import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import SyncTargetRegistry from '@joplin/lib/SyncTargetRegistry'; import MigrationHandler from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/MigrationHandler'; import ResourceFetcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceFetcher'; import Synchronizer from '@joplin/lib/Synchronizer'; import { masterKeysWithoutPassword } from '@joplin/lib/services/e2ee/utils'; import { appTypeToLockType } from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/LockHandler'; const BaseCommand = require('./base-command').default; import app from './app'; const { OneDriveApiNodeUtils } = require('@joplin/lib/onedrive-api-node-utils.js'); import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry'; const { cliUtils } = require('./cli-utils.js'); const md5 = require('md5'); import * as locker from 'proper-lockfile'; import { pathExists, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { checkIfLoginWasSuccessful, generateApplicationConfirmUrl } from '@joplin/lib/services/joplinCloudUtils'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import { uuidgen } from '@joplin/lib/uuid'; const logger = Logger.create('command-sync'); class Command extends BaseCommand { private syncTargetId_: number = null; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied private releaseLockFn_: Function = null; private oneDriveApiUtils_: any = null; public usage() { return 'sync'; } public description() { return _('Synchronises with remote storage.'); } public options() { return [ ['--target ', _('Sync to provided target (defaults to config value)')], ['--upgrade', _('Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.')], ['--use-lock ', 'Disable local locks that prevent multiple clients from synchronizing at the same time (Default = 1)'], ]; } private static async lockFile(filePath: string) { return locker.lock(filePath, { stale: 1000 * 60 * 5 }); } private static async isLocked(filePath: string) { return locker.check(filePath); } public async doAuth() { const syncTarget = reg.syncTarget(this.syncTargetId_); const syncTargetMd = SyncTargetRegistry.idToMetadata(this.syncTargetId_); if (this.syncTargetId_ === 3 || this.syncTargetId_ === 4) { // OneDrive this.oneDriveApiUtils_ = new OneDriveApiNodeUtils(syncTarget.api()); const auth = await this.oneDriveApiUtils_.oauthDance({ log: (...s: any[]) => { return this.stdout(...s); }, }); this.oneDriveApiUtils_ = null; Setting.setValue(`sync.${this.syncTargetId_}.auth`, auth ? JSON.stringify(auth) : null); if (!auth) { this.stdout(_('Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).')); return false; } return true; } else if ( === 'dropbox') { // Dropbox const api = await syncTarget.api(); const loginUrl = api.loginUrl(); this.stdout(_('To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:')); this.stdout(_('Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:')); this.stdout(loginUrl); const authCode = await this.prompt(_('Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:'), { type: 'string' }); if (!authCode) { this.stdout(_('Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).')); return false; } const response = await api.execAuthToken(authCode); Setting.setValue(`sync.${this.syncTargetId_}.auth`, response.access_token); api.setAuthToken(response.access_token); return true; } else if ( === 'joplinCloud') { const applicationAuthId = uuidgen(); const checkForCredentials = async () => { try { const applicationAuthUrl = `${Setting.value('sync.10.path')}/api/application_auth/${applicationAuthId}`; const response = await checkIfLoginWasSuccessful(applicationAuthUrl); if (response && response.success) { return response; } return null; } catch (error) { logger.error(error); throw error; } }; this.stdout(_('To allow Joplin to synchronise with Joplin Cloud, open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:')); const confirmUrl = `${Setting.value('')}/applications/${applicationAuthId}/confirm`; const urlWithClient = await generateApplicationConfirmUrl(confirmUrl); this.stdout(urlWithClient); const authorized = await this.prompt(_('Have you authorised the application login in the above URL?'), { booleanAnswerDefault: 'y' }); if (!authorized) return false; const result = await checkForCredentials(); if (!result) return false; return true; } this.stdout(_('Not authenticated with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.', syncTargetMd.label)); return false; } public cancelAuth() { if (this.oneDriveApiUtils_) { this.oneDriveApiUtils_.cancelOAuthDance(); return; } } public doingAuth() { return !!this.oneDriveApiUtils_; } public async action(args: any) { this.releaseLockFn_ = null; // Lock is unique per profile/database const lockFilePath = `${require('os').tmpdir()}/synclock_${md5(escape(Setting.value('profileDir')))}`; // if (!(await pathExists(lockFilePath))) await writeFile(lockFilePath, 'synclock'); const useLock = args.options.useLock !== 0; if (useLock) { try { if (await Command.isLocked(lockFilePath)) throw new Error(_('Synchronisation is already in progress.')); this.releaseLockFn_ = await Command.lockFile(lockFilePath); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ELOCKED') { const msg = _('Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at "%s" and resume the operation.', error.file); this.stdout(msg); return; } throw error; } } const cleanUp = () => { cliUtils.redrawDone(); if (this.releaseLockFn_) { this.releaseLockFn_(); this.releaseLockFn_ = null; } }; try { this.syncTargetId_ = Setting.value(''); if ( this.syncTargetId_ =; const syncTarget = reg.syncTarget(this.syncTargetId_); if (!(await syncTarget.isAuthenticated())) { app().gui().showConsole(); app().gui().maximizeConsole(); const authDone = await this.doAuth(); if (!authDone) return cleanUp(); } const sync = await syncTarget.synchronizer(); const options: any = { onProgress: (report: any) => { const lines = Synchronizer.reportToLines(report); if (lines.length) cliUtils.redraw(lines.join(' ')); }, onMessage: (msg: string) => { cliUtils.redrawDone(); this.stdout(msg); }, }; this.stdout(_('Synchronisation target: %s (%s)', Setting.enumOptionLabel('', this.syncTargetId_), this.syncTargetId_)); if (!sync) throw new Error(_('Cannot initialise synchroniser.')); if (args.options.upgrade) { let migrationError = null; try { const migrationHandler = new MigrationHandler( sync.api(), reg.db(), sync.lockHandler(), appTypeToLockType(Setting.value('appType')), Setting.value('clientId'), ); migrationHandler.setLogger(cliUtils.stdoutLogger(this.stdout.bind(this))); await migrationHandler.upgrade(); } catch (error) { migrationError = error; } if (!migrationError) { Setting.setValue('sync.upgradeState', Setting.SYNC_UPGRADE_STATE_IDLE); await Setting.saveAll(); } if (migrationError) throw migrationError; return cleanUp(); } this.stdout(_('Starting synchronisation...')); const contextKey = `sync.${this.syncTargetId_}.context`; let context = Setting.value(contextKey); context = context ? JSON.parse(context) : {}; options.context = context; try { const newContext = await sync.start(options); Setting.setValue(contextKey, JSON.stringify(newContext)); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'alreadyStarted') { this.stdout(error.message); } else { throw error; } } // When using the tool in command line mode, the ResourceFetcher service is // not going to be running in the background, so the resources need to be // explicitly downloaded below. if (!app().hasGui()) { this.stdout(_('Downloading resources...')); await ResourceFetcher.instance().fetchAll(); await ResourceFetcher.instance().waitForAllFinished(); } const noPasswordMkIds = await masterKeysWithoutPassword(); if (noPasswordMkIds.length) this.stdout(`/!\\ ${_('Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data. Type `:e2ee decrypt` to set it.')}`); await app().refreshCurrentFolder(); } catch (error) { cleanUp(); throw error; } if (Setting.value('sync.upgradeState') > Setting.SYNC_UPGRADE_STATE_IDLE) { this.stdout(`/!\\ ${_('Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.', 'sync --upgrade')}`); app().gui().showConsole(); app().gui().maximizeConsole(); } cleanUp(); } public async cancel() { if (this.doingAuth()) { this.cancelAuth(); return; } const syncTargetId = this.syncTargetId_ ? this.syncTargetId_ : Setting.value(''); cliUtils.redrawDone(); this.stdout(_('Cancelling... Please wait.')); const syncTarget = reg.syncTarget(syncTargetId); if (await syncTarget.isAuthenticated()) { const sync = await syncTarget.synchronizer(); if (sync) await sync.cancel(); } else { if (this.releaseLockFn_) this.releaseLockFn_(); this.releaseLockFn_ = null; } this.syncTargetId_ = null; } public cancellable() { return true; } } module.exports = Command;