import { BaseCommand } from './base-command.js'; import { app } from './app.js'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; import { BaseModel } from 'lib/base-model.js'; import { Folder } from 'lib/models/folder.js'; import { Note } from 'lib/models/note.js'; import { Resource } from 'lib/models/resource.js'; import { uuid } from 'lib/uuid.js'; import { filename } from 'lib/path-utils.js'; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const mime = require('mime/lite'); const sharp = require('sharp'); class Command extends BaseCommand { usage() { return 'attach '; } description() { return _('Attaches the given file to the note.'); } resizeImage_(filePath, targetPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sharp(filePath) .resize(Resource.IMAGE_MAX_DIMENSION, Resource.IMAGE_MAX_DIMENSION) .max() .withoutEnlargement() .toFile(targetPath, (err, info) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(info); } }); }); } async action(args) { let title = args['note']; let note = await app().loadItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, title, { parent: app().currentFolder() }); if (!note) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', title)); const localFilePath = args['file']; if (!(await fs.pathExists(localFilePath))) throw new Error(_('Cannot access %s', localFilePath)); let resource =; = uuid.create(); resource.mime = mime.getType(localFilePath); resource.title = filename(localFilePath); let targetPath = Resource.fullPath(resource); if (resource.mime == 'image/jpeg' || resource.mime == 'image/jpg' || resource.mime == 'image/png') { const result = await this.resizeImage_(localFilePath, targetPath); this.logger().info(result); } else { await fs.copy(localFilePath, targetPath, { overwrite: true }); } await, { isNew: true }); note.body += "\n" + Resource.markdownTag(resource); await; } } module.exports = Command;