* Inspired by https://github.com/kunall17/MarkdownEditor
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { renderFormatButtons } from './renderButtons';
import { NoteBodyViewer } from 'lib/components/note-body-viewer.js';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
buttonContainer: {
flex: 0,
flexDirection: 'row',
screen: { // Wrapper around the editor and the preview
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'stretch',
const MarkdownPreviewButton = (props) =>
export default class MarkdownEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
text: props.value,
selection: { start: 0, end: 0 },
// Show preview by default
showPreview: props.showPreview ? props.showPreview : true,
this.textAreaRef = React.createRef(); // For focusing the textarea
textInput: TextInput;
changeText = (selection: {start: number, end: number}) => (input: string) => {
let result = input;
const cursor = selection.start;
const isOnNewline = '\n' === input.slice(cursor - 1, cursor);
const isDeletion = input.length < this.state.text.length;
if (isOnNewline && !isDeletion) {
const prevLines = input.slice(0, cursor - 1).split('\n');
const prevLine = prevLines[prevLines.length - 1];
const insertListLine = (bullet) => ([
prevLines.join('\n'), // Previous text
`\n${bullet} `, // Current line with new bullet point
input.slice(cursor, input.length), // Following text
const insertedEndListLine = [
// Previous text (all but last bullet line, which we remove)
prevLines.slice(0, prevLines.length - 1).join('\n') ,
'\n\n', // Two newlines to get out of the list
input.slice(cursor, input.length), // Following text
// Add new ordered list line item
if (prevLine.startsWith('- ') && !prevLine.startsWith('- [ ')) {
// If the bullet on the previous line isn't empty, add a new bullet.
if (prevLine.trim() !== '-') {
result = insertListLine('-');
} else {
result = insertedEndListLine;
// Add new checklist line item
if ((prevLine.startsWith('- [ ] ') || prevLine.startsWith('- [x] '))) {
// If the bullet on the previous line isn't empty, add a new bullet.
if (prevLine.trim() !== '- [ ]' && prevLine.trim() !== '- [x]') {
result = insertListLine('- [ ]');
} else {
result = insertedEndListLine;
// Add new ordered list item
if (/^\d+\./.test(prevLine)) {
// If the bullet on the previous line isn't empty, add a new bullet.
const digit = Number(prevLine.match(/^\d+/)[0]);
if (prevLine.trim() !== `${digit}.`) {
result = insertListLine(`${digit + 1}.`);
} else {
result = insertedEndListLine;
// Hide Markdown preview on text change
this.setState({ text: result, showPreview: false });
if (this.props.onMarkdownChange) this.props.onMarkdownChange(input);
onSelectionChange = event => {
this.setState({ selection: event.nativeEvent.selection });
focus = () => this.textAreaRef.current.focus()
convertMarkdown = () => this.setState({ showPreview: !this.state.showPreview })
render() {
const WrapperView = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? KeyboardAvoidingView : View;
const { Formats, markdownButton } = this.props;
const { text, selection, showPreview } = this.state;
return (
{showPreview && }
color: this.props.markdownButtonsColor,
getState: () => this.state,
setState: (state, callback) => {
// Hide Markdown preview on text change
this.setState({ showPreview: false });
this.setState(state, callback);