const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js'); const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js'); const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js'); const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js'); const NoteTag = require('lib/models/NoteTag.js'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); const { basename, filename } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const md5 = require('md5'); const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim'); const { fileExtension } = require('lib/path-utils'); const { uuid } = require('lib/uuid.js'); async function temporaryDirectory(createIt) { const tempDir = require('os').tmpdir() + '/' + md5(Math.random() +; if (createIt) await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); return tempDir; } class RawExporter { async init(destDir) { this.destDir_ = destDir; this.resourceDir_ = destDir ? destDir + '/resources' : null; await fs.mkdirp(this.destDir_); await fs.mkdirp(this.resourceDir_); } async processItem(ItemClass, item) { const serialized = await ItemClass.serialize(item); const filePath = this.destDir_ + '/' + ItemClass.systemPath(item); await fs.writeFile(filePath, serialized); } async processResource(resource, filePath) { const destResourcePath = this.resourceDir_ + '/' + basename(filePath); await fs.copyFile(filePath, destResourcePath, { overwrite: true }); } async close() {} } class JexExporter { async init(destPath) { if (await shim.fsDriver().isDirectory(destPath)) throw new Error('Path is a directory: ' + destPath); this.tempDir_ = await temporaryDirectory(false); this.destPath_ = destPath; this.rawExporter_ = new RawExporter(); await this.rawExporter_.init(this.tempDir_); } async processItem(ItemClass, item) { return this.rawExporter_.processItem(ItemClass, item); } async processResource(resource, filePath) { return this.rawExporter_.processResource(resource, filePath); } async close() { const stats = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(this.tempDir_, { recursive: true }); const filePaths = => a.path); await require('tar').create({ strict: true, portable: true, file: this.destPath_, cwd: this.tempDir_, }, filePaths); await fs.remove(this.tempDir_); } } class RawImporter { async init(sourceDir, options) { this.sourceDir_ = sourceDir; this.options_ = options; } async exec(result) { const noteIdMap = {}; const folderIdMap = {}; const resourceIdMap = {}; const tagIdMap = {}; const createdResources = {}; const noteTagsToCreate = []; const destinationFolderId = this.options_.destinationFolderId; const replaceResourceNoteIds = (noteBody) => { let output = noteBody; const resourceIds = Note.linkedResourceIds(noteBody); for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) { const id = resourceIds[i]; if (!resourceIdMap[id]) resourceIdMap[id] = uuid.create(); output = output.replace(new RegExp(id, 'gi'), resourceIdMap[id]); } return output; } const stats = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(this.sourceDir_); for (let i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { const stat = stats[i]; if (stat.isDirectory()) continue; if (fileExtension(stat.path).toLowerCase() !== 'md') continue; const content = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(this.sourceDir_ + '/' + stat.path); let item = await BaseItem.unserialize(content); const itemType = item.type_; const ItemClass = BaseItem.itemClass(item); delete item.type_; if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) { if (!folderIdMap[item.parent_id]) folderIdMap[item.parent_id] = destinationFolderId ? destinationFolderId : uuid.create(); const noteId = uuid.create(); noteIdMap[] = noteId; = noteId; item.parent_id = folderIdMap[item.parent_id]; item.body = replaceResourceNoteIds(item.body); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) { if (destinationFolderId) continue; if (!folderIdMap[]) folderIdMap[] = uuid.create(); = folderIdMap[]; item.title = await Folder.findUniqueFolderTitle(item.title); } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) { if (!resourceIdMap[]) resourceIdMap[] = uuid.create(); = resourceIdMap[]; createdResources[] = item; } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) { const tag = await Tag.loadByTitle(item.title); if (tag) { tagIdMap[] =; continue; } const tagId = uuid.create(); tagIdMap[] = tagId; = tagId; } else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG) { noteTagsToCreate.push(item); continue; } await, { isNew: true, autoTimestamp: false }); } for (let i = 0; i < noteTagsToCreate.length; i++) { const noteTag = noteTagsToCreate[i]; const newNoteId = noteIdMap[noteTag.note_id]; const newTagId = tagIdMap[noteTag.tag_id]; if (!newNoteId) { result.warnings.push(sprintf('Non-existent note %s referenced in tag %s', noteTag.note_id, noteTag.tag_id)); continue; } if (!newTagId) { result.warnings.push(sprintf('Non-existent tag %s for note %s', noteTag.tag_id, noteTag.note_id)); continue; } = uuid.create(); noteTag.note_id = newNoteId; noteTag.tag_id = newTagId; await, { isNew: true }); } const resourceStats = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(this.sourceDir_ + '/resources'); for (let i = 0; i < resourceStats.length; i++) { const resourceFilePath = this.sourceDir_ + '/resources/' + resourceStats[i].path; const oldId = Resource.pathToId(resourceFilePath); const newId = resourceIdMap[oldId]; if (!newId) { result.warnings.push(sprintf('Resource file is not referenced in any note and so was not imported: %s', oldId)); continue; } const resource = createdResources[newId]; const destPath = Resource.fullPath(resource); await shim.fsDriver().copy(resourceFilePath, destPath); } return result; } } class JexImporter { async init(sourcePath, options) { this.sourcePath_ = sourcePath; this.options_ = options; } async exec(result) { const tempDir = await temporaryDirectory(true); await require('tar').extract({ strict: true, portable: true, file: this.sourcePath_, cwd: tempDir, }); const importer = newImporter('raw'); await importer.init(tempDir, this.options_); result = await importer.exec(result); await fs.remove(tempDir); return result; } } class MdImporter { async init(sourcePath, options) { this.sourcePath_ = sourcePath; this.options_ = options; } async exec(result) { if (!this.options_.destinationFolder) throw new Error('Destination folder must be specified'); const parentFolderId =; const filePaths = []; if (await shim.fsDriver().isDirectory(this.sourcePath_)) { const stats = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(this.sourcePath_); for (let i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { const stat = stats[i]; if (fileExtension(stat.path).toLowerCase() === 'md') { filePaths.push(this.sourcePath_ + '/' + stat.path); } } } else { filePaths.push(this.sourcePath_); } for (let i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) { const path = filePaths[i]; const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(path); if (!stat) throw new Error('Cannot read ' + path); const title = filename(path); const body = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(path); const note = { parent_id: parentFolderId, title: title, body: body, updated_time: stat.mtime.getTime(), created_time: stat.birthtime.getTime(), user_updated_time: stat.mtime.getTime(), user_created_time: stat.birthtime.getTime(), }; await, { autoTimestamp: false }); } return result; } } function newExporter(format) { if (format === 'raw') { return new RawExporter(); } else if (format === 'jex') { return new JexExporter(); } else { throw new Error('Unknown format: ' + format); } } function newImporter(format) { if (format === 'raw') { return new RawImporter(); } else if (format === 'jex') { return new JexImporter(); } else if (format === 'md') { return new MdImporter(); } else { throw new Error('Unknown format: ' + format); } } class InteropService { async import(options) { options = Object.assign({}, { format: 'auto', destinationFolderId: null, destinationFolder: null, }, options); if (options.format === 'auto') { const ext = fileExtension(options.path); if (ext.toLowerCase() === 'jex') { options.format = 'jex'; } else { throw new Error('Cannot automatically detect source format from path: ' + options.path); } } if (options.destinationFolderId) { const folder = await Folder.load(options.destinationFolderId); if (!folder) throw new Error('Notebook not found: ' + options.destinationFolderId); options.destinationFolder = folder; } let result = { warnings: [] } const importer = newImporter(options.format); await importer.init(options.path, options); result = await importer.exec(result); return result; } async export(options) { const exportPath = options.path ? options.path : null; const sourceFolderIds = options.sourceFolderIds ? options.sourceFolderIds : []; const sourceNoteIds = options.sourceNoteIds ? options.sourceNoteIds : []; const exportFormat = options.format ? options.format : 'jex'; const result = { warnings: [] } const itemsToExport = []; const queueExportItem = (itemType, itemOrId) => { itemsToExport.push({ type: itemType, itemOrId: itemOrId }); } let exportedNoteIds = []; let resourceIds = []; const folderIds = await Folder.allIds(); for (let folderIndex = 0; folderIndex < folderIds.length; folderIndex++) { const folderId = folderIds[folderIndex]; if (sourceFolderIds.length && sourceFolderIds.indexOf(folderId) < 0) continue; if (!sourceNoteIds.length) await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folderId); const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(folderId); for (let noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < noteIds.length; noteIndex++) { const noteId = noteIds[noteIndex]; if (sourceNoteIds.length && sourceNoteIds.indexOf(noteId) < 0) continue; const note = await Note.load(noteId); await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note); exportedNoteIds.push(noteId); const rids = Note.linkedResourceIds(note.body); resourceIds = resourceIds.concat(rids); } } for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) { await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, resourceIds[i]); } const noteTags = await NoteTag.all(); let exportedTagIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < noteTags.length; i++) { const noteTag = noteTags[i]; if (exportedNoteIds.indexOf(noteTag.note_id) < 0) continue; await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG,; exportedTagIds.push(noteTag.tag_id); } for (let i = 0; i < exportedTagIds.length; i++) { await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, exportedTagIds[i]); } const exporter = newExporter(exportFormat); await exporter.init(exportPath); for (let i = 0; i < itemsToExport.length; i++) { const itemType = itemsToExport[i].type; const ItemClass = BaseItem.getClassByItemType(itemType); const itemOrId = itemsToExport[i].itemOrId; const item = typeof itemOrId === 'object' ? itemOrId : await ItemClass.load(itemOrId); if (!item) { if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) { result.warnings.push(sprintf('A resource that does not exist is referenced in a note. The resource was skipped. Resource ID: %s', itemOrId)); } else { result.warnings.push(sprintf('Cannot find item with type "%s" and ID %s. Item was skipped.', ItemClass.tableName(), JSON.stringify(itemOrId))); } continue; } await exporter.processItem(ItemClass, item); if (itemType == BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) { const resourcePath = Resource.fullPath(item); await exporter.processResource(item, resourcePath); } } await exporter.close(); return result; } } module.exports = InteropService;