import Logger from './Logger'; import Synchronizer from './Synchronizer'; import EncryptionService from './services/e2ee/EncryptionService'; import shim from './shim'; import ResourceService from './services/ResourceService'; import ShareService from './services/share/ShareService'; export default class BaseSyncTarget { public static dispatch: Function = () => {}; private synchronizer_: Synchronizer = null; private initState_: any = null; private logger_: Logger = null; private options_: any; private db_: any; protected fileApi_: any; public constructor(db: any, options: any = null) { this.db_ = db; this.options_ = options; } public static supportsConfigCheck() { return false; } public static description(): string { return ''; } public static supportsSelfHosted(): boolean { return true; } public static supportsRecursiveLinkedNotes(): boolean { return false; } public option(name: string, defaultValue: any = null) { return this.options_ && name in this.options_ ? this.options_[name] : defaultValue; } protected logger() { return this.logger_; } public setLogger(v: Logger) { this.logger_ = v; } protected db() { return this.db_; } // If [] is returned it means all platforms are supported public static unsupportedPlatforms(): any[] { return []; } public async isAuthenticated() { return false; } public authRouteName(): string { return null; } public static id() { throw new Error('id() not implemented'); } // Note: it cannot be called just "name()" because that's a reserved keyword and // it would throw an obscure error in React Native. public static targetName() { throw new Error('targetName() not implemented'); } public static label() { throw new Error('label() not implemented'); } protected async initSynchronizer(): Promise<Synchronizer> { throw new Error('initSynchronizer() not implemented'); } protected async initFileApi(): Promise<any> { throw new Error('initFileApi() not implemented'); } public async fileApi() { if (this.fileApi_) return this.fileApi_; this.fileApi_ = await this.initFileApi(); return this.fileApi_; } // Usually each sync target should create and setup its own file API via initFileApi() // but for testing purposes it might be convenient to provide it here so that multiple // clients can share and sync to the same file api (see test-utils.js) public setFileApi(v: any) { this.fileApi_ = v; } public async synchronizer(): Promise<Synchronizer> { if (this.synchronizer_) return this.synchronizer_; if (this.initState_ === 'started') { // Synchronizer is already being initialized, so wait here till it's done. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const iid = shim.setInterval(() => { if (this.initState_ === 'ready') { shim.clearInterval(iid); resolve(this.synchronizer_); } if (this.initState_ === 'error') { shim.clearInterval(iid); reject(new Error('Could not initialise synchroniser')); } }, 1000); }); } else { this.initState_ = 'started'; try { this.synchronizer_ = await this.initSynchronizer(); this.synchronizer_.setLogger(this.logger()); this.synchronizer_.setEncryptionService(EncryptionService.instance()); this.synchronizer_.setResourceService(ResourceService.instance()); this.synchronizer_.setShareService(ShareService.instance()); this.synchronizer_.dispatch = BaseSyncTarget.dispatch; this.initState_ = 'ready'; return this.synchronizer_; } catch (error) { this.initState_ = 'error'; throw error; } } } public async syncStarted() { if (!this.synchronizer_) return false; if (!(await this.isAuthenticated())) return false; const sync = await this.synchronizer(); return sync.state() !== 'idle'; } }