# For development this compose file starts the database only. The app can then # be started using `yarn start-dev`, which is useful for development, because # it means the app Docker file doesn't have to be rebuilt on each change. # # Note that log is setup to give as much information as possible, including # whether it's the master or slave database that is being used for a query. # # To setup and test replication, use the following config in Joplin Server. Note # in particular the different port, which means we access the slave and not the # master. # # DB_USE_SLAVE=true # SLAVE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=joplin # SLAVE_POSTGRES_DATABASE=joplin # SLAVE_POSTGRES_USER=joplin # SLAVE_POSTGRES_PORT=5433 # SLAVE_POSTGRES_HOST=localhost # USERS_WITH_REPLICATION=ID1,ID2,... version: '2' services: postgresql-master: image: 'bitnami/postgresql:16.3.0' ports: - '5432:5432' environment: - POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=joplin - POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=joplin - POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=joplin - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_MODE=master - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_USER=repl_user - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_PASSWORD=repl_password - POSTGRESQL_LOG_HOSTNAME=true - POSTGRESQL_PGAUDIT_LOG=READ,WRITE - POSTGRESQL_EXTRA_FLAGS=-c work_mem=100000 -c log_statement=all postgresql-slave: image: 'bitnami/postgresql:16.3.0' ports: - '5433:5432' depends_on: - postgresql-master environment: - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_MODE=slave - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_USER=repl_user - POSTGRESQL_REPLICATION_PASSWORD=repl_password - POSTGRESQL_MASTER_HOST=postgresql-master - POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=joplin - POSTGRESQL_MASTER_PORT_NUMBER=5432 - POSTGRESQL_LOG_HOSTNAME=true - POSTGRESQL_PGAUDIT_LOG=READ,WRITE - POSTGRESQL_EXTRA_FLAGS=-c work_mem=100000 -c log_statement=all