/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */ // This contains the CodeMirror instance, which needs to be built into a bundle // using `yarn run buildInjectedJs`. This bundle is then loaded from // NoteEditor.tsx into the webview. // // In general, since this file is harder to debug due to the intermediate built // step, it's better to keep it as light as possible - it shoud just be a light // wrapper to access CodeMirror functionalities. Anything else should be done // from NoteEditor.tsx. import { MarkdownMathExtension } from './markdownMathParser'; import createTheme from './theme'; import decoratorExtension from './decoratorExtension'; import syntaxHighlightingLanguages from './syntaxHighlightingLanguages'; import { EditorState } from '@codemirror/state'; import { markdown } from '@codemirror/lang-markdown'; import { GFM as GitHubFlavoredMarkdownExtension } from '@lezer/markdown'; import { indentOnInput, indentUnit, syntaxTree } from '@codemirror/language'; import { openSearchPanel, closeSearchPanel, SearchQuery, setSearchQuery, getSearchQuery, /* highlightSelectionMatches, */ search, findNext, findPrevious, replaceAll, replaceNext, } from '@codemirror/search'; import { EditorView, drawSelection, highlightSpecialChars, ViewUpdate, Command, } from '@codemirror/view'; import { undo, redo, history, undoDepth, redoDepth, indentWithTab } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { keymap, KeyBinding } from '@codemirror/view'; import { searchKeymap } from '@codemirror/search'; import { historyKeymap, defaultKeymap } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { CodeMirrorControl } from './types'; import { EditorSettings, ListType, SearchState } from '../types'; import { ChangeEvent, SelectionChangeEvent, Selection } from '../types'; import SelectionFormatting from '../SelectionFormatting'; import { logMessage, postMessage } from './webviewLogger'; import { decreaseIndent, increaseIndent, toggleBolded, toggleCode, toggleHeaderLevel, toggleItalicized, toggleList, toggleMath, updateLink, } from './markdownCommands'; interface CodeMirrorResult extends CodeMirrorControl { editor: EditorView; } export function initCodeMirror( parentElement: any, initialText: string, settings: EditorSettings ): CodeMirrorResult { logMessage('Initializing CodeMirror...'); const theme = settings.themeData; let searchVisible = false; let schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_: any = 0; const schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange = (editor: EditorView, doItNow = false) => { if (schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_) { if (doItNow) { clearTimeout(schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_); } else { return; } } schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_ = setTimeout(() => { schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_ = null; postMessage('onUndoRedoDepthChange', { undoDepth: undoDepth(editor.state), redoDepth: redoDepth(editor.state), }); }, doItNow ? 0 : 1000); }; const notifyDocChanged = (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { if (viewUpdate.docChanged) { const event: ChangeEvent = { value: editor.state.doc.toString(), }; postMessage('onChange', event); schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange(editor); } }; const notifyLinkEditRequest = () => { postMessage('onRequestLinkEdit', null); }; const showSearchDialog = () => { const query = getSearchQuery(editor.state); const searchState: SearchState = { searchText: query.search, replaceText: query.replace, useRegex: query.regexp, caseSensitive: query.caseSensitive, dialogVisible: true, }; postMessage('onRequestShowSearch', searchState); searchVisible = true; }; const hideSearchDialog = () => { postMessage('onRequestHideSearch', null); searchVisible = false; }; const notifySelectionChange = (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { if (!viewUpdate.state.selection.eq(viewUpdate.startState.selection)) { const mainRange = viewUpdate.state.selection.main; const selection: Selection = { start: mainRange.from, end: mainRange.to, }; const event: SelectionChangeEvent = { selection, }; postMessage('onSelectionChange', event); } }; const notifySelectionFormattingChange = (viewUpdate?: ViewUpdate) => { // If we can't determine the previous formatting, post the update regardless if (!viewUpdate) { const formatting = computeSelectionFormatting(editor.state); postMessage('onSelectionFormattingChange', formatting.toJSON()); } else if (viewUpdate.docChanged || !viewUpdate.state.selection.eq(viewUpdate.startState.selection)) { // Only post the update if something changed const oldFormatting = computeSelectionFormatting(viewUpdate.startState); const newFormatting = computeSelectionFormatting(viewUpdate.state); if (!oldFormatting.eq(newFormatting)) { postMessage('onSelectionFormattingChange', newFormatting.toJSON()); } } }; const computeSelectionFormatting = (state: EditorState): SelectionFormatting => { const range = state.selection.main; const formatting: SelectionFormatting = new SelectionFormatting(); formatting.selectedText = state.doc.sliceString(range.from, range.to); formatting.spellChecking = editor.contentDOM.spellcheck; const parseLinkData = (nodeText: string) => { const linkMatch = nodeText.match(/\[([^\]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)/); if (linkMatch) { return { linkText: linkMatch[1], linkURL: linkMatch[2], }; } return null; }; // Find nodes that overlap/are within the selected region syntaxTree(state).iterate({ from: range.from, to: range.to, enter: node => { // Checklists don't have a specific containing node. As such, // we're in a checklist if we've selected a 'Task' node. if (node.name === 'Task') { formatting.inChecklist = true; } // Only handle notes that contain the entire range. if (node.from > range.from || node.to < range.to) { return; } // Lazily compute the node's text const nodeText = () => state.doc.sliceString(node.from, node.to); switch (node.name) { case 'StrongEmphasis': formatting.bolded = true; break; case 'Emphasis': formatting.italicized = true; break; case 'ListItem': formatting.listLevel += 1; break; case 'BulletList': formatting.inUnorderedList = true; break; case 'OrderedList': formatting.inOrderedList = true; break; case 'TaskList': formatting.inChecklist = true; break; case 'InlineCode': case 'FencedCode': formatting.inCode = true; formatting.unspellCheckableRegion = true; break; case 'InlineMath': case 'BlockMath': formatting.inMath = true; formatting.unspellCheckableRegion = true; break; case 'ATXHeading1': formatting.headerLevel = 1; break; case 'ATXHeading2': formatting.headerLevel = 2; break; case 'ATXHeading3': formatting.headerLevel = 3; break; case 'ATXHeading4': formatting.headerLevel = 4; break; case 'ATXHeading5': formatting.headerLevel = 5; break; case 'URL': formatting.inLink = true; formatting.linkData.linkURL = nodeText(); formatting.unspellCheckableRegion = true; break; case 'Link': formatting.inLink = true; formatting.linkData = parseLinkData(nodeText()); break; } }, }); // The markdown parser marks checklists as unordered lists. Ensure // that they aren't marked as such. if (formatting.inChecklist) { if (!formatting.inUnorderedList) { // Even if the selection contains a Task, because an unordered list node // must contain a valid Task node, we're only in a checklist if we're also in // an unordered list. formatting.inChecklist = false; } else { formatting.inUnorderedList = false; } } if (formatting.unspellCheckableRegion) { formatting.spellChecking = false; } return formatting; }; // Returns a keyboard command that returns true (so accepts the keybind) const keyCommand = (key: string, run: Command): KeyBinding => { return { key, run, preventDefault: true, }; }; const editor = new EditorView({ state: EditorState.create({ // See https://github.com/codemirror/basic-setup/blob/main/src/codemirror.ts // for a sample configuration. extensions: [ markdown({ extensions: [ GitHubFlavoredMarkdownExtension, // Don't highlight KaTeX if the user disabled it settings.katexEnabled ? MarkdownMathExtension : [], ], codeLanguages: syntaxHighlightingLanguages, }), ...createTheme(theme), history(), search({ createPanel(_: EditorView) { return { // The actual search dialog is implemented with react native, // use a dummy element. dom: document.createElement('div'), mount() { showSearchDialog(); }, destroy() { hideSearchDialog(); }, }; }, }), drawSelection(), highlightSpecialChars(), // highlightSelectionMatches(), indentOnInput(), // By default, indent with four spaces indentUnit.of(' '), EditorState.tabSize.of(4), // Apply styles to entire lines (block-display decorations) decoratorExtension, EditorView.lineWrapping, EditorView.contentAttributes.of({ autocapitalize: 'sentence', autocorrect: settings.spellcheckEnabled ? 'true' : 'false', spellcheck: settings.spellcheckEnabled ? 'true' : 'false', }), EditorView.updateListener.of((viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { notifyDocChanged(viewUpdate); notifySelectionChange(viewUpdate); notifySelectionFormattingChange(viewUpdate); }), keymap.of([ // Custom mod-f binding: Toggle the external dialog implementation // (don't show/hide the Panel dialog). keyCommand('Mod-f', (_: EditorView) => { if (searchVisible) { hideSearchDialog(); } else { showSearchDialog(); } return true; }), // Markdown formatting keyboard shortcuts keyCommand('Mod-b', toggleBolded), keyCommand('Mod-i', toggleItalicized), keyCommand('Mod-$', toggleMath), keyCommand('Mod-`', toggleCode), keyCommand('Mod-[', decreaseIndent), keyCommand('Mod-]', increaseIndent), keyCommand('Mod-k', (_: EditorView) => { notifyLinkEditRequest(); return true; }), ...defaultKeymap, ...historyKeymap, indentWithTab, ...searchKeymap, ]), EditorState.readOnly.of(settings.readOnly), ], doc: initialText, }), parent: parentElement, }); // HACK: 09/02/22: Work around https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/6802 by creating a copy mousedown // event to prevent the Editor's .preventDefault from making the context menu not appear. // TODO: Track the upstream issue at https://github.com/codemirror/dev/issues/935 and remove this workaround // when the upstream bug is fixed. document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', (evt) => { if (!evt.isTrusted) { return; } // Walk up the tree -- is evt.target or any of its parent nodes the editor's input region? for (let current: Record = evt.target; current; current = current.parentElement) { if (current === editor.contentDOM) { evt.stopPropagation(); const copyEvent = new Event('mousedown', evt); editor.contentDOM.dispatchEvent(copyEvent); return; } } }, true); const updateSearchQuery = (newState: SearchState) => { const query = new SearchQuery({ search: newState.searchText, caseSensitive: newState.caseSensitive, regexp: newState.useRegex, replace: newState.replaceText, }); editor.dispatch({ effects: setSearchQuery.of(query), }); }; const editorControls = { editor, undo: () => { undo(editor); schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange(editor, true); }, redo: () => { redo(editor); schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange(editor, true); }, select: (anchor: number, head: number) => { editor.dispatch(editor.state.update({ selection: { anchor, head }, scrollIntoView: true, })); }, scrollSelectionIntoView: () => { editor.dispatch(editor.state.update({ scrollIntoView: true, })); }, insertText: (text: string) => { editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection(text)); }, toggleFindDialog: () => { const opened = openSearchPanel(editor); if (!opened) { closeSearchPanel(editor); } }, // Formatting toggleBolded: () => { toggleBolded(editor); }, toggleItalicized: () => { toggleItalicized(editor); }, toggleCode: () => { toggleCode(editor); }, toggleMath: () => { toggleMath(editor); }, increaseIndent: () => { increaseIndent(editor); }, decreaseIndent: () => { decreaseIndent(editor); }, toggleList: (kind: ListType) => { toggleList(kind)(editor); }, toggleHeaderLevel: (level: number) => { toggleHeaderLevel(level)(editor); }, updateLink: (label: string, url: string) => { updateLink(label, url)(editor); }, // Search searchControl: { findNext: () => { findNext(editor); }, findPrevious: () => { findPrevious(editor); }, replaceCurrent: () => { replaceNext(editor); }, replaceAll: () => { replaceAll(editor); }, setSearchState: (state: SearchState) => { updateSearchQuery(state); }, showSearch: () => { showSearchDialog(); }, hideSearch: () => { hideSearchDialog(); }, }, }; return editorControls; }