'use strict'; // Dependencies: // // sudo apt install gettext sudo apt install translate-toolkit // // gettext v21+ is required as versions before that have bugs when parsing // JavaScript template strings which means we would lose translations. const rootDir = `${__dirname}/../..`; const markdownUtils = require('@joplin/lib/markdownUtils').default; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const gettextParser = require('gettext-parser'); const localesDir = `${__dirname}/locales`; const libDir = `${rootDir}/packages/lib`; const { execCommand, isMac, insertContentIntoFile, filename, fileExtension } = require('./tool-utils.js'); const { countryDisplayName, countryCodeOnly } = require('@joplin/lib/locale'); function parsePoFile(filePath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath); return gettextParser.po.parse(content); } function serializeTranslation(translation) { const output = {}; const translations = translation.translations['']; for (const n in translations) { if (!translations.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; if (n == '') continue; const t = translations[n]; let translated = ''; if (t.comments && t.comments.flag && t.comments.flag.indexOf('fuzzy') >= 0) { // Don't include fuzzy translations } else { translated = t['msgstr'][0]; } if (translated) output[n] = translated; } return JSON.stringify(output); } function saveToFile(filePath, data) { fs.writeFileSync(filePath, data); } function buildLocale(inputFile, outputFile) { const r = parsePoFile(inputFile); const translation = serializeTranslation(r); saveToFile(outputFile, translation); } function executablePath(file) { const potentialPaths = [ '/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin/', '/opt/local/bin/', '/usr/local/bin/', ]; for (const path of potentialPaths) { const pathFile = path + file; if (fs.existsSync(pathFile)) { return pathFile; } } throw new Error(`${file} could not be found. Please install via brew or MacPorts.\n`); } async function removePoHeaderDate(filePath) { let sedPrefix = 'sed -i'; if (isMac()) sedPrefix += ' ""'; // Note: on macOS it has to be 'sed -i ""' (BSD quirk) await execCommand(`${sedPrefix} -e'/POT-Creation-Date:/d' "${filePath}"`); await execCommand(`${sedPrefix} -e'/PO-Revision-Date:/d' "${filePath}"`); } async function createPotFile(potFilePath) { const excludedDirs = [ './.git/*', './.github/*', './**/node_modules/*', './Assets/*', './docs/*', './Assets/TinyMCE/*', './node_modules/*', './packages/app-cli/build/*', './packages/app-cli/locales-build/*', './packages/app-cli/locales/*', './packages/app-cli/tests-build/*', './packages/app-cli/tests/*', './packages/app-clipper/*', './packages/fork-*/*', './packages/app-desktop/dist/*', './packages/app-desktop/gui/note-viewer/pluginAssets/*', './packages/app-desktop/gui/style/*', './packages/app-desktop/lib/*', './packages/app-desktop/pluginAssets/*', './packages/app-desktop/tools/*', './packages/app-mobile/android/*', './packages/app-mobile/ios/*', './packages/app-mobile/pluginAssets/*', './packages/app-mobile/tools/*', './packages/renderer/assets/*', './packages/tools/*', './patches/*', './readme/*', ]; const findCommand = `find . -iname '*.js' -not -path '${excludedDirs.join('\' -not -path \'')}'`; process.chdir(rootDir); const files = (await execCommand(findCommand)).split('\n'); const baseArgs = []; baseArgs.push('--from-code=utf-8'); baseArgs.push(`--output="${potFilePath}"`); baseArgs.push('--language=JavaScript'); baseArgs.push('--copyright-holder="Laurent Cozic"'); baseArgs.push('--package-name=Joplin'); baseArgs.push('--package-version=1.0.0'); // baseArgs.push('--no-location'); baseArgs.push('--keyword=_n:1,2'); let args = baseArgs.slice(); args = args.concat(files); let xgettextPath = 'xgettext'; if (isMac()) xgettextPath = executablePath('xgettext'); // Needs to have been installed with `brew install gettext` const cmd = `${xgettextPath} ${args.join(' ')}`; const result = await execCommand(cmd); if (result) console.error(result); await removePoHeaderDate(potFilePath); } async function mergePotToPo(potFilePath, poFilePath) { let msgmergePath = 'msgmerge'; if (isMac()) msgmergePath = executablePath('msgmerge'); // Needs to have been installed with `brew install gettext` const command = `${msgmergePath} -U "${poFilePath}" "${potFilePath}"`; const result = await execCommand(command); if (result) console.error(result); await removePoHeaderDate(poFilePath); } function buildIndex(locales, stats) { const output = []; output.push('var locales = {};'); output.push('var stats = {};'); for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const locale = locales[i]; output.push(`locales['${locale}'] = require('./${locale}.json');`); } for (let i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { const stat = Object.assign({}, stats[i]); const locale = stat.locale; delete stat.locale; delete stat.translatorName; delete stat.languageName; delete stat.untranslatedCount; output.push(`stats['${locale}'] = ${JSON.stringify(stat)};`); } output.push('module.exports = { locales: locales, stats: stats };'); return output.join('\n'); } function availableLocales(defaultLocale) { const output = [defaultLocale]; fs.readdirSync(localesDir).forEach((path) => { if (fileExtension(path) !== 'po') return; const locale = filename(path); if (locale === defaultLocale) return; output.push(locale); }); return output; } function extractTranslator(regex, poContent) { const translatorMatch = poContent.match(regex); let translatorName = ''; if (translatorMatch && translatorMatch.length >= 1) { translatorName = translatorMatch[1]; translatorName = translatorName.replace(/["\s]+$/, ''); translatorName = translatorName.replace(/\\n$/, ''); translatorName = translatorName.replace(/^\s*/, ''); } if (translatorName.indexOf('FULL NAME') >= 0) return ''; if (translatorName.indexOf('LL@li.org') >= 0) return ''; return translatorName; } function translatorNameToMarkdown(translatorName) { const matches = translatorName.match(/^(.*?)\s*\((.*)\)$/); if (!matches) return translatorName; return `[${markdownUtils.escapeTitleText(matches[1])}](mailto:${markdownUtils.escapeLinkUrl(matches[2])})`; } async function translationStatus(isDefault, poFile) { // "apt install translate-toolkit" to have pocount let pocountPath = 'pocount'; if (isMac()) pocountPath = executablePath('pocount'); const command = `${pocountPath} "${poFile}"`; const result = await execCommand(command); const matches = result.match(/Translated:\s*?(\d+)\s*\((.+?)%\)/); if (!matches || matches.length < 3) throw new Error(`Cannot extract status: ${command}:\n${result}`); const percentDone = Number(matches[2]); if (isNaN(percentDone)) throw new Error(`Cannot extract percent translated: ${command}:\n${result}`); const untranslatedMatches = result.match(/Untranslated:\s*?(\d+)/); if (!untranslatedMatches) throw new Error(`Cannot extract untranslated: ${command}:\n${result}`); const untranslatedCount = Number(untranslatedMatches[1]); let translatorName = ''; const content = await fs.readFile(poFile, 'utf-8'); translatorName = extractTranslator(/Last-Translator:\s*?(.*)/, content); if (!translatorName) { translatorName = extractTranslator(/Language-Team:\s*?(.*)/, content); } // Remove <> around email otherwise it's converted to HTML with (apparently) non-deterministic // encoding, so it changes on every update. translatorName = translatorName.replace(/ /, ')'); // Some users have very long names and very long email addresses and in that case gettext // records it over several lines, and here we only have the first line. So if we're having a broken // email, add a closing ')' so that at least rendering works fine. if (translatorName.indexOf('(') >= 0 && translatorName.indexOf(')') < 0) translatorName += ')'; translatorName = translatorNameToMarkdown(translatorName); const isAlways100 = poFile.endsWith('en_US.po'); return { percentDone: isDefault || isAlways100 ? 100 : percentDone, translatorName: translatorName, untranslatedCount: untranslatedCount, }; } function flagImageUrl(locale) { const baseUrl = 'https://joplinapp.org/images/flags'; if (locale === 'ar') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/arableague.png`; if (locale === 'eu') return `${baseUrl}/es/basque_country.png`; if (locale === 'gl_ES') return `${baseUrl}/es/galicia.png`; if (locale === 'ca') return `${baseUrl}/es/catalonia.png`; if (locale === 'ko') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/kr.png`; if (locale === 'sv') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/se.png`; if (locale === 'nb_NO') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/no.png`; if (locale === 'ro') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/ro.png`; if (locale === 'vi') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/vi.png`; if (locale === 'fa') return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/ir.png`; if (locale === 'eo') return `${baseUrl}/esperanto.png`; return `${baseUrl}/country-4x3/${countryCodeOnly(locale).toLowerCase()}.png`; } function poFileUrl(locale) { return `https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/blob/dev/packages/tools/locales/${locale}.po`; } function translationStatusToMdTable(status) { const output = []; output.push([' ', 'Language', 'Po File', 'Last translator', 'Percent done'].join(' | ')); output.push(['---', '---', '---', '---', '---'].join('|')); for (let i = 0; i < status.length; i++) { const stat = status[i]; const flagUrl = flagImageUrl(stat.locale); output.push([`![](${flagUrl})`, stat.languageName, `[${stat.locale}](${poFileUrl(stat.locale)})`, stat.translatorName, `${stat.percentDone}%`].join(' | ')); } return output.join('\n'); } async function updateReadmeWithStats(stats) { await insertContentIntoFile( `${rootDir}/README.md`, '\n', '\n', translationStatusToMdTable(stats) ); } async function translationStrings(poFilePath) { const r = await parsePoFile(poFilePath); return Object.keys(r.translations['']); } function deletedStrings(oldStrings, newStrings) { const output = []; for (const s1 of oldStrings) { if (newStrings.includes(s1)) continue; output.push(s1); } return output; } async function main() { const argv = require('yargs').argv; const potFilePath = `${localesDir}/joplin.pot`; const jsonLocalesDir = `${libDir}/locales`; const defaultLocale = 'en_GB'; const oldStrings = await translationStrings(potFilePath); const oldPotStatus = await translationStatus(false, potFilePath); await createPotFile(potFilePath); const newStrings = await translationStrings(potFilePath); const newPotStatus = await translationStatus(false, potFilePath); console.info(`Updated pot file. Total strings: ${oldPotStatus.untranslatedCount} => ${newPotStatus.untranslatedCount}`); const deletedCount = oldPotStatus.untranslatedCount - newPotStatus.untranslatedCount; if (deletedCount >= 5) { if (argv['skip-missing-strings-check']) { console.info(`${deletedCount} strings have been deleted, but proceeding anyway due to --skip-missing-strings-check flag`); } else { const msg = [`${deletedCount} strings have been deleted - aborting as it could be a bug. To override, use the --skip-missing-strings-check flag.`]; msg.push(''); msg.push('Deleted strings:'); msg.push(''); msg.push(deletedStrings(oldStrings, newStrings).map(s => `"${s}"`).join('\n')); throw new Error(msg.join('\n')); } } await execCommand(`cp "${potFilePath}" ` + `"${localesDir}/${defaultLocale}.po"`); fs.mkdirpSync(jsonLocalesDir, 0o755); const stats = []; const locales = availableLocales(defaultLocale); for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const locale = locales[i]; console.info(`Building ${locale}...`); const poFilePäth = `${localesDir}/${locale}.po`; const jsonFilePath = `${jsonLocalesDir}/${locale}.json`; if (locale != defaultLocale) await mergePotToPo(potFilePath, poFilePäth); buildLocale(poFilePäth, jsonFilePath); const stat = await translationStatus(defaultLocale === locale, poFilePäth); stat.locale = locale; stat.languageName = countryDisplayName(locale); stats.push(stat); } stats.sort((a, b) => a.languageName < b.languageName ? -1 : +1); saveToFile(`${jsonLocalesDir}/index.js`, buildIndex(locales, stats)); // const destDirs = [ // `${libDir}/locales`, // `${electronDir}/locales`, // `${cliDir}/locales-build`, // ]; // for (const destDir of destDirs) { // await execCommand(`rsync -a "${jsonLocalesDir}/" "${destDir}/"`); // } await updateReadmeWithStats(stats); } main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });