import * as React from 'react'; import { useMemo, useRef, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import { AppState } from '../../app.reducer'; import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel'; import { Props } from './utils/types'; import { ItemFlow } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/noteListType'; import { itemIsReadOnlySync, ItemSlice } from '@joplin/lib/models/utils/readOnly'; import { FolderEntity } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; import ItemChange from '@joplin/lib/models/ItemChange'; import { Size } from '@joplin/utils/types'; import NoteListItem from '../NoteListItem/NoteListItem'; import useItemCss from './utils/useItemCss'; import useOnContextMenu from '../NoteListItem/utils/useOnContextMenu'; import useVisibleRange from './utils/useVisibleRange'; import useScroll from './utils/useScroll'; import useFocusNote from './utils/useFocusNote'; import useOnNoteClick from './utils/useOnNoteClick'; import useMoveNote from './utils/useMoveNote'; import useOnKeyDown from './utils/useOnKeyDown'; import * as focusElementNoteList from './commands/focusElementNoteList'; import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import useDragAndDrop from './utils/useDragAndDrop'; import { itemIsInTrash } from '@joplin/lib/services/trash'; import getEmptyFolderMessage from '@joplin/lib/components/shared/NoteList/getEmptyFolderMessage'; import Folder from '@joplin/lib/models/Folder'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import useActiveDescendantId from './utils/useActiveDescendantId'; import getNoteElementIdFromJoplinId from '../NoteListItem/utils/getNoteElementIdFromJoplinId'; import useFocusVisible from './utils/useFocusVisible'; import { stateUtils } from '@joplin/lib/reducer'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; const commands = { focusElementNoteList, }; const NoteList = (props: Props) => { const listRef = useRef(null); const itemRefs = useRef>({}); const listRenderer = props.listRenderer; const itemSize: Size = useMemo(() => { return { width: listRenderer.itemSize.width ? listRenderer.itemSize.width : props.size.width, height: listRenderer.itemSize.height, }; }, [listRenderer.itemSize, props.size.width]); const itemsPerLine = useMemo(() => { if (listRenderer.flow === ItemFlow.TopToBottom) { return 1; } else { return Math.max(1, Math.floor(props.size.width / itemSize.width)); } }, [listRenderer.flow, props.size.width, itemSize.width]); const { scrollTop, onScroll, makeItemIndexVisible } = useScroll( itemsPerLine, props.notes.length, itemSize, props.size, listRef, ); const [startNoteIndex, endNoteIndex, startLineIndex, endLineIndex, totalLineCount, visibleItemCount] = useVisibleRange( itemsPerLine, scrollTop, props.size, itemSize, props.notes.length, ); const { activeNoteId, setActiveNoteId } = useActiveDescendantId(props.selectedFolderId, props.selectedNoteIds); const focusNote = useFocusNote(listRef, props.notes, makeItemIndexVisible, setActiveNoteId); const moveNote = useMoveNote( props.notesParentType, props.noteSortOrder, props.selectedNoteIds, props.selectedFolderId, props.uncompletedTodosOnTop, props.showCompletedTodos, props.notes, props.selectedFolderInTrash, makeItemIndexVisible, focusNote, props.dispatch, ); const noteItemStyle = useMemo(() => { return { width: 'auto', height: itemSize.height, }; }, [itemSize.height]); const noteListStyle = useMemo(() => { return { width: props.size.width, height: props.size.height, }; }, [props.size]); const onNoteClick = useOnNoteClick(props.dispatch, focusNote); const onKeyDown = useOnKeyDown( activeNoteId, props.selectedNoteIds, moveNote, makeItemIndexVisible, focusNote, props.notes, props.dispatch, visibleItemCount, props.notes.length, listRenderer.flow, itemsPerLine, ); useItemCss(listRenderer.itemCss); useEffect(() => { CommandService.instance().registerRuntime(, commands.focusElementNoteList.runtime(focusNote)); return () => { CommandService.instance().unregisterRuntime(; }; }, [focusNote]); const onItemContextMenu = useOnContextMenu( props.selectedNoteIds, props.selectedFolderId, props.notes, props.dispatch, props.watchedNoteFiles, props.plugins, props.customCss, ); const { onDragStart, onDragOver, onDrop, dragOverTargetNoteIndex } = useDragAndDrop(props.parentFolderIsReadOnly, props.selectedNoteIds, props.selectedFolderId, listRef, scrollTop, itemSize, props.notesParentType, props.noteSortOrder, props.uncompletedTodosOnTop, props.showCompletedTodos, listRenderer.flow, itemsPerLine, props.selectedFolderInTrash, ); // 2024-04-01: Whatever the below effect is supposed to be doing has been lost in time and even // if it's doing something useful it should be refactored. In my tests, removing it doesn't // affect anything - including scrolling with the keyboard and switching notes so there's a // chance that whatever it's doing is being done more cleanly somewhere else. If a focus // related-bug is found, it should be fixed from scratch, without touching this event, although // it could possibly be used as a reference. // // * * * // const previousSelectedNoteIds = usePrevious(props.selectedNoteIds, []); // const previousNoteCount = usePrevious(props.notes.length, 0); // const previousVisible = usePrevious(props.visible, false); // useEffect(() => { // if (previousSelectedNoteIds !== props.selectedNoteIds && props.selectedNoteIds.length === 1) { // const id = props.selectedNoteIds[0]; // const doRefocus = props.notes.length < previousNoteCount && !props.focusedField; // for (let i = 0; i < props.notes.length; i++) { // if (props.notes[i].id === id) { // makeItemIndexVisible(i); // if (doRefocus) { // const ref = itemRefs.current[id]; // if (ref) { // focus('NoteList::doRefocus', ref); // } // } // break; // } // } // } // }, [makeItemIndexVisible, previousSelectedNoteIds, previousNoteCount, previousVisible, props.selectedNoteIds, props.notes, props.focusedField, props.visible]); const { focusVisible, onFocus, onBlur, onKeyUp } = useFocusVisible(listRef, () => { focusNote(activeNoteId); }); const highlightedWords = useMemo(() => { if (props.notesParentType === 'Search') { const query = BaseModel.byId(props.searches, props.selectedSearchId); if (query) return props.highlightedWords; } return []; }, [props.notesParentType, props.searches, props.selectedSearchId, props.highlightedWords]); const renderEmptyList = () => { if (props.notes.length) return null; return
{getEmptyFolderMessage(props.folders, props.selectedFolderId)}
; }; const renderFiller = (key: string, style: React.CSSProperties) => { if (!props.notes.length) return null; if (style.height as number <= 0) return null; return
; }; const renderNotes = () => { if (!props.notes.length) return []; const output: JSX.Element[] = []; for (let i = startNoteIndex; i <= endNoteIndex; i++) { const note = props.notes[i]; const isSelected = props.selectedNoteIds.includes(; output.push( itemRefs.current[] = el} index={i} dragIndex={dragOverTargetNoteIndex} noteCount={props.notes.length} itemSize={itemSize} onChange={listRenderer.onChange} onClick={onNoteClick} onContextMenu={onItemContextMenu} onDragStart={onDragStart} onDragOver={onDragOver} style={noteItemStyle} highlightedWords={highlightedWords} isProvisional={props.provisionalNoteIds.includes(} flow={listRenderer.flow} note={note} tabIndex={-1} focusVisible={focusVisible && activeNoteId ===} isSelected={isSelected} isWatched={props.watchedNoteFiles.includes(} listRenderer={listRenderer} dispatch={props.dispatch} columns={props.columns} />, ); } return output; }; const topFillerHeight = startLineIndex * itemSize.height; const bottomFillerHeight = (totalLineCount - endLineIndex - 1) * itemSize.height; const fillerBaseStyle = useMemo(() => { // return { width: 'auto', border: '1px solid red', backgroundColor: 'green' }; return { width: 'auto' }; }, []); const topFillerStyle = useMemo(() => { return { ...fillerBaseStyle, height: topFillerHeight }; }, [fillerBaseStyle, topFillerHeight]); const bottomFillerStyle = useMemo(() => { return { ...fillerBaseStyle, height: bottomFillerHeight }; }, [fillerBaseStyle, bottomFillerHeight]); const notesStyle = useMemo(() => { const output: React.CSSProperties = {}; if (listRenderer.flow === ItemFlow.LeftToRight) { output.flexFlow = 'row wrap'; } else { output.flexDirection = 'column'; } return output; }, [listRenderer.flow]); const onContainerContextMenu = useCallback((event: React.MouseEvent) => { const isFromKeyboard = event.button === -1; if (event.isDefaultPrevented() || !isFromKeyboard) return; onItemContextMenu({ itemId: activeNoteId }); }, [onItemContextMenu, activeNoteId]); return (
{renderEmptyList()} {renderFiller('top', topFillerStyle)}
{renderFiller('bottom', bottomFillerStyle)}
); }; interface ConnectProps { windowId: string; } const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState, ownProps: ConnectProps) => { const selectedFolder: FolderEntity = state.notesParentType === 'Folder' ? Folder.byId(state.folders, state.selectedFolderId) : null; const userId = state.settings['sync.userId']; const windowState = stateUtils.windowStateById(state, ownProps.windowId); return { notes: windowState.notes, folders: state.folders, selectedNoteIds: windowState.selectedNoteIds, selectedFolderId: windowState.selectedFolderId, themeId: state.settings.theme, notesParentType: state.notesParentType, searches: state.searches, selectedSearchId: windowState.selectedSearchId, watchedNoteFiles: state.watchedNoteFiles, provisionalNoteIds: state.provisionalNoteIds, isInsertingNotes: state.isInsertingNotes, noteSortOrder: state.settings['notes.sortOrder.field'], uncompletedTodosOnTop: state.settings.uncompletedTodosOnTop, showCompletedTodos: state.settings.showCompletedTodos, highlightedWords: state.highlightedWords, plugins: state.pluginService.plugins, customCss: state.customViewerCss, focusedField: state.focusedField, parentFolderIsReadOnly: state.notesParentType === 'Folder' && selectedFolder ? itemIsReadOnlySync(ModelType.Folder, ItemChange.SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED, selectedFolder as ItemSlice, userId, state.shareService) : false, selectedFolderInTrash: itemIsInTrash(selectedFolder), }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteList);