import { ListRendererDependency } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/noteListType'; import { FolderEntity, NoteEntity, TagEntity } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; import { Size } from '@joplin/utils/types'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; const prepareViewProps = async ( dependencies: ListRendererDependency[], note: NoteEntity, itemSize: Size, selected: boolean, noteTitleHtml: string, noteIsWatched: boolean, noteTags: TagEntity[], folder: FolderEntity | null, itemIndex: number, ) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const output: any = {}; for (const dep of dependencies) { if (dep.startsWith('note.')) { const splitted = dep.split('.'); if (splitted.length <= 1) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency name: ${dep}`); const propName = splitted.pop(); if (!output.note) output.note = {}; if (dep === 'note.titleHtml') { // For backward compatibility output.note.titleHtml = noteTitleHtml; } else if (dep === 'note.isWatched') { output.note[propName] = noteIsWatched; } else if (dep === 'note.tags') { output.note[propName] = noteTags; } else if (dep === 'note.folder.title') { if (!output.note.folder) output.note.folder = {}; output.note.folder[propName] = folder.title; } else { // The notes in the state only contain the properties defined in // Note.previewFields(). It means that if a view request a // property not present there, we need to load the full note. // One such missing property is the note body, which we don't // load by default. if (!(propName in note)) note = await Note.load(; if (!(propName in note)) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency name: ${dep}`); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied output.note[propName] = (note as any)[propName]; } } if (dep.startsWith('item.size.')) { const splitted = dep.split('.'); if (splitted.length !== 3) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency name: ${dep}`); const propName = splitted.pop(); if (!output.item) output.item = {}; if (!output.item.size) output.item.size = {}; if (!(propName in itemSize)) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency name: ${dep}`); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied output.item.size[propName] = (itemSize as any)[propName]; } if (dep === 'item.selected') { if (!output.item) output.item = {}; output.item.selected = selected; } if (dep === 'item.index') { if (!output.item) output.item = {}; output.item.index = itemIndex; } } return output; }; export default prepareViewProps;