const { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, createNTestNotes, createNTestFolders, createNTestTags } = require('./testing/test-utils.js'); const reducer = require('./reducer').default; const { defaultState, MAX_HISTORY } = require('./reducer'); // const { ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID } = require('./reserved-ids'); function initTestState(folders, selectedFolderIndex, notes, selectedNoteIndexes, tags = null, selectedTagIndex = null) { let state = defaultState; if (selectedFolderIndex != null) { state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folders[selectedFolderIndex].id }); } if (folders != null) { state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_UPDATE_ALL', items: folders }); } if (notes != null) { state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: notes, noteSource: 'test' }); } if (selectedNoteIndexes != null) { const selectedIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < selectedNoteIndexes.length; i++) { selectedIds.push(notes[selectedNoteIndexes[i]].id); } state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_SELECT', ids: selectedIds }); } if (tags != null) { state = reducer(state, { type: 'TAG_UPDATE_ALL', items: tags }); } if (selectedTagIndex != null) { state = reducer(state, { type: 'TAG_SELECT', id: tags[selectedTagIndex].id }); } return state; } function goToNote(notes, selectedNoteIndexes, state) { if (selectedNoteIndexes != null) { const selectedIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < selectedNoteIndexes.length; i++) { selectedIds.push(notes[selectedNoteIndexes[i]].id); } state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_SELECT', ids: selectedIds }); } return state; } function goBackWard(state) { if (!state.backwardHistoryNotes.length) return state; state = reducer(state, { type: 'HISTORY_BACKWARD', }); return state; } function goForward(state) { if (!state.forwardHistoryNotes.length) return state; state = reducer(state, { type: 'HISTORY_FORWARD', }); return state; } function createExpectedState(items, keepIndexes, selectedIndexes) { const expected = { items: [], selectedIds: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < selectedIndexes.length; i++) { expected.selectedIds.push(items[selectedIndexes[i]].id); } for (let i = 0; i < keepIndexes.length; i++) { expected.items.push(items[keepIndexes[i]]); } return expected; } function getIds(items, indexes = null) { const ids = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (indexes == null || i in indexes) { ids.push(items[i].id); } } return ids; } describe('reducer', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); done(); }); // tests for NOTE_DELETE it('should delete selected note', (async () => { // create 1 folder const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); // create 5 notes const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); // select the 1st folder and the 3rd note let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [2]); // test action // delete the third note state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[2].id }); // expect that the third note is missing, and the 4th note is now selected const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,3,4], [3]); // check the ids of all the remaining notes expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); // check the ids of the selected notes expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete selected note at top', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [1]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[0].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [1,2,3,4], [1]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete last remaining note', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(1, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[0].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [], []); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete selected note at bottom', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [4]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[4].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,2,3], [3]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete note when a note below is selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [3]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[1].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,2,3,4], [3]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete note when a note above is selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [1]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[3].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,2,4], [1]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete selected notes', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [1,2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[1].id }); state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[2].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,3,4], [3]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete note when a notes below it are selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [3,4]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[1].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,2,3,4], [3,4]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete note when a notes above it are selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [1,2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[3].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,2,4], [1,2]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete notes at end', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [3,4]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[3].id }); state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[4].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,2], [2]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should delete notes when non-contiguous selection', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0,2,4]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[0].id }); state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[2].id }); state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[4].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(notes, [1,3], [1]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); // tests for FOLDER_DELETE it('should delete selected notebook', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(5); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 2, notes, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_DELETE', id: folders[2].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(folders, [0,1,3,4], [3]); expect(getIds(state.folders)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedFolderId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); it('should delete notebook when a book above is selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(5); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 1, notes, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_DELETE', id: folders[2].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(folders, [0,1,3,4], [1]); expect(getIds(state.folders)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedFolderId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); it('should delete notebook when a book below is selected', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(5); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); let state = initTestState(folders, 4, notes, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_DELETE', id: folders[2].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(folders, [0,1,3,4], [4]); expect(getIds(state.folders)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedFolderId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); // tests for TAG_DELETE it('should delete selected tag', (async () => { const tags = await createNTestTags(5); let state = initTestState(null, null, null, null, tags, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'TAG_DELETE', id: tags[2].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(tags, [0,1,3,4], [3]); expect(getIds(state.tags)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedTagId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); it('should delete tag when a tag above is selected', (async () => { const tags = await createNTestTags(5); let state = initTestState(null, null, null, null, tags, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'TAG_DELETE', id: tags[4].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(tags, [0,1,2,3], [2]); expect(getIds(state.tags)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedTagId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); it('should delete tag when a tag below is selected', (async () => { const tags = await createNTestTags(5); let state = initTestState(null, null, null, null, tags, [2]); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'TAG_DELETE', id: tags[0].id }); const expected = createExpectedState(tags, [1,2,3,4], [2]); expect(getIds(state.tags)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedTagId).toEqual(expected.selectedIds[0]); })); it('should select all notes', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(2); const notes = []; for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { notes.push(...await createNTestNotes(3, folders[i])); } let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes.slice(0,3), [0]); let expected = createExpectedState(notes, [0,1,2], [0]); expect(state.notes.length).toEqual(expected.items.length); expect(getIds(state.notes.slice(0,4))).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); // test action state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_SELECT_ALL' }); expected = createExpectedState(notes.slice(0,3), [0,1,2], [0,1,2]); expect(getIds(state.notes)).toEqual(getIds(expected.items)); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual(expected.selectedIds); })); it('should remove deleted note from history', (async () => { // create 1 folder const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); // create 5 notes const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); // select the 1st folder and the 1st note let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0]); // select second note state = goToNote(notes, [1], state); // select third note state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); // select fourth note state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); // expect history to contain first, second and third note expect(state.backwardHistoryNotes.length).toEqual(3); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0, 3))); // delete third note state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[2].id }); // expect history to not contain third note expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).not.toContain(notes[2].id); })); it('should remove all notes of a deleted notebook from history', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(2); const notes = []; for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { notes.push(...await createNTestNotes(3, folders[i])); } let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes.slice(0,3), [0]); state = goToNote(notes, [1], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); // go to second folder state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folders[1].id }); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0, 3))); // delete the first folder state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_DELETE', id: folders[0].id }); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual([]); })); it('should maintain history correctly when going backward and forward', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(2); const notes = []; for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { notes.push(...await createNTestNotes(5, folders[i])); } let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes.slice(0,5), [0]); state = goToNote(notes, [1], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [4], state); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0, 4))); state = goBackWard(state); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0,3))); expect(getIds(state.forwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(4, 5))); state = goBackWard(state); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0,2))); // because we push the last seen note to stack. expect(getIds(state.forwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds([notes[4], notes[3]])); state = goForward(state); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0,3))); expect(getIds(state.forwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds([notes[4]])); state = goForward(state); expect(getIds(state.backwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual(getIds(notes.slice(0,4))); expect(getIds(state.forwardHistoryNotes)).toEqual([]); })); it('should remember the last seen note of a notebook', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(2); const notes = []; for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { notes.push(...await createNTestNotes(5, folders[i])); } let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes.slice(0,5), [0]); state = goToNote(notes, [1], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [4], state); // last seen note is notes[4] // go to second folder state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folders[1].id }); state = goToNote(notes, [5], state); state = goToNote(notes, [6], state); // return to first folder state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folders[0].id }); expect(state.lastSelectedNotesIds.Folder[folders[0].id]).toEqual([notes[4].id]); // return to second folder state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folders[1].id }); expect(state.lastSelectedNotesIds.Folder[folders[1].id]).toEqual([notes[6].id]); })); it('should ensure that history is free of adjacent duplicates', (async () => { // create 1 folder const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); // create 5 notes const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); // select the 1st folder and the 1st note let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0]); // backward = 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 // forward = // current = 3 state = goToNote(notes, [1], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); state = goToNote(notes, [2], state); state = goToNote(notes, [3], state); // backward = 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 // forward = 3 // current = 2 state = goBackWard(state); // backward = 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 // forward = 3 2 // current = 3 state = goBackWard(state); // backward = 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 // forward = 3 2 3 // current = 2 state = goBackWard(state); // backward = 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 // forward = 3 2 3 2 // current = 3 state = goBackWard(state); expect(>[notes[0], notes[1], notes[2], notes[3], notes[2], notes[3], notes[2]].map(n=>; expect(>[notes[3], notes[2], notes[3], notes[2]].map(n=>; expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual([notes[3].id]); // delete third note state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_DELETE', id: notes[2].id }); // if adjacent duplicates not removed // backward = 0 1 3 3 // forward = 3 3 // current = 3 // if adjacent duplicates are removed // backward = 0 1 3 // forward = 3 // current = 3 // Expected: adjacent duplicates are removed and latest history does not contain current note // backward = 0 1 // forward = // current = 3 expect( =>[notes[0].id, notes[1].id]); expect( =>[]); expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toEqual([notes[3].id]); })); it('should ensure history max limit is maintained', (async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); // create 5 notes const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); // select the 1st folder and the 1st note let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0]); for (let i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_HISTORY; i++) { state = goToNote(notes, [i % 5], state); } expect(state.backwardHistoryNotes.length).toEqual(MAX_HISTORY); expect( =>[]); for (let i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_HISTORY; i++) { state = goBackWard(state); } expect(state.backwardHistoryNotes).toEqual([]); expect(state.forwardHistoryNotes.length).toEqual(MAX_HISTORY); for (let i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_HISTORY; i++) { state = goForward(state); } expect(state.backwardHistoryNotes.length).toEqual(MAX_HISTORY); expect( =>[]); })); // it('should not change folders when all notes filter is on', async () => { // const folders = await createNTestFolders(2); // const notes = []; // for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { // notes.push(...await createNTestNotes(1, folders[i])); // } // // initialize state with no folders selected // let state = initTestState(folders, null, notes.slice(0,2), null); // // turn on 'All Notes' filter // state = reducer(state, { type: 'SMART_FILTER_SELECT', id: ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID }); // // change folder // state = reducer(state, { type: 'FOLDER_AND_NOTE_SELECT', folderId: folders[1].id, noteId: notes[1].id }); // expect(state.selectedFolderId).toEqual(null); // expect(state.selectedNoteIds[0]).toEqual(notes[1].id); // }); // tests for NOTE_UPDATE_ALL about issue #5447 it('should not change selectedNoteIds object when selections are not changed', async () => { const folders = await createNTestFolders(1); const notes = await createNTestNotes(5, folders[0]); { // Case 1. Selected notes are changed when one of selected notes is deleted. let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0, 2, 4]); state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: notes.slice(0, 4), notesSource: 'test' }); const expected = [notes[0].id, notes[2].id].sort(); expect([...state.selectedNoteIds].sort()).toEqual(expected); } { // Case 2. Selected notes and object identity are unchanged when notes are not changed. let state = initTestState(folders, 0, notes, [0, 2, 4]); const expected = state.selectedNoteIds; state = reducer(state, { type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: notes, notesSource: 'test' }); // Object identity is checked. Don't use toEqual() or toStrictEqual() here. expect(state.selectedNoteIds).toBe(expected); } }); });