const React = require("react"); const { connect } = require("react-redux"); const shared = require("lib/components/shared/side-menu-shared.js"); const { Synchronizer } = require("lib/synchronizer.js"); const BaseModel = require("lib/BaseModel.js"); const Folder = require("lib/models/Folder.js"); const Note = require("lib/models/Note.js"); const Tag = require("lib/models/Tag.js"); const { _ } = require("lib/locale.js"); const { themeStyle } = require("../theme.js"); const { bridge } = require("electron").remote.require("./bridge"); const Menu = bridge().Menu; const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem; const InteropServiceHelper = require("../InteropServiceHelper.js"); class SideBarComponent extends React.Component { style() { const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme); const itemHeight = 25; let style = { root: { backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor2, }, listItem: { height: itemHeight, fontFamily: theme.fontFamily, fontSize: theme.fontSize, textDecoration: "none", boxSizing: "border-box", color: theme.color2, paddingLeft: 14, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", cursor: "default", opacity: 0.8, whiteSpace: "nowrap", }, listItemSelected: { backgroundColor: theme.selectedColor2, }, conflictFolder: { color: theme.colorError2, fontWeight: "bold", }, header: { height: itemHeight * 1.8, fontFamily: theme.fontFamily, fontSize: theme.fontSize * 1.3, textDecoration: "none", boxSizing: "border-box", color: theme.color2, paddingLeft: 8, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", }, button: { padding: 6, fontFamily: theme.fontFamily, fontSize: theme.fontSize, textDecoration: "none", boxSizing: "border-box", color: theme.color2, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", border: "1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2)", marginTop: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, cursor: "default", }, syncReport: { fontFamily: theme.fontFamily, fontSize: Math.round(theme.fontSize * 0.9), color: theme.color2, opacity: 0.5, display: "flex", alignItems: "left", justifyContent: "top", flexDirection: "column", marginTop: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, minHeight: 70, wordWrap: "break-word", width: "100%", }, }; return style; } itemContextMenu(event) { const itemId ="data-id"); if (itemId === Folder.conflictFolderId()) return; const itemType = Number("data-type")); if (!itemId || !itemType) throw new Error("No data on element"); let deleteMessage = ""; if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) { deleteMessage = _("Delete notebook? All notes within this notebook will also be deleted."); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) { deleteMessage = _("Remove this tag from all the notes?"); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) { deleteMessage = _("Remove this search from the sidebar?"); } const menu = new Menu(); let item = null; if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) { item = BaseModel.byId(this.props.folders, itemId); } menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _("Delete"), click: async () => { const ok = bridge().showConfirmMessageBox(deleteMessage); if (!ok) return; if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) { await Folder.delete(itemId); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) { await Tag.untagAll(itemId); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) { this.props.dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_DELETE", id: itemId, }); } }, }) ); if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER && !item.encryption_applied) { menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _("Rename"), click: async () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: "WINDOW_COMMAND", name: "renameFolder", id: itemId, }); }, }) ); menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: "separator" })); const InteropService = require("lib/services/InteropService.js"); menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _("Export"), click: async () => { const ioService = new InteropService(); const module = ioService.moduleByFormat_("exporter", "jex"); await InteropServiceHelper.export(this.props.dispatch.bind(this), module, { sourceFolderIds: [itemId] }); }, }) ); } menu.popup(bridge().window()); } folderItem_click(folder) { this.props.dispatch({ type: "FOLDER_SELECT", id: folder ? : null, }); } tagItem_click(tag) { this.props.dispatch({ type: "TAG_SELECT", id: tag ? : null, }); } searchItem_click(search) { this.props.dispatch({ type: "SEARCH_SELECT", id: search ? : null, }); } async sync_click() { await shared.synchronize_press(this); } folderItem(folder, selected) { let style = Object.assign({},; if (selected) style = Object.assign(style,; if ( === Folder.conflictFolderId()) style = Object.assign(style,; const onDragOver = (event, folder) => { if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf("text/x-jop-note-ids") >= 0) event.preventDefault(); }; const onDrop = async (event, folder) => { if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf("text/x-jop-note-ids") < 0) return; event.preventDefault(); const noteIds = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text/x-jop-note-ids")); for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { await Note.moveToFolder(noteIds[i],; } }; const itemTitle = Folder.displayTitle(folder); return ( { onDragOver(event, folder); }} onDrop={event => { onDrop(event, folder); }} href="#" data-id={} data-type={BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER} onContextMenu={event => this.itemContextMenu(event)} key={} style={style} onClick={() => { this.folderItem_click(folder); }} > {itemTitle} ); } tagItem(tag, selected) { let style = Object.assign({},; if (selected) style = Object.assign(style,; return ( this.itemContextMenu(event)} key={} style={style} onClick={() => { this.tagItem_click(tag); }} > {Tag.displayTitle(tag)} ); } searchItem(search, selected) { let style = Object.assign({},; if (selected) style = Object.assign(style,; return ( this.itemContextMenu(event)} key={} style={style} onClick={() => { this.searchItem_click(search); }} > {search.title} ); } makeDivider(key) { return
; } makeHeader(key, label, iconName) { const style =; const icon = ; return (