import { execCommand } from '@joplin/utils'; import { copy, mkdirp, move, readFile, readFileSync, remove, stat, writeFile, writeFileSync } from 'fs-extra'; import { execCommandVerbose, execCommandWithPipes, githubRelease, githubOauthToken, fileExists, gitPullTry, completeReleaseWithChangelog } from './tool-utils'; const path = require('path'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const uriTemplate = require('uri-template'); const rootDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)); const rnDir = `${rootDir}/packages/app-mobile`; const releaseDir = `${rnDir}/dist`; interface Release { downloadUrl: string; apkFilename: string; apkFilePath: string; } type PatcherCallback = (content: string)=> Promise; class Patcher { private workDir_: string; private originalContents_: Record = {}; private removedFiles_: Record = {}; public constructor(workDir: string) { this.workDir_ = workDir; } public removeFile = async (path: string) => { const targetPath = `${this.workDir_}/${path.substring(1)}`; await move(path, targetPath); this.removedFiles_[path] = targetPath; }; public updateFileContent = async (path: string, callback: PatcherCallback) => { const content = await readFile(path, 'utf8'); this.originalContents_[path] = content; const newContent = await callback(content); await writeFile(path, newContent); }; public restore = async () => { for (const filename in this.originalContents_) { const content = this.originalContents_[filename]; await writeFile(filename, content); } for (const [originalPath, backupPath] of Object.entries(this.removedFiles_)) { await move(backupPath, originalPath); } this.removedFiles_ = {}; this.originalContents_ = {}; }; } function increaseGradleVersionCode(content: string) { const newContent = content.replace(/versionCode\s+(\d+)/, (_a, versionCode: string) => { const n = Number(versionCode); if (isNaN(n) || !n) throw new Error(`Invalid version code: ${versionCode}`); return `versionCode ${n + 1}`; }); if (newContent === content) throw new Error('Could not update version code'); return newContent; } function increaseGradleVersionName(content: string) { const newContent = content.replace(/(versionName\s+"\d+?\.\d+?\.)(\d+)"/, (_match, prefix: string, buildNum: string) => { const n = Number(buildNum); if (isNaN(n)) throw new Error(`Invalid version code: ${buildNum}`); return `${prefix + (n + 1)}"`; }); if (newContent === content) throw new Error('Could not update version name'); return newContent; } function updateGradleConfig() { let content = readFileSync(`${rnDir}/android/app/build.gradle`, 'utf8'); content = increaseGradleVersionCode(content); content = increaseGradleVersionName(content); writeFileSync(`${rnDir}/android/app/build.gradle`, content); return content; } function gradleVersionName(content: string) { const matches = content.match(/versionName\s+"(\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+)"/); if (!matches || matches.length < 1) throw new Error('Cannot get gradle version name'); return matches[1]; } async function createRelease(projectName: string, name: string, tagName: string, version: string): Promise { const originalContents: Record = {}; const suffix = version + (name === 'main' ? '' : `-${name}`); const patcher = new Patcher(`${rnDir}/patcher-work`);`Creating release: ${suffix}`); if (name === '32bit') { await patcher.updateFileContent(`${rnDir}/android/app/build.gradle`, async (content: string) => { content = content.replace(/abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"/, 'abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"'); content = content.replace(/include "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"/, 'include "armeabi-v7a", "x86"'); return content; }); } if (name !== 'vosk') { await patcher.updateFileContent(`${rnDir}/android/app/build.gradle`, async (_content: string) => { return readFile(`${rnDir}/services/voiceTyping/vosk.dummy.ts`, 'utf8'); }); await patcher.updateFileContent(`${rnDir}/android/app/build.gradle`, async (content: string) => { content = content.replace(/\s+"react-native-vosk": ".*",/, ''); content = content.replace(/(\s+)"applicationId "net.cozic.joplin"/, '$1"applicationId "net.cozic.joplin-mod"'); return content; }); } const apkFilename = `joplin-v${suffix}.apk`; const apkFilePath = `${releaseDir}/${apkFilename}`; const downloadUrl = `${projectName}/releases/download/${tagName}/${apkFilename}`; process.chdir(rootDir);`Running from: ${process.cwd()}`); await execCommand('yarn install', { showStdout: false }); await execCommand('yarn run tsc', { showStdout: false });`Building APK file v${suffix}...`); const buildDirName = `build-${name}`; const buildDirBasePath = `${rnDir}/android/app/${buildDirName}`; await remove(buildDirBasePath); let restoreDir = null; let apkBuildCmd = ''; let apkCleanBuild = ''; const apkBuildCmdArgs = ['assembleRelease', `-PbuildDir=${buildDirName}`]; // TOOD: change build dir, delete before if (await fileExists('/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe')) { await execCommandWithPipes('/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe', ['/c', `cd packages\\app-mobile\\android && gradlew.bat ${apkBuildCmd}`]); apkBuildCmd = ''; throw new Error('TODO: apkCleanBuild must be set'); } else { process.chdir(`${rnDir}/android`); apkBuildCmd = './gradlew'; apkCleanBuild = `./gradlew clean -PbuildDir=${buildDirName}`; restoreDir = rootDir; } if (apkBuildCmd) { await execCommand(apkCleanBuild); await execCommandVerbose(apkBuildCmd, apkBuildCmdArgs); } if (restoreDir) process.chdir(restoreDir); await mkdirp(releaseDir); const builtApk = `${buildDirBasePath}/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk`; const builtApkStat = await stat(builtApk);`Built APK at ${builtApk}`);'APK size:', builtApkStat.size);`Copying APK to ${apkFilePath}`); await copy(builtApk, apkFilePath); if (name === 'main') {`Copying APK to ${releaseDir}/joplin-latest.apk`); await copy(builtApk, `${releaseDir}/joplin-latest.apk`); } for (const filename in originalContents) { const content = originalContents[filename]; await writeFile(filename, content); } return { downloadUrl: downloadUrl, apkFilename: apkFilename, apkFilePath: apkFilePath, }; } const uploadToGitHubRelease = async (projectName: string, tagName: string, isPreRelease: boolean, releaseFiles: Record) => {`Creating GitHub release ${tagName}...`); const releaseOptions = { isPreRelease: isPreRelease }; const oauthToken = await githubOauthToken(); const release = await githubRelease(projectName, tagName, releaseOptions); const uploadUrlTemplate = uriTemplate.parse(release.upload_url); for (const releaseFilename in releaseFiles) { const releaseFile = releaseFiles[releaseFilename]; const uploadUrl = uploadUrlTemplate.expand({ name: releaseFile.apkFilename }); const binaryBody = await readFile(releaseFile.apkFilePath);`Uploading ${releaseFile.apkFilename} to ${uploadUrl}`); const uploadResponse = await fetch(uploadUrl, { method: 'POST', body: binaryBody, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/', 'Authorization': `token ${oauthToken}`, 'Content-Length': binaryBody.length, }, }); const uploadResponseText = await uploadResponse.text(); const uploadResponseObject = JSON.parse(uploadResponseText); if (!uploadResponseObject || !uploadResponseObject.browser_download_url) throw new Error('Could not upload file to GitHub'); } }; async function main() { const argv = require('yargs').argv; await gitPullTry(false); const isPreRelease = !('type' in argv) || argv.type === 'prerelease'; const releaseNameOnly = argv['release-name']; process.chdir(rnDir); if (isPreRelease)'Creating pre-release');'Updating version numbers in build.gradle...'); const newContent = updateGradleConfig(); const version = gradleVersionName(newContent); const tagName = `android-v${version}`; // const releaseNames = ['main', '32bit', 'vosk']; const releaseNames = ['main', 'vosk']; const releaseFiles: Record = {}; const mainProjectName = 'joplin-android'; const modProjectName = 'joplin-android-mod'; for (const releaseName of releaseNames) { if (releaseNameOnly && releaseName !== releaseNameOnly) continue; const projectName = releaseName === 'vosk' ? modProjectName : mainProjectName; releaseFiles[releaseName] = await createRelease(projectName, releaseName, tagName, version); } const voskRelease = releaseFiles['vosk']; delete releaseFiles['vosk']; await uploadToGitHubRelease(mainProjectName, tagName, isPreRelease, releaseFiles); await uploadToGitHubRelease(modProjectName, tagName, isPreRelease, { 'vosk': voskRelease });`Main download URL: ${releaseFiles['main'].downloadUrl}`); const changelogPath = `${rootDir}/readme/`; await completeReleaseWithChangelog(changelogPath, version, tagName, 'Android', isPreRelease); } main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error'); console.error(error); process.exit(1); });