import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'; const moment = require('moment'); export interface FrontMatter { created?: Date; updated?: Date; source_url?: string; forum_url?: string; tweet?: string; // Docusaurus sidebar_label?: string; sidebar_position?: number; date?: string; title?: string; description?: string; image?: string; } export interface MarkdownAndFrontMatter { doc: string; header: FrontMatter; } export const stripOffFrontMatter = (md: string): MarkdownAndFrontMatter => { if (md.indexOf('---') !== 0) return { doc: md, header: {} }; let state = 'start'; const lines = md.split('\n'); const docLines: string[] = []; const headerLines: string[] = []; for (const line of lines) { if (state === 'start') { if (line !== '---') throw new Error('Expected front matter block to start with "---"'); state = 'in'; continue; } if (state === 'in') { if (line === '---') { state = 'out'; continue; } const propLine = line.trim(); headerLines.push(propLine); } if (state === 'out') { if (line.trim()) state = 'doc'; } if (state === 'doc') { docLines.push(line); } } if (state !== 'doc') throw new Error('Front matter block was not closed with "---"'); const header: Record = yaml.load(headerLines.join('\n'), { schema: yaml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA }); if (header.created) header.created = moment(header.created).toDate(); if (header.updated) header.updated = moment(header.updated).toDate(); if ('sidebar_position' in header) header.sidebar_position = Number(header.sidebar_position); return { header, doc: docLines.join('\n') }; }; // --- // created: 2021-07-05T09:42:47.000+00:00 // source_url: // --- const formatFrontMatterValue = (key: string, value: any) => { if (['created', 'updated'].includes(key)) { return moment((value as Date)).toISOString(); } else { return value.toString(); } }; export const compileWithFrontMatter = (md: MarkdownAndFrontMatter): string => { const output: string[] = []; if (Object.keys(md.header).length) { const header = { }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(header)) { (header as any)[key] = formatFrontMatterValue(key, value); } const headerString = yaml.dump(header, { noCompatMode: true, schema: yaml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA, lineWidth: 100000 }); output.push('---'); output.push(headerString.trim()); output.push('---'); output.push(''); } output.push(md.doc); return output.join('\n'); };