import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import { waitForFolderCount, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, afterEachCleanUp } from '@joplin/lib/testing/test-utils'; import Folder from '@joplin/lib/models/Folder'; import { newPluginScript, newPluginService } from '../../../testUtils'; describe('JoplinSettings', () => { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); done(); }); afterEach(async () => { await afterEachCleanUp(); }); test('should listen to setting change event', async () => { const service = newPluginService(); const pluginScript = newPluginScript(` joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { await joplin.settings.registerSettings({ 'myCustomSetting1': { value: 1, type: 1, public: true, label: 'My Custom Setting 1', }, 'myCustomSetting2': { value: 2, type: 1, public: true, label: 'My Custom Setting 2', } }) joplin.settings.onChange((event) => {['folders'], null, { title: JSON.stringify(event.keys) }); }); }, }); `); const plugin = await service.loadPluginFromJsBundle('', pluginScript); await service.runPlugin(plugin); Setting.setValue('plugin-org.joplinapp.plugins.PluginTest.myCustomSetting1', 111); Setting.setValue('plugin-org.joplinapp.plugins.PluginTest.myCustomSetting2', 222); // Also change a global setting, to verify that the plugin doesn't get // notifications for non-plugin related events. Setting.setValue('locale', 'fr_FR'); Setting.emitScheduledChangeEvent(); await waitForFolderCount(1); const folder = (await Folder.all())[0]; const settingNames: string[] = JSON.parse(folder.title); settingNames.sort(); expect(settingNames.join(',')).toBe('myCustomSetting1,myCustomSetting2'); await service.destroy(); }); test('should allow registering multiple settings', async () => { const service = newPluginService(); const pluginScript = newPluginScript(` joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { await joplin.settings.registerSettings({ 'myCustomSetting1': { value: 1, type: 1, public: true, label: 'My Custom Setting 1', }, 'myCustomSetting2': { value: 2, type: 1, public: true, label: 'My Custom Setting 2', } }) }, }); `); const plugin = await service.loadPluginFromJsBundle('', pluginScript); await service.runPlugin(plugin); expect(Setting.value('plugin-org.joplinapp.plugins.PluginTest.myCustomSetting1')).toBe(1); expect(Setting.value('plugin-org.joplinapp.plugins.PluginTest.myCustomSetting2')).toBe(2); await service.destroy(); }); });