# Drawing tool
Joplin supports inserting and editing drawings. On mobile, this is built in. On desktop, this is supported through the [Freehand Drawing plugin](https://joplinapp.org/plugins/plugin/io.github.personalizedrefrigerator.js-draw/).
## Core features
- Inserting and manipulating drawings, images, and plain text.
- Drawing with a stylus and/or touchscreen.
- Embedding multiple drawings in the same note.
- A [very large zoom range](#large-zoom-range)
## On mobile
### Adding a drawing
Clicking "Draw picture" adds a new drawing to the note. When Joplin's note viewer is open, drawings are added to the end of the note. In editing mode, drawings are added at the cursor.
### Editing an existing drawing
Existing drawings can be opened and edited from the note viewer.
## On desktop
With the [Freehand Drawing plugin](https://joplinapp.org/plugins/plugin/io.github.personalizedrefrigerator.js-draw/), the UI for adding and editing drawings on desktop is slightly different.
Here, the "insert drawing" button is part of the main editor toolbar:
Double-click on an existing drawing to edit it:
For more ways to edit existing drawings on desktop, see the [Freehand Drawing plugin's FAQ](https://joplinapp.org/plugins/plugin/io.github.personalizedrefrigerator.js-draw/#faq).
## The editor
### Save, undo, and exit
Actions for managing changes are at the top of the screen:
- **Close**: Hides the editor. If there are unsaved changes, this gives the option to save or discard them.
- **Save**: Save changes to the drawing, *without* closing the editor.
- **Undo**: Reverts the last change to the drawing.
- **Redo**: Redoes an undone change.
Long-pressing on a toolbar button shows a brief description. For example, long-pressing on the undo button shows "undo":
### Tools
Clicking on an unselected tool switches to that tool. Clicking an already-selected toolbar button allows changing that tool's settings:
Most tool menus have a help button () that shows additional information about the different available settings.
## How are drawings saved?
Drawings are saved as Joplin resources using the [SVG image format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG).
This means that it should be possible to view and/or edit and view drawings in other apps that support SVG:
## Other features
### Large zoom range
The drawing tool has a very large zoom range by default. Among other things, this can be used to provide additional details or clarification to notes.
### Locking rotation and disabling touch drawing
The "hand" tool's settings include:
- **Rotation locking**: By default, touch gestures can rotate the screen. Rotation locking prevents the screen from rotating.
- **Touchscreen panning** prevents the touchscreen from drawing. Instead, all touch gestures move the screen. This is particularly useful on tablets with a stylus.
### Picking a color from the screen
Color pickers include a "pick color from screen" tool:
This tool allows setting the current pen, text, or selection color to a color displayed on the screen.
It's also possible to **click and drag** with this tool. While doing this, the interior of the color dropper shows the color below the cursor:
### Changing the color of selected items
After selecting content with the selection tool, the selection tool menu allows duplicating, deleting, and changing the color of the selection:
### Keyboard shortcuts
On desktop and mobile devices with keyboards, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:
- 1, 2, 3, ...: Change the selected tool.
- space: Open the configuration menu for the selected tool.
- ctrl-z, ctrl-shift-z: Undo and redo.
- Changing the selection
- ctrl-d: Duplicate selected items.
- end: Move selection to back.
- i, o, shift-i, shift-o: Stretch the selection vertically or horizontally.
- r, shift-r: Rotate the selection.
- ctrl-a: Select all.
- shift-click and drag: Expand the selection.
- Changing the pen style
- alt-1, alt-2, ...: If a pen tool is selected, change the style of the selected pen.
- +, -: Increase or decrease the size of the selected pen.
- Moving around the image
- ctrl-f: Find text and images.
- w: Zoom in.
- s: Zoom out.
- Arrow keys: Move left/right/up/down.
- r, shift-r: Rotate the viewport.
- Drawing
- shift-drag: Plane lock
- ctrl-drag: Snap to grid
- ctrl-s: Save
- alt-q: Close (Desktop only)
On MacOS and iOS, in most cases, both ctrl and the command key will trigger the above shortcuts.
### Changing the part of a drawing shown in the note viewer
It's possible to change which part of a drawing is visible in the note viewer using the selection and page menus:
When opening the note viewer again, the image will be cropped to the region selected above.
To un-crop an image, use "Auto-resize" in the "page" menu: