import BaseSyncTarget from './BaseSyncTarget'; import { _ } from './locale'; import Setting from './models/Setting'; import { FileApi } from './file-api'; import FileApiDriverLocal from './file-api-driver-local'; import Synchronizer from './Synchronizer'; export default class SyncTargetFilesystem extends BaseSyncTarget { public static id() { return 2; } public static targetName() { return 'filesystem'; } public static label() { return _('File system'); } public static unsupportedPlatforms() { return ['ios']; } public async isAuthenticated() { return true; } private syncPath_() { return Setting.value('sync.2.path'); } public async initFileApi() { const driver = new FileApiDriverLocal(); const fileApi = new FileApi(() => { // The sync path can be set by the user after startup, so needs to be // determined dynamically. return this.syncPath_(); }, driver); fileApi.setLogger(this.logger()); fileApi.setSyncTargetId(; const syncPath = this.syncPath_(); await driver.mkdir(syncPath); return fileApi; } public async initSynchronizer() { const api = await this.fileApi(); return new Synchronizer(this.db(), api, Setting.value('appType')); } }