the items that have been synced under this sync target but that have been changed since then const newLimit = limit - neverSyncedItem.length; let changedItems = []; if (newLimit > 0) { fieldNames.push('sync_time'); let sql = sprintf(` SELECT %s FROM %s items JOIN sync_items s ON s.item_id = WHERE sync_target = %d AND (s.sync_time < items.updated_time OR force_sync = 1) AND s.sync_disabled = 0 %s LIMIT %d `, this.db().escapeFields(fieldNames), this.db().escapeField(ItemClass.tableName()), Number(syncTarget), extraWhere, newLimit); changedItems = await ItemClass.modelSelectAll(sql); } const items = neverSyncedItem.concat(changedItems); if (i >= classNames.length - 1) { return { hasMore: items.length >= limit, items: items }; } else { if (items.length) return { hasMore: true, items: items }; } } throw new Error('Unreachable'); } static syncItemClassNames() { return => { return def.className; }); } static encryptableItemClassNames() { const temp = this.syncItemClassNames(); let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { if (temp[i] === 'MasterKey') continue; output.push(temp[i]); } return output; } static syncItemTypes() { return => { return def.type; }); } static modelTypeToClassName(type) { for (let i = 0; i < BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_.length; i++) { if (BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].type == type) return BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_[i].className; } throw new Error('Invalid type: ' + type); } static async syncDisabledItems(syncTargetId) { const rows = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT * FROM sync_items WHERE sync_disabled = 1 AND sync_target = ?', [syncTargetId]); let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { const item = await this.loadItem(rows[i].item_type, rows[i].item_id); if (!item) continue; // The referenced item no longer exist output.push({ syncInfo: rows[i], item: item, }); } return output; } static updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTarget, item, syncTime, syncDisabled = false, syncDisabledReason = '') { const itemType = item.type_; const itemId =; if (!itemType || !itemId || syncTime === undefined) throw new Error('Invalid parameters in updateSyncTimeQueries()'); return [ { sql: 'DELETE FROM sync_items WHERE sync_target = ? AND item_type = ? AND item_id = ?', params: [syncTarget, itemType, itemId], }, { sql: 'INSERT INTO sync_items (sync_target, item_type, item_id, sync_time, sync_disabled, sync_disabled_reason) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', params: [syncTarget, itemType, itemId, syncTime, syncDisabled ? 1 : 0, syncDisabledReason + ''], } ]; } static async saveSyncTime(syncTarget, item, syncTime) { const queries = this.updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTarget, item, syncTime); return this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } static async saveSyncDisabled(syncTargetId, item, syncDisabledReason) { const syncTime = 'sync_time' in item ? item.sync_time : 0; const queries = this.updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTargetId, item, syncTime, true, syncDisabledReason); return this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } // When an item is deleted, its associated sync_items data is not immediately deleted for // performance reason. So this function is used to look for these remaining sync_items and // delete them. static async deleteOrphanSyncItems() { const classNames = this.syncItemClassNames(); let queries = []; for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); let selectSql = 'SELECT id FROM ' + ItemClass.tableName(); if (ItemClass.modelType() == this.TYPE_NOTE) selectSql += ' WHERE is_conflict = 0'; queries.push('DELETE FROM sync_items WHERE item_type = ' + ItemClass.modelType() + ' AND item_id NOT IN (' + selectSql + ')'); } await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } static displayTitle(item) { if (!item) return ''; return !!item.encryption_applied ? '🔑 ' + _('Encrypted') : item.title + ''; } static async markAllNonEncryptedForSync() { const classNames = this.encryptableItemClassNames(); for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { const className = classNames[i]; const ItemClass = this.getClass(className); const sql = sprintf(` SELECT id FROM %s WHERE encryption_applied = 0`, this.db().escapeField(ItemClass.tableName()) ); const items = await ItemClass.modelSelectAll(sql); const ids = => {return}); if (!ids.length) continue; await this.db().exec('UPDATE sync_items SET force_sync = 1 WHERE item_id IN ("' + ids.join('","') + '")'); } } static async forceSync(itemId) { await this.db().exec('UPDATE sync_items SET force_sync = 1 WHERE item_id = ?', [itemId]); } static async forceSyncAll() { await this.db().exec('UPDATE sync_items SET force_sync = 1'); } static async save(o, options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (options.userSideValidation === true) { if (!!o.encryption_applied) throw new Error(_('Encrypted items cannot be modified')); } return, options); } static markdownTag(item) { const output = []; output.push('['); output.push(markdownUtils.escapeLinkText(item.title)); output.push(']'); output.push('(:/' + + ')'); return output.join(''); } } BaseItem.encryptionService_ = null; // Also update: // - itemsThatNeedSync() // - syncedItems() BaseItem.syncItemDefinitions_ = [ { type: BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, className: 'Note' }, { type: BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, className: 'Folder' }, { type: BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, className: 'Resource' }, { type: BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, className: 'Tag' }, { type: BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG, className: 'NoteTag' }, { type: BaseModel.TYPE_MASTER_KEY, className: 'MasterKey' }, ]; module.exports = BaseItem;