import * as React from 'react'; import { createTempDir, mockMobilePlatform, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient } from '@joplin/lib/testing/test-utils'; import { act, fireEvent, render, screen, userEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import '@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect'; import PluginService, { PluginSettings, defaultPluginSetting } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService'; import pluginServiceSetup from './testUtils/pluginServiceSetup'; import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { join } from 'path'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import { resetRepoApi } from './utils/useRepoApi'; import { Store } from 'redux'; import { AppState } from '../../../../utils/types'; import createMockReduxStore from '../../../../utils/testing/createMockReduxStore'; import WrappedPluginStates from './testUtils/WrappedPluginStates'; import mockRepositoryApiConstructor from './testUtils/mockRepositoryApiConstructor'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; let reduxStore: Store = null; const loadMockPlugin = async (id: string, name: string, version: string, pluginSettings: PluginSettings) => { const service = PluginService.instance(); const pluginSource = ` /* joplin-manifest: ${JSON.stringify({ id, manifest_version: 1, app_min_version: '1.4', name, description: 'Test plugin', platforms: ['mobile', 'desktop'], version, homepage_url: '', })} */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { }, }); `; const pluginPath = join(await createTempDir(), 'plugin.js'); await writeFile(pluginPath, pluginSource, 'utf-8'); await act(async () => { await service.loadAndRunPlugins([pluginPath], pluginSettings); }); }; const abcPluginId = 'org.joplinapp.plugins.AbcSheetMusic'; const backlinksPluginId = 'joplin.plugin.ambrt.backlinksToNote'; describe('PluginStates.installed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { jest.useRealTimers(); await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(0); await switchClient(0); reduxStore = createMockReduxStore(); pluginServiceSetup(reduxStore); resetRepoApi(); await mockMobilePlatform('android'); await mockRepositoryApiConstructor(); // Fake timers are necessary to prevent a warning. jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(async () => { for (const pluginId of PluginService.instance().pluginIds) { await act(() => PluginService.instance().unloadPlugin(pluginId)); } jest.useRealTimers(); }); it.each([ 'android', 'ios', ])('should not allow updating a plugin that is not recommended on iOS, but should on Android (on %s)', async (platform) => { await mockMobilePlatform(platform); expect(shim.mobilePlatform()).toBe(platform); await mockRepositoryApiConstructor(); const defaultPluginSettings: PluginSettings = { [abcPluginId]: defaultPluginSetting(), [backlinksPluginId]: defaultPluginSetting(), }; // Load an outdated recommended plugin await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', '0.0.1', defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[abcPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); // Load a plugin not marked as recommended await loadMockPlugin(backlinksPluginId, 'Backlinks to note', '0.0.1', defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[backlinksPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); const wrapper = render( , ); expect(await screen.findByText(/^ABC Sheet Music/)).toBeVisible(); expect(await screen.findByText(/^Backlinks to note/)).toBeVisible(); const updateMarkers = await screen.findAllByText('Update available'); // Backlinks to note should not be updatable on iOS (it's not _recommended). // ABC Sheet Music should always be updatable if (platform === 'android') { expect(updateMarkers).toHaveLength(2); } else { expect(updateMarkers).toHaveLength(1); } wrapper.unmount(); }); it('should show the current plugin version on updatable plugins', async () => { const defaultPluginSettings: PluginSettings = { [abcPluginId]: defaultPluginSetting() }; const outdatedVersion = '0.0.1'; await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', outdatedVersion, defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[abcPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); const wrapper = render( , ); const abcSheetMusicCard = await screen.findByText(/^ABC Sheet Music/); expect(abcSheetMusicCard).toBeVisible(); expect(await screen.findByText('Update available')).toBeVisible(); expect(await screen.findByText(`v${outdatedVersion}`)).toBeVisible(); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('should update the list of installed plugins when a plugin is installed and uninstalled', async () => { const pluginSettings: PluginSettings = { }; const wrapper = render( , ); // Initially, no plugins should be installed expect(screen.queryByText('Installed (0):')).toBeNull(); const testPluginId1 = 'org.joplinapp.plugins.AbcSheetMusic'; const testPluginId2 = ''; await act(() => loadMockPlugin(testPluginId1, 'ABC Sheet Music', '1.2.3', pluginSettings)); await act(() => loadMockPlugin(testPluginId2, 'A test plugin', '1.0.0', pluginSettings)); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[testPluginId1]).toBeTruthy(); // Should update the list of installed plugins even though the plugin settings didn't change. expect(await screen.findByText(/^ABC Sheet Music/)).toBeVisible(); expect(await screen.findByText(/^A test plugin/)).toBeVisible(); // Uninstalling one plugin should keep the other in the list await act(() => PluginService.instance().uninstallPlugin(testPluginId1)); expect(await screen.findByText(/^A test plugin/)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.queryByText(/^ABC Sheet Music/)).toBeNull(); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('should support disabling plugins from the info modal', async () => { const defaultPluginSettings: PluginSettings = { [abcPluginId]: defaultPluginSetting() }; await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', '1.2.3', defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[abcPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); const wrapper = render( , ); const card = await screen.findByText('ABC Sheet Music'); const user = userEvent.setup(); // Open the plugin dialog await; const enabledSwitch = await screen.findByLabelText('Enabled'); expect(enabledSwitch).toBeVisible(); // Use fireEvent instead of -- .press doesn't seem to work // for Switches. Similar issue: fireEvent(enabledSwitch, 'valueChange', false); // The plugin should now be disabled await waitFor(() => { expect(Setting.value('plugins.states')).toMatchObject({ [abcPluginId]: { enabled: false }, }); }); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('should support updating plugins from the info modal', async () => { await mockRepositoryApiConstructor(); const defaultPluginSettings: PluginSettings = { [abcPluginId]: defaultPluginSetting(), }; // Load an outdated recommended plugin await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', '0.0.1', defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[abcPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); const wrapper = render( , ); // Open the plugin dialog const card = await screen.findByText('ABC Sheet Music'); const user = userEvent.setup(); await; const updateButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Update' }); expect(updateButton).toBeVisible(); await; // After updating, the update button should read "updated". Use a large // timeout because updating plugins can be slow, particularly in CI. const updatedButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Updated', disabled: true }, { timeout: 16000 }); expect(updatedButton).toBeVisible(); // Should be marked as updated. await waitFor(() => { expect(Setting.value('plugins.states')).toMatchObject({ [abcPluginId]: { enabled: true, hasBeenUpdated: true }, }); }); // Simulate the behavior of the plugin loader -- unloading and reloading plugins is generally // handled elsewhere. This does, however, help verify that the verison number changes correctly // in the UI. await act(async () => { await PluginService.instance().unloadPlugin(abcPluginId); await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', '0.0.2', defaultPluginSettings); }); // Version should change in two places -- the plugin list and the modal. await waitFor(() => { const versionText = screen.getAllByText('v0.0.2'); expect(versionText).toHaveLength(2); }); wrapper.unmount(); }); it('should be possible to disable plugins, even if missing from plugins.states', async () => { await mockRepositoryApiConstructor(); const defaultPluginSettings: PluginSettings = {}; await loadMockPlugin(abcPluginId, 'ABC Sheet Music', '3.4.5', defaultPluginSettings); expect(PluginService.instance().plugins[abcPluginId]).toBeTruthy(); const wrapper = render( , ); // Should be shown as installed. const card = await screen.findByText('ABC Sheet Music'); expect(card).toBeVisible(); const user = userEvent.setup(); await; // Should be considered installed -- should be possible to disable: const enabledSwitch = await screen.findByLabelText('Enabled'); expect(enabledSwitch).toBeVisible(); fireEvent(enabledSwitch, 'valueChange', false); // Disabling should add the plugin to plugins.states, if not present before. await waitFor(() => { expect(Setting.value('plugins.states')).toMatchObject({ [abcPluginId]: { enabled: false }, }); }); wrapper.unmount(); }); });