import { RuleOptions } from '../../MdToHtml'; import htmlUtils from '../../htmlUtils'; import utils from '../../utils'; function plugin(markdownIt: any, ruleOptions: RuleOptions) { const defaultRender = markdownIt.renderer.rules.image; markdownIt.renderer.rules.image = (tokens: any[], idx: number, options: any, env: any, self: any) => { const Resource = ruleOptions.ResourceModel; const token = tokens[idx]; const src = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'src'); const title = utils.getAttr(token.attrs, 'title'); if (!Resource.isResourceUrl(src) || ruleOptions.plainResourceRendering) return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self); const r = utils.imageReplacement(ruleOptions.ResourceModel, src, ruleOptions.resources, ruleOptions.resourceBaseUrl); if (typeof r === 'string') return r; if (r) { let js = ''; if (ruleOptions.enableLongPress) { const id = r['data-resource-id']; const longPressHandler = `${ruleOptions.postMessageSyntax}('longclick:${id}')`; // if t is set when ontouchstart is called it means the user has already touched the screen once and this is the 2nd touch // in this case we assume the user is trying to zoom and we don't want to show the menu const touchStart = `if (typeof(t) !== 'undefined' && !!t) { clearTimeout(t); t = null; } else { t = setTimeout(() => { t = null; ${longPressHandler}; }, ${utils.longPressDelay}); }`; const cancel = 'if (!!t) clearTimeout(t); t=null'; js = ` ontouchstart="${touchStart}" ontouchend="${cancel}" ontouchcancel="${cancel}" ontouchmove="${cancel}"`; } return ``; } return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self); }; } export default { plugin };