import * as Knex from 'knex'; import { DatabaseConfig } from './utils/types'; import * as pathUtils from 'path'; import time from '@joplin/lib/time'; import Logger from '@joplin/lib/Logger'; // Make sure bigInteger values are numbers and not strings // // // // In our case, all bigInteger are timestamps, which JavaScript can handle // fine as numbers. require('pg').types.setTypeParser(20, function(val: any) { return parseInt(val, 10); }); const logger = Logger.create('db'); const migrationDir = `${__dirname}/migrations`; const sqliteDbDir = pathUtils.dirname(__dirname); export type DbConnection = Knex; export interface DbConfigConnection { host?: string; port?: number; user?: string; database?: string; filename?: string; password?: string; } export interface KnexDatabaseConfig { client: string; connection: DbConfigConnection; useNullAsDefault?: boolean; asyncStackTraces?: boolean; } export interface ConnectionCheckResult { isCreated: boolean; error: any; latestMigration: any; connection: DbConnection; } export function sqliteFilePath(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig): string { return `${sqliteDbDir}/db-${}.sqlite`; } export function makeKnexConfig(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig): KnexDatabaseConfig { const connection: DbConfigConnection = {}; if (dbConfig.client === 'sqlite3') { connection.filename = sqliteFilePath(dbConfig); } else { connection.database =; =; connection.port = dbConfig.port; connection.user = dbConfig.user; connection.password = dbConfig.password; } return { client: dbConfig.client, useNullAsDefault: dbConfig.client === 'sqlite3', asyncStackTraces: dbConfig.asyncStackTraces, connection, }; } export async function waitForConnection(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig): Promise { const timeout = 30000; const startTime =; let lastError = { message: '' }; while (true) { try { const connection = await connectDb(dbConfig); const check = await connectionCheck(connection); if (check.error) throw check.error; return check; } catch (error) {'Could not connect. Will try again.', error.message); lastError = error; } if ( - startTime > timeout) { logger.error('Timeout trying to connect to database:', lastError); throw new Error(`Timeout trying to connect to database. Last error was: ${lastError.message}`); } await time.msleep(1000); } } export async function connectDb(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig): Promise { return require('knex')(makeKnexConfig(dbConfig)); } export async function disconnectDb(db: DbConnection) { await db.destroy(); } export async function migrateDb(db: DbConnection) { await db.migrate.latest({ directory: migrationDir, // Disable transactions because the models might open one too disableTransactions: true, }); } function allTableNames(): string[] { const tableNames = Object.keys(databaseSchema); tableNames.push('knex_migrations'); tableNames.push('knex_migrations_lock'); return tableNames; } export async function dropTables(db: DbConnection): Promise { for (const tableName of allTableNames()) { try { await db.schema.dropTable(tableName); } catch (error) { if (isNoSuchTableError(error)) continue; throw error; } } } function isNoSuchTableError(error: any): boolean { if (error) { // Postgres error: 42P01: undefined_table if (error.code === '42P01') return true; // Sqlite3 error if (error.message && error.message.includes('no such table: knex_migrations')) return true; } return false; } export async function latestMigration(db: DbConnection): Promise { try { const result = await db('knex_migrations').select('name').orderBy('id', 'asc').first(); return result; } catch (error) { // If the database has never been initialized, we return null, so // for this we need to check the error code, which will be // different depending on the DBMS. if (isNoSuchTableError(error)) return null; throw error; } } export async function connectionCheck(db: DbConnection): Promise { try { const result = await latestMigration(db); return { latestMigration: result, isCreated: !!result, error: null, connection: db, }; } catch (error) { return { latestMigration: null, isCreated: false, error: error, connection: null, }; } } export type Uuid = string; export enum ItemAddressingType { Id = 1, Path, } export enum ItemType { File = 1, User, } export enum ChangeType { Create = 1, Update = 2, Delete = 3, } export interface WithDates { updated_time?: number; created_time?: number; } export interface WithUuid { id?: string; } interface DatabaseTableColumn { type: string; } interface DatabaseTable { [key: string]: DatabaseTableColumn; } interface DatabaseTables { [key: string]: DatabaseTable; } // AUTO-GENERATED-TYPES // Auto-generated using `npm run generate-types` export interface User extends WithDates, WithUuid { email?: string; password?: string; full_name?: string; is_admin?: number; } export interface Session extends WithDates, WithUuid { user_id?: Uuid; auth_code?: string; } export interface Permission extends WithDates, WithUuid { user_id?: Uuid; item_type?: ItemType; item_id?: Uuid; can_read?: number; can_write?: number; } export interface File extends WithDates, WithUuid { owner_id?: Uuid; name?: string; content?: Buffer; mime_type?: string; size?: number; is_directory?: number; is_root?: number; parent_id?: Uuid; } export interface Change extends WithDates, WithUuid { counter?: number; owner_id?: Uuid; item_type?: ItemType; parent_id?: Uuid; item_id?: Uuid; item_name?: string; type?: ChangeType; } export interface ApiClient extends WithDates, WithUuid { name?: string; secret?: string; } export const databaseSchema: DatabaseTables = { users: { id: { type: 'string' }, email: { type: 'string' }, password: { type: 'string' }, full_name: { type: 'string' }, is_admin: { type: 'number' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, sessions: { id: { type: 'string' }, user_id: { type: 'string' }, auth_code: { type: 'string' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, permissions: { id: { type: 'string' }, user_id: { type: 'string' }, item_type: { type: 'number' }, item_id: { type: 'string' }, can_read: { type: 'number' }, can_write: { type: 'number' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, files: { id: { type: 'string' }, owner_id: { type: 'string' }, name: { type: 'string' }, content: { type: 'any' }, mime_type: { type: 'string' }, size: { type: 'number' }, is_directory: { type: 'number' }, is_root: { type: 'number' }, parent_id: { type: 'string' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, changes: { counter: { type: 'number' }, id: { type: 'string' }, owner_id: { type: 'string' }, item_type: { type: 'number' }, parent_id: { type: 'string' }, item_id: { type: 'string' }, item_name: { type: 'string' }, type: { type: 'number' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, api_clients: { id: { type: 'string' }, name: { type: 'string' }, secret: { type: 'string' }, updated_time: { type: 'string' }, created_time: { type: 'string' }, }, }; // AUTO-GENERATED-TYPES