import InteropService_Importer_Md_frontmatter from '../../services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md_frontmatter'; import Note from '../../models/Note'; import Tag from '../../models/Tag'; import time from '../../time'; import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, supportDir, switchClient } from '../../testing/test-utils'; async function importNote(path: string) { const importer = new InteropService_Importer_Md_frontmatter(); importer.setMetadata({ fileExtensions: ['md', 'html'] }); return await importer.importFile(path, 'notebook'); } const importTestFile = async (name: string) => { return importNote(`${supportDir}/test_notes/yaml/${name}`); }; describe('InteropService_Importer_Md_frontmatter: importMetadata', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); }); it('should import file and set all metadata correctly', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); const format = 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm'; expect(note.title).toBe('Test Note Title'); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_updated_time, format)).toBe('01/05/2019 16:54'); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_created_time, format)).toBe('01/05/2019 16:54'); expect(note.source_url).toBe(''); expect('Joplin'); expect(note.latitude).toBe('37.08402100'); expect(note.longitude).toBe('-94.51350100'); expect(note.altitude).toBe('0.0000'); expect(note.is_todo).toBe(1); expect(note.todo_completed).toBeUndefined(); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.todo_due, format)).toBe('22/08/2021 00:00'); expect(note.body).toBe('This is the note body\n'); const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(; expect(tags.length).toBe(3); const tagTitles = => tag.title); expect(tagTitles).toContain('joplin'); expect(tagTitles).toContain('note'); expect(tagTitles).toContain('pencil'); }); it('should only import data from the first yaml block', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('xxx'); expect('xxx'); expect(note.body).toBe('---\nauthor: xxx\n---\n\nnote body\n'); }); it('should only import, duplicate notes and tags are not created', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('ddd'); const itemIds = await Note.linkedItemIds(note.body); expect(itemIds.length).toBe(1); const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(; expect(tags.length).toBe(1); }); it('should not import items as numbers', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('001'); expect(note.body).toBe('note body\n'); }); it('should normalize whitespace and load correctly', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('norm'); expect(note.body).toBe('note body\n'); const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(; expect(tags.length).toBe(3); }); it('should load unquoted special forms correctly', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('Unquoted'); expect(note.body).toBe('note body\n'); expect(note.longitude).toBe('-94.51350100'); expect(note.is_todo).toBe(1); expect(note.todo_completed).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should load notes with newline in the title', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('First\nSecond'); }); it('should import dates (without time) correctly', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); const format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'; expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_updated_time, format)).toBe('2021-01-01 00:00'); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_created_time, format)).toBe('2017-01-01 00:00'); }); it('should load tags even with the inline syntax', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('Inline Tags'); const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(; expect(tags.length).toBe(2); }); it('should import r-markdown files correctly and set what metadata it can', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); const format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'; expect(note.title).toBe('YAML metadata for R Markdown with examples'); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_updated_time, format)).toBe('2021-06-10 00:00'); expect(time.formatMsToLocal(note.user_created_time, format)).toBe('2021-06-10 00:00'); expect('Hao Liang'); const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(; expect(tags.length).toBe(2); const tagTitles = => tag.title); expect(tagTitles).toContain('yaml'); expect(tagTitles).toContain('rmd'); }); it('should import r-markdown files with alternative author syntax', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.title).toBe('Distill for R Markdown'); expect('JJ Allaire'); }); it('should handle date formats with timezone information', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.user_updated_time).toBe(1556729640000); expect(note.user_created_time).toBe(1556754840000); }); it('should accept file with no newline after the block marker', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.body).toBe('note body\n'); }); it('should handle multiple newlines before the note body', async () => { const note = await importTestFile(''); expect(note.body).toBe('\n\nnote body'); }); });