const { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient } = require('../testing/test-utils.js'); const Note = require('../models/Note').default; const Revision = require('../models/Revision').default; describe('models_Revision', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); done(); }); it('should create patches of text and apply it', (async () => { const note1 = await{ body: 'my note\nsecond line' }); const patch = Revision.createTextPatch(note1.body, 'my new note\nsecond line'); const merged = Revision.applyTextPatch(note1.body, patch); expect(merged).toBe('my new note\nsecond line'); })); it('should create patches of objects and apply it', (async () => { const oldObject = { one: '123', two: '456', three: '789', }; const newObject = { one: '123', three: '999', }; const patch = Revision.createObjectPatch(oldObject, newObject); const merged = Revision.applyObjectPatch(oldObject, patch); expect(JSON.stringify(merged)).toBe(JSON.stringify(newObject)); })); it('should move target revision to the top', (async () => { const revs = [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' }, ]; let newRevs; newRevs = Revision.moveRevisionToTop({ id: '456' }, revs); expect(newRevs[0].id).toBe('123'); expect(newRevs[1].id).toBe('789'); expect(newRevs[2].id).toBe('456'); newRevs = Revision.moveRevisionToTop({ id: '789' }, revs); expect(newRevs[0].id).toBe('123'); expect(newRevs[1].id).toBe('456'); expect(newRevs[2].id).toBe('789'); })); it('should create patch stats', (async () => { const tests = [ { patch: `@@ -625,16 +625,48 @@ rrupted download +%0A- %5B %5D Fix mobile screen options`, expected: [-0, +32], }, { patch: `@@ -564,17 +564,17 @@ ages%0A- %5B - +x %5D Check `, expected: [-1, +1], }, { patch: `@@ -1022,56 +1022,415 @@ .%0A%0A# - How to view a note history%0A%0AWhile all the apps +%C2%A0How does it work?%0A%0AAll the apps save a version of the modified notes every 10 minutes. %0A%0A# `, expected: [-(19 + 27 + 2), 17 + 67 + 4], }, ]; for (const test of tests) { const stats = Revision.patchStats(test.patch); expect(stats.removed).toBe(-test.expected[0]); expect(stats.added).toBe(test.expected[1]); } })); });