import { AppState } from '../../app.reducer'; import * as React from 'react'; import { useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import SearchBar from '../SearchBar/SearchBar'; import Button, { ButtonLevel, ButtonSize, buttonSizePx } from '../Button/Button'; import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import { runtime as focusSearchRuntime } from './commands/focusSearch'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import { notesSortOrderNextField } from '../../services/sortOrder/notesSortOrderUtils'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const styled = require('styled-components').default; enum BaseBreakpoint { Sm = 75, Md = 80, Lg = 120, Xl = 474, } interface Props { showNewNoteButtons: boolean; sortOrderButtonsVisible: boolean; sortOrderField: string; sortOrderReverse: boolean; notesParentType: string; height: number; width: number; onContentHeightChange: (sameRow: boolean)=> void; } interface Breakpoints { Sm: number; Md: number; Lg: number; Xl: number; } const StyledRoot = styled.div` box-sizing: border-box; height: ${(props: any) => props.height}px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: ${(props: any) => props.theme.mainPadding}px; background-color: ${(props: any) => props.theme.backgroundColor3}; gap: 5px; `; const StyledButton = styled(Button)` width: auto; height: 26px; min-height: 26px; min-width: 37px; max-width: none; white-space: nowrap; .fa, .fas { font-size: 11px; } `; const StyledPairButtonL = styled(Button)` border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; min-width: ${(props: any) => buttonSizePx(props)}px; max-width: ${(props: any) => buttonSizePx(props)}px; `; const StyledPairButtonR = styled(Button)` min-width: 8px; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0; width: auto; `; const TopRow = styled.div` display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; gap: 8px; `; const BottomRow = styled.div` display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex: 1 1 auto; gap: 8px; `; const SortOrderButtonsContainer = styled.div` display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex: 1 1 auto; `; function NoteListControls(props: Props) { const [dynamicBreakpoints, setDynamicBreakpoints] = useState<Breakpoints>({ Sm: BaseBreakpoint.Sm, Md: BaseBreakpoint.Md, Lg: BaseBreakpoint.Lg, Xl: BaseBreakpoint.Xl }); const searchBarRef = useRef(null); const newNoteRef = useRef(null); const newTodoRef = useRef(null); const noteControlsRef = useRef(null); const searchAndSortRef = useRef(null); const getTextWidth = (text: string): number => { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (!canvas) throw new Error('Failed to create canvas element'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) throw new Error('Failed to get context'); const fontWeight = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-weight'); const fontSize = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-size'); const fontFamily = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-family'); ctx.font = `${fontWeight} ${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`; return ctx.measureText(text).width; }; // Initialize language-specific breakpoints useEffect(() => { // Use the longest string to calculate the amount of extra width needed const smAdditional = getTextWidth(_('note')) > getTextWidth(_('to-do')) ? getTextWidth(_('note')) : getTextWidth(_('to-do')); const mdAdditional = getTextWidth(_('New note')) > getTextWidth(_('New to-do')) ? getTextWidth(_('New note')) : getTextWidth(_('New to-do')); const Sm = BaseBreakpoint.Sm + smAdditional * 2; const Md = BaseBreakpoint.Md + mdAdditional * 2; const Lg = BaseBreakpoint.Lg + Md; const Xl = BaseBreakpoint.Xl; setDynamicBreakpoints({ Sm, Md, Lg, Xl }); }, []); const breakpoint = useMemo(() => { // Find largest breakpoint that width is less than const index = Object.values(dynamicBreakpoints).findIndex(x => props.width < x); return index === -1 ? dynamicBreakpoints.Xl : Object.values(dynamicBreakpoints)[index]; }, [props.width, dynamicBreakpoints]); const noteButtonText = useMemo(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Sm) { return ''; } else if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Md) { return _('note'); } else { return _('New note'); } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints]); const todoButtonText = useMemo(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Sm) { return ''; } else if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Md) { return _('to-do'); } else { return _('New to-do'); } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints]); const noteIcon = useMemo(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Sm) { return 'icon-note'; } else { return 'fas fa-plus'; } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints]); const todoIcon = useMemo(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Sm) { return 'far fa-check-square'; } else { return 'fas fa-plus'; } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints]); const showTooltip = useMemo(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Sm) { return true; } else { return false; } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints.Sm]); useEffect(() => { if (breakpoint === dynamicBreakpoints.Xl) { = 'row'; = '2 1 auto'; props.onContentHeightChange(true); } else { = 'column'; props.onContentHeightChange(false); } }, [breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints, props.onContentHeightChange]); useEffect(() => { CommandService.instance().registerRuntime('focusSearch', focusSearchRuntime(searchBarRef)); return function() { CommandService.instance().unregisterRuntime('focusSearch'); }; }, []); function onNewTodoButtonClick() { void CommandService.instance().execute('newTodo'); } function onNewNoteButtonClick() { void CommandService.instance().execute('newNote'); } function onSortOrderFieldButtonClick() { void CommandService.instance().execute('toggleNotesSortOrderField'); } function onSortOrderReverseButtonClick() { void CommandService.instance().execute('toggleNotesSortOrderReverse'); } function sortOrderFieldTooltip() { const term1 = CommandService.instance().label('toggleNotesSortOrderField'); const field = props.sortOrderField; const term2 = Note.fieldToLabel(field); const term3 = Note.fieldToLabel(notesSortOrderNextField(field)); return `${term1}:\n ${term2} -> ${term3}`; } function sortOrderFieldIcon() { const field = props.sortOrderField; const iconMap: any = { user_updated_time: 'far fa-calendar-alt', user_created_time: 'far fa-calendar-plus', title: 'fas fa-font', order: 'fas fa-wrench', }; return `${iconMap[field] || iconMap['title']} ${field}`; } function sortOrderReverseIcon() { return props.sortOrderReverse ? 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up' : 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down'; } function showsSortOrderButtons() { let visible = props.sortOrderButtonsVisible; if (props.notesParentType === 'Search') visible = false; return visible; } function renderNewNoteButtons() { if (!props.showNewNoteButtons) return null; return ( <TopRow className="new-note-todo-buttons"> <StyledButton ref={newNoteRef} className="new-note-button" tooltip={ showTooltip ? CommandService.instance().label('newNote') : '' } iconName={noteIcon} title={_('%s', noteButtonText)} level={ButtonLevel.Primary} size={ButtonSize.Small} onClick={onNewNoteButtonClick} /> <StyledButton ref={newTodoRef} className="new-todo-button" tooltip={ showTooltip ? CommandService.instance().label('newTodo') : '' } iconName={todoIcon} title={_('%s', todoButtonText)} level={ButtonLevel.Secondary} size={ButtonSize.Small} onClick={onNewTodoButtonClick} /> </TopRow> ); } return ( <StyledRoot ref={noteControlsRef}> {renderNewNoteButtons()} <BottomRow ref={searchAndSortRef} className="search-and-sort"> <SearchBar inputRef={searchBarRef}/> {showsSortOrderButtons() && <SortOrderButtonsContainer> <StyledPairButtonL className="sort-order-field-button" tooltip={sortOrderFieldTooltip()} iconName={sortOrderFieldIcon()} level={ButtonLevel.Secondary} size={ButtonSize.Small} onClick={onSortOrderFieldButtonClick} /> <StyledPairButtonR className="sort-order-reverse-button" tooltip={CommandService.instance().label('toggleNotesSortOrderReverse')} iconName={sortOrderReverseIcon()} level={ButtonLevel.Secondary} size={ButtonSize.Small} onClick={onSortOrderReverseButtonClick} /> </SortOrderButtonsContainer> } </BottomRow> </StyledRoot> ); } const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState) => { return { // TODO: showNewNoteButtons and the logic associated is not needed anymore. showNewNoteButtons: true, sortOrderButtonsVisible: state.settings['notes.sortOrder.buttonsVisible'], sortOrderField: state.settings['notes.sortOrder.field'], sortOrderReverse: state.settings['notes.sortOrder.reverse'], notesParentType: state.notesParentType, }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteListControls);