import BaseModel from '../BaseModel'; import { SqlQuery } from '../database'; import BaseItem from './BaseItem'; // - If is_associated = 1, note_resources indicates which note_id is currently associated with the given resource_id // - If is_associated = 0, note_resources indicates which note_id *was* associated with the given resource_id // - last_seen_time tells the last time that reosurce was associated with this note. // - If last_seen_time is 0, it means the resource has never been associated with any note. export default class NoteResource extends BaseModel { public static tableName() { return 'note_resources'; } public static modelType() { return BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_RESOURCE; } public static async applySharedStatusToLinkedResources() { const queries: SqlQuery[] = []; queries.push({ sql: ` UPDATE resources SET is_shared = 0 ` }); queries.push({ sql: ` UPDATE resources SET is_shared = 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT note_resources.resource_id FROM notes JOIN note_resources ON = note_resources.note_id WHERE notes.is_shared = 1 ) ` }); await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } // public static async updateResourceShareIds() { // // Find all resources where share_id is different from parent note // // share_id. Then update share_id on all these resources. Essentially it // // makes it match the resource share_id to the note share_id. // const sql = ` // SELECT, n.share_id // FROM note_resources nr // LEFT JOIN resources r ON nr.resource_id = // LEFT JOIN notes n ON nr.note_id = // WHERE n.share_id != r.share_id`; // const rows = await this.db().selectAll(sql); // const updatedTime =; // const queries: SqlQuery[] = []; // for (const row of rows) { // queries.push({ // sql: ` // UPDATE resources // SET share_id = ?, updated_time = ? // WHERE id = ?`, // params: [ // row.share_id || '', // updatedTime, //, // ], // }); // } // await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); // } public static async associatedNoteIds(resourceId: string): Promise<string[]> { const rows = await this.modelSelectAll('SELECT note_id FROM note_resources WHERE resource_id = ? AND is_associated = 1', [resourceId]); return any) => r.note_id); } public static async setAssociatedResources(noteId: string, resourceIds: string[]) { const existingRows = await this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM note_resources WHERE note_id = ?', [noteId]); const notProcessedResourceIds = resourceIds.slice(); const queries = []; for (let i = 0; i < existingRows.length; i++) { const row = existingRows[i]; const resourceIndex = resourceIds.indexOf(row.resource_id); if (resourceIndex >= 0) { queries.push({ sql: 'UPDATE note_resources SET last_seen_time = ?, is_associated = 1 WHERE id = ?', params: [,] }); notProcessedResourceIds.splice(notProcessedResourceIds.indexOf(row.resource_id), 1); } else { queries.push({ sql: 'UPDATE note_resources SET is_associated = 0 WHERE id = ?', params: [] }); } } for (let i = 0; i < notProcessedResourceIds.length; i++) { queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO note_resources (note_id, resource_id, is_associated, last_seen_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', params: [noteId, notProcessedResourceIds[i], 1,] }); } await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } public static async addOrphanedResources() { const missingResources = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT id FROM resources WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT resource_id FROM note_resources)'); const queries = []; for (let i = 0; i < missingResources.length; i++) { const id = missingResources[i].id; // If the resource is not associated with any note, and has never // been synced, it means it's a local resource that was removed from // a note (or the note was deleted). In which case, we set a // "last_seen_time", so that it can be considered an orphan reosurce // that can be auto-deleted. // // const hasBeenSynced = await BaseItem.itemHasBeenSynced(id); const lastSeenTime = hasBeenSynced ? 0 :; queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO note_resources (note_id, resource_id, is_associated, last_seen_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', params: ['', id, 0, lastSeenTime] } ); } await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } public static async remove(noteId: string) { await this.db().exec({ sql: 'UPDATE note_resources SET is_associated = 0 WHERE note_id = ?', params: [noteId] }); } public static async orphanResources(expiryDelay: number = null) { if (expiryDelay === null) expiryDelay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10; const cutOffTime = - expiryDelay; const output = await this.modelSelectAll( ` SELECT resource_id, sum(is_associated) FROM note_resources GROUP BY resource_id HAVING sum(is_associated) <= 0 AND last_seen_time < ? AND last_seen_time != 0 `, [cutOffTime] ); return any) => r.resource_id); } public static async deleteByResource(resourceId: string) { await this.db().exec('DELETE FROM note_resources WHERE resource_id = ?', [resourceId]); } }