const TurndownService = require('@joplin/turndown'); const turndownPluginGfm = require('@joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm').gfm; import markdownUtils from './markdownUtils'; const pdfUrlRegex = /[\s\S]*?\.pdf$/i; export interface ParseOptions { anchorNames?: string[]; preserveImageTagsWithSize?: boolean; baseUrl?: string; disableEscapeContent?: boolean; convertEmbeddedPdfsToLinks?: boolean; } export default class HtmlToMd { public parse(html: string, options: ParseOptions = {}) { const turndownOpts: any = { headingStyle: 'atx', anchorNames: options.anchorNames ? => n.trim().toLowerCase()) : [], codeBlockStyle: 'fenced', preserveImageTagsWithSize: !!options.preserveImageTagsWithSize, bulletListMarker: '-', emDelimiter: '*', strongDelimiter: '**', br: '', disableEscapeContent: 'disableEscapeContent' in options ? options.disableEscapeContent : false, }; if (options.convertEmbeddedPdfsToLinks) { // Turndown ignores empty <object> tags, so we need to handle this case seperately // turndownOpts.blankReplacement = (content: string, node: any) => { if (node.matches('object')) { return pdfRule.replacement(content, node, {}); } return '\n\n'; }; } const turndown = new TurndownService(turndownOpts); turndown.use(turndownPluginGfm); turndown.remove('script'); turndown.remove('style'); const pdfRule = { filter: ['embed', 'object'], replacement: function(_content: string, node: any, _options: any) { // We are setting embedded_pdf as name so that we can later distingish them from normal links and create resources for them. if (node.matches('embed') && node.getAttribute('src') && pdfUrlRegex.test(node.getAttribute('src'))) { return `[embedded_pdf](${node.getAttribute('src')})`; } else if (node.matches('object') && node.getAttribute('data') && pdfUrlRegex.test(node.getAttribute('data'))) { return `[embedded_pdf](${node.getAttribute('data')})`; } return ''; }, }; if (options.convertEmbeddedPdfsToLinks) { turndown.addRule('pdf', pdfRule); } let md = turndown.turndown(html); if (options.baseUrl) md = markdownUtils.prependBaseUrl(md, options.baseUrl); return md; } }