var t = require(__dirname) // should be the same both ways. var xmls = [ '<parent xmlns:a="http://ATTRIBUTE" a:attr="value" />', '<parent a:attr="value" xmlns:a="http://ATTRIBUTE" />' ] var ex1 = [ [ 'opentagstart', { name: 'parent', attributes: {}, ns: {} } ], [ 'opennamespace', { prefix: 'a', uri: 'http://ATTRIBUTE' } ], [ 'attribute', { name: 'xmlns:a', value: 'http://ATTRIBUTE', prefix: 'xmlns', local: 'a', uri: '' } ], [ 'attribute', { name: 'a:attr', local: 'attr', prefix: 'a', uri: 'http://ATTRIBUTE', value: 'value' } ], [ 'opentag', { name: 'parent', uri: '', prefix: '', local: 'parent', attributes: { 'a:attr': { name: 'a:attr', local: 'attr', prefix: 'a', uri: 'http://ATTRIBUTE', value: 'value' }, 'xmlns:a': { name: 'xmlns:a', local: 'a', prefix: 'xmlns', uri: '', value: 'http://ATTRIBUTE' } }, ns: { a: 'http://ATTRIBUTE' }, isSelfClosing: true } ], [ 'closetag', 'parent' ], [ 'closenamespace', { prefix: 'a', uri: 'http://ATTRIBUTE' } ] ] // swap the order of elements 2 and 3 var ex2 = [ex1[0], ex1[1], ex1[3], ex1[2]].concat(ex1.slice(4)) var expected = [ex1, ex2] xmls.forEach(function (x, i) { t.test({ xml: x, expect: expected[i], strict: true, opt: { xmlns: true } }) })