const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js'); const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js'); const NoteResource = require('lib/models/NoteResource.js'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js'); const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils.js'); const pathUtils = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const { mime } = require('lib/mime-utils.js'); const { filename } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const { FsDriverDummy } = require('lib/fs-driver-dummy.js'); const { markdownUtils } = require('lib/markdown-utils.js'); const JoplinError = require('lib/JoplinError'); class Resource extends BaseItem { static tableName() { return 'resources'; } static modelType() { return BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE; } static encryptionService() { if (!this.encryptionService_) throw new Error('Resource.encryptionService_ is not set!!'); return this.encryptionService_; } static isSupportedImageMimeType(type) { const imageMimeTypes = ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"]; return imageMimeTypes.indexOf(type.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } static fsDriver() { if (!Resource.fsDriver_) Resource.fsDriver_ = new FsDriverDummy(); return Resource.fsDriver_; } static async serialize(item, type = null, shownKeys = null) { let fieldNames = this.fieldNames(); fieldNames.push('type_'); //fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'encryption_blob_encrypted'); return super.serialize(item, 'resource', fieldNames); } static filename(resource, encryptedBlob = false) { let extension = encryptedBlob ? 'crypted' : resource.file_extension; if (!extension) extension = resource.mime ? mime.toFileExtension(resource.mime) : ''; extension = extension ? ('.' + extension) : ''; return + extension; } static fullPath(resource, encryptedBlob = false) { return Setting.value('resourceDir') + '/' + this.filename(resource, encryptedBlob); } // For resources, we need to decrypt the item (metadata) and the resource binary blob. static async decrypt(item) { // The item might already be decrypted but not the blob (for instance if it crashes while // decrypting the blob or was otherwise interrupted). const decryptedItem = item.encryption_cipher_text ? await super.decrypt(item) : Object.assign({}, item); if (!decryptedItem.encryption_blob_encrypted) return decryptedItem; const plainTextPath = this.fullPath(decryptedItem); const encryptedPath = this.fullPath(decryptedItem, true); const noExtPath = pathUtils.dirname(encryptedPath) + '/' + pathUtils.filename(encryptedPath); // When the resource blob is downloaded by the synchroniser, it's initially a file with no // extension (since it's encrypted, so we don't know its extension). So here rename it // to a file with a ".crypted" extension so that it's better identified, and then decrypt it. // Potentially plainTextPath is also a path with no extension if it's an unknown mime type. if (await this.fsDriver().exists(noExtPath)) { await this.fsDriver().move(noExtPath, encryptedPath); } try { await this.encryptionService().decryptFile(encryptedPath, plainTextPath); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'invalidIdentifier') { // As the identifier is invalid it most likely means that this is not encrypted data // at all. It can happen for example when there's a crash between the moment the data // is decrypted and the resource item is updated. this.logger().warn('Found a resource that was most likely already decrypted but was marked as encrypted. Marked it as decrypted: ' + this.fsDriver().move(encryptedPath, plainTextPath); } else { throw error; } } decryptedItem.encryption_blob_encrypted = 0; return, { autoTimestamp: false }); } // Prepare the resource by encrypting it if needed. // The call returns the path to the physical file AND a representation of the resource object // as it should be uploaded to the sync target. Note that this may be different from what is stored // in the database. In particular, the flag encryption_blob_encrypted might be 1 on the sync target // if the resource is encrypted, but will be 0 locally because the device has the decrypted resource. static async fullPathForSyncUpload(resource) { const plainTextPath = this.fullPath(resource); if (!Setting.value('encryption.enabled')) { // Normally not possible since itemsThatNeedSync should only return decrypted items if (!!resource.encryption_blob_encrypted) throw new Error('Trying to access encrypted resource but encryption is currently disabled'); return { path: plainTextPath, resource: resource }; } const encryptedPath = this.fullPath(resource, true); if (resource.encryption_blob_encrypted) return { path: encryptedPath, resource: resource }; try { await this.encryptionService().encryptFile(plainTextPath, encryptedPath); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') throw new JoplinError('File not found:' + error.toString(), 'fileNotFound'); throw error; } const resourceCopy = Object.assign({}, resource); resourceCopy.encryption_blob_encrypted = 1; return { path: encryptedPath, resource: resourceCopy }; } static markdownTag(resource) { let tagAlt = resource.alt ? resource.alt : resource.title; if (!tagAlt) tagAlt = ''; let lines = []; if (Resource.isSupportedImageMimeType(resource.mime)) { lines.push("!["); lines.push(markdownUtils.escapeLinkText(tagAlt)); lines.push("](:/" + + ")"); } else { lines.push("["); lines.push(markdownUtils.escapeLinkText(tagAlt)); lines.push("](:/" + + ")"); } return lines.join(''); } static pathToId(path) { return filename(path); } static async content(resource) { return this.fsDriver().readFile(this.fullPath(resource), 'Buffer'); } static setContent(resource, content) { return this.fsDriver().writeBinaryFile(this.fullPath(resource), content); } static isResourceUrl(url) { return url && url.length === 34 && url[0] === ':' && url[1] === '/'; } static urlToId(url) { if (!this.isResourceUrl(url)) throw new Error('Not a valid resource URL: ' + url); return url.substr(2); } static async batchDelete(ids, options = null) { // For resources, there's not really batch deleting since there's the file data to delete // too, so each is processed one by one with the item being deleted last (since the db // call is the less likely to fail). for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { const id = ids[i]; const resource = await Resource.load(id); if (!resource) continue; const path = Resource.fullPath(resource); await this.fsDriver().remove(path); await super.batchDelete([id], options); await NoteResource.deleteByResource(id); // Clean up note/resource relationships } } } Resource.IMAGE_MAX_DIMENSION = 1920; module.exports = Resource;