const fastDeepEqual = require('fast-deep-equal'); import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import type { State as AppState } from './reducer'; import { ModelType } from './BaseModel'; import { NoteEntity } from './services/database/types'; export enum EventName { ResourceCreate = 'resourceCreate', ResourceChange = 'resourceChange', SettingsChange = 'settingsChange', TodoToggle = 'todoToggle', SyncStart = 'syncStart', SessionEstablished = 'sessionEstablished', SyncComplete = 'syncComplete', ItemChange = 'itemChange', NoteAlarmTrigger = 'noteAlarmTrigger', AlarmChange = 'alarmChange', KeymapChange = 'keymapChange', NoteContentChange = 'noteContentChange', OcrServiceResourcesProcessed = 'ocrServiceResourcesProcessed', NoteResourceIndexed = 'noteResourceIndexed', } interface ItemChangeEvent { itemType: ModelType; itemId: string; eventType: number; } interface SyncCompleteEvent { withErrors: boolean; } interface ResourceChangeEvent { id: string; } interface NoteContentChangeEvent { note: NoteEntity; } interface NoteAlarmTriggerEvent { noteId: string; } interface SettingsChangeEvent { keys: string[]; } interface AlarmChangeEvent { noteId: string; note: NoteEntity; } type EventArgs = { [EventName.ResourceCreate]: []; [EventName.ResourceChange]: [ResourceChangeEvent]; [EventName.SettingsChange]: [SettingsChangeEvent]; [EventName.TodoToggle]: []; [EventName.SyncStart]: []; [EventName.SessionEstablished]: []; [EventName.SyncComplete]: [SyncCompleteEvent]; [EventName.ItemChange]: [ItemChangeEvent]; [EventName.NoteAlarmTrigger]: [NoteAlarmTriggerEvent]; [EventName.AlarmChange]: [AlarmChangeEvent]; [EventName.KeymapChange]: []; [EventName.NoteContentChange]: [NoteContentChangeEvent]; [EventName.OcrServiceResourcesProcessed]: []; [EventName.NoteResourceIndexed]: []; }; type EventListenerCallbacks = { [n in EventName]: (...args: EventArgs[n])=> void; }; export type EventListenerCallback = EventListenerCallbacks[Name]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Partial refactor of old code from before rule was applied type AppStateChangeCallback = (event: { value: any })=> void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Partial refactor of old code from before rule was applied type FilterObject = any; export type FilterHandler = (object: FilterObject)=> FilterObject; export class EventManager { private emitter_: EventEmitter; private appStatePrevious_: Record; private appStateWatchedProps_: string[]; private appStateListeners_: Record; public constructor() { this.reset(); } public reset() { this.emitter_ = new EventEmitter(); this.appStatePrevious_ = {}; this.appStateWatchedProps_ = []; this.appStateListeners_ = {}; } public on(eventName: Name, callback: EventListenerCallback) { return this.emitter_.on(eventName, callback); } public emit(eventName: Name, ...args: EventArgs[Name]) { return this.emitter_.emit(eventName, ...args); } public removeListener(eventName: Name, callback: EventListenerCallback) { return this.emitter_.removeListener(eventName, callback); } public off(eventName: Name, callback: EventListenerCallback) { return this.removeListener(eventName, callback); } public filterOn(filterName: string, callback: FilterHandler) { return this.emitter_.on(`filter:${filterName}`, callback); } public filterOff(filterName: string, callback: FilterHandler) { return`filter:${filterName}`, callback); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public async filterEmit(filterName: string, object: any) { let output = object; const listeners = this.emitter_.listeners(`filter:${filterName}`); for (const listener of listeners) { // When we pass the object to the plugin, it is always going to be // modified since it is serialized/unserialized. So we need to use a // deep equality check to see if it's been changed. Normally the // filter objects should be relatively small so there shouldn't be // much of a performance hit. const newOutput = await listener(output); // Plugin didn't return anything - so we leave the object as it is. if (newOutput === undefined) continue; if (!fastDeepEqual(newOutput, output)) { output = newOutput; } } return output; } public appStateOn(propName: string, callback: AppStateChangeCallback) { if (!this.appStateListeners_[propName]) { this.appStateListeners_[propName] = []; this.appStateWatchedProps_.push(propName); } this.appStateListeners_[propName].push(callback); } public appStateOff(propName: string, callback: AppStateChangeCallback) { if (!this.appStateListeners_[propName]) { throw new Error('EventManager: Trying to unregister a state prop watch for a non-watched prop (1)'); } const idx = this.appStateListeners_[propName].indexOf(callback); if (idx < 0) throw new Error('EventManager: Trying to unregister a state prop watch for a non-watched prop (2)'); this.appStateListeners_[propName].splice(idx, 1); } private stateValue_(state: AppState, propName: string) { const parts = propName.split('.'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Partially refactored old code from before rule was applied. let s: any = state; for (const p of parts) { if (!(p in s)) throw new Error(`Invalid state property path: ${propName}`); s = s[p]; } return s; } // This function works by keeping a copy of the watched props and, whenever this function // is called, comparing the previous and new values and emitting events if they have changed. // The appStateEmit function should be called from a middleware. public appStateEmit(state: AppState) { if (!this.appStateWatchedProps_.length) return; for (const propName of this.appStateWatchedProps_) { let emit = false; const stateValue = this.stateValue_(state, propName); if (!(propName in this.appStatePrevious_) || this.appStatePrevious_[propName] !== stateValue) { this.appStatePrevious_[propName] = stateValue; emit = true; } if (emit) { const listeners = this.appStateListeners_[propName]; if (!listeners || !listeners.length) continue; const eventValue = Object.freeze(stateValue); for (const listener of listeners) { listener({ value: eventValue }); } } } } public once(eventName: Name, callback: EventListenerCallback) { return this.emitter_.once(eventName, callback); } // For testing only; only applies to listeners registered with .on. public listenerCounter_(event: EventName) { const initialListeners = this.emitter_.listeners(event); return { getCountRemoved: () => { const currentListeners = this.emitter_.listeners(event); let countRemoved = 0; for (const listener of initialListeners) { if (!currentListeners.includes(listener)) { countRemoved ++; } } return countRemoved; }, }; } } const eventManager = new EventManager(); export default eventManager;