const { createStore, applyMiddleware } = require('redux'); const { reducer, defaultState } = require('lib/reducer.js'); const { JoplinDatabase } = require('lib/joplin-database.js'); const { Database } = require('lib/database.js'); const { FoldersScreenUtils } = require('lib/folders-screen-utils.js'); const { DatabaseDriverNode } = require('lib/database-driver-node.js'); const { BaseModel } = require('lib/base-model.js'); const { Folder } = require('lib/models/folder.js'); const { BaseItem } = require('lib/models/base-item.js'); const { Note } = require('lib/models/note.js'); const { Tag } = require('lib/models/tag.js'); const { Setting } = require('lib/models/setting.js'); const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js'); const { splitCommandString } = require('lib/string-utils.js'); const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { fileExtension } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); const { _, setLocale, defaultLocale, closestSupportedLocale } = require('lib/locale.js'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); class BaseApplication { constructor() { this.logger_ = new Logger(); this.dbLogger_ = new Logger(); this.eventEmitter_ = new EventEmitter(); // Note: this is basically a cache of state.selectedFolderId. It should *only* // be derived from the state and not set directly since that would make the // state and UI out of sync. this.currentFolder_ = null; } logger() { return this.logger_; } store() { return this.store_; } currentFolder() { return this.currentFolder_; } async refreshCurrentFolder() { let newFolder = null; if (this.currentFolder_) newFolder = await Folder.load(; if (!newFolder) newFolder = await Folder.defaultFolder(); this.switchCurrentFolder(newFolder); } switchCurrentFolder(folder) { this.dispatch({ type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: folder ? : '', }); } // Handles the initial flags passed to main script and // returns the remaining args. async handleStartFlags_(argv, setDefaults = true) { let matched = {}; argv = argv.slice(0); argv.splice(0, 2); // First arguments are the node executable, and the node JS file while (argv.length) { let arg = argv[0]; let nextArg = argv.length >= 2 ? argv[1] : null; if (arg == '--profile') { if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: %s', '--profile ')); matched.profileDir = nextArg; argv.splice(0, 2); continue; } if (arg == '--env') { if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: %s', '--env ')); matched.env = nextArg; argv.splice(0, 2); continue; } if (arg == '--is-demo') { Setting.setConstant('isDemo', true); argv.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (arg == '--open-dev-tools') { Setting.setConstant('openDevTools', true); argv.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (arg == '--update-geolocation-disabled') { Note.updateGeolocationEnabled_ = false; argv.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (arg == '--stack-trace-enabled') { this.showStackTraces_ = true; argv.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (arg == '--log-level') { if (!nextArg) throw new Error(_('Usage: %s', '--log-level ')); matched.logLevel = Logger.levelStringToId(nextArg); argv.splice(0, 2); continue; } if (arg.length && arg[0] == '-') { throw new Error(_('Unknown flag: %s', arg)); } else { break; } } if (setDefaults) { if (!matched.logLevel) matched.logLevel = Logger.LEVEL_INFO; if (!matched.env) matched.env = 'prod'; } return { matched: matched, argv: argv, }; } on(eventName, callback) { return this.eventEmitter_.on(eventName, callback); } async exit(code = 0) { await Setting.saveAll(); process.exit(code); } async refreshNotes(state) { let parentType = state.notesParentType; let parentId = null; if (parentType === 'Folder') { parentId = state.selectedFolderId; parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER; } else if (parentType === 'Note') { parentId = state.selectedNoteId; parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE; } else if (parentType === 'Tag') { parentId = state.selectedTagId; parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_TAG; } else if (parentType === 'Search') { parentId = state.selectedSearchId; parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH; } this.logger().debug('Refreshing notes:', parentType, parentId); let options = { order: state.notesOrder, uncompletedTodosOnTop: Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop'), }; const source = JSON.stringify({ options: options, parentId: parentId, }); let notes = []; if (parentId) { if (parentType === Folder.modelType()) { notes = await Note.previews(parentId, options); } else if (parentType === Tag.modelType()) { notes = await Tag.notes(parentId); } else if (parentType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) { let fields = Note.previewFields(); let search = BaseModel.byId(state.searches, parentId); notes = await Note.previews(null, { fields: fields, anywherePattern: '*' + search.query_pattern + '*', }); } }{ type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: notes, notesSource: source, });{ type: 'NOTE_SELECT', id: notes.length ? notes[0].id : null, }); } reducerActionToString(action) { let o = [action.type]; if ('id' in action) o.push(; if ('noteId' in action) o.push(action.noteId); if ('folderId' in action) o.push(action.folderId); if ('tagId' in action) o.push(action.tagId); if ('tag' in action) o.push(; if ('folder' in action) o.push(; if ('notesSource' in action) o.push(JSON.stringify(action.notesSource)); return o.join(', '); } hasGui() { return false; } generalMiddlewareFn() { const middleware = store => next => (action) => { return this.generalMiddleware(store, next, action); } return middleware; } async generalMiddleware(store, next, action) { this.logger().debug('Reducer action', this.reducerActionToString(action)); const result = next(action); const newState = store.getState(); if (action.type == 'FOLDER_SELECT' || action.type === 'FOLDER_DELETE') { Setting.setValue('activeFolderId', newState.selectedFolderId); this.currentFolder_ = newState.selectedFolderId ? await Folder.load(newState.selectedFolderId) : null; await this.refreshNotes(newState); } if (this.hasGui() && action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'uncompletedTodosOnTop' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { await this.refreshNotes(newState); } if (action.type == 'TAG_SELECT' || action.type === 'TAG_DELETE') { await this.refreshNotes(newState); } if (action.type == 'SEARCH_SELECT' || action.type === 'SEARCH_DELETE') { await this.refreshNotes(newState); } if (action.type === 'NOTE_UPDATE_ONE') { // If there is a conflict, we refresh the folders so as to display "Conflicts" folder if (action.note && action.note.is_conflict) { await FoldersScreenUtils.refreshFolders(); } } if (this.hasGui() && action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'sync.interval' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { reg.setupRecurrentSync(); } return result; } dispatch(action) { if ( return; } reducer(state = defaultState, action) { return reducer(state, action); } initRedux() { this.store_ = createStore(this.reducer, applyMiddleware(this.generalMiddlewareFn())); BaseModel.dispatch =; FoldersScreenUtils.dispatch =; reg.dispatch =; } async readFlagsFromFile(flagPath) { if (!fs.existsSync(flagPath)) return {}; let flagContent = fs.readFileSync(flagPath, 'utf8'); if (!flagContent) return {}; flagContent = flagContent.trim(); let flags = splitCommandString(flagContent); flags.splice(0, 0, 'cmd'); flags.splice(0, 0, 'node'); flags = await this.handleStartFlags_(flags, false); return flags.matched; } async start(argv) { let startFlags = await this.handleStartFlags_(argv); argv = startFlags.argv; let initArgs = startFlags.matched; if (argv.length) this.showPromptString_ = false; if (process.argv[1].indexOf('joplindev') >= 0) { if (!initArgs.profileDir) initArgs.profileDir = '/mnt/d/Temp/TestNotes2'; initArgs.logLevel = Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG; initArgs.env = 'dev'; } let appName = initArgs.env == 'dev' ? 'joplindev' : 'joplin'; if (Setting.value('appId').indexOf('-desktop') >= 0) appName += '-desktop'; Setting.setConstant('appName', appName); const profileDir = initArgs.profileDir ? initArgs.profileDir : os.homedir() + '/.config/' + Setting.value('appName'); const resourceDir = profileDir + '/resources'; const tempDir = profileDir + '/tmp'; Setting.setConstant('env', initArgs.env); Setting.setConstant('profileDir', profileDir); Setting.setConstant('resourceDir', resourceDir); Setting.setConstant('tempDir', tempDir); await fs.mkdirp(profileDir, 0o755); await fs.mkdirp(resourceDir, 0o755); await fs.mkdirp(tempDir, 0o755); const extraFlags = await this.readFlagsFromFile(profileDir + '/flags.txt'); initArgs = Object.assign(initArgs, extraFlags); this.logger_.addTarget('file', { path: profileDir + '/log.txt' }); //this.logger_.addTarget('console'); this.logger_.setLevel(initArgs.logLevel); reg.setLogger(this.logger_); reg.dispatch = (o) => {}; this.dbLogger_.addTarget('file', { path: profileDir + '/log-database.txt' }); this.dbLogger_.setLevel(initArgs.logLevel); if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') { this.dbLogger_.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG); }'Profile directory: ' + profileDir); this.database_ = new JoplinDatabase(new DatabaseDriverNode()); //this.database_.setLogExcludedQueryTypes(['SELECT']); this.database_.setLogger(this.dbLogger_); await{ name: profileDir + '/database.sqlite' }); reg.setDb(this.database_); BaseModel.db_ = this.database_; await Setting.load(); if (Setting.value('firstStart')) { const locale = shim.detectAndSetLocale(Setting); reg.logger().info('First start: detected locale as ' + locale); Setting.setValue('firstStart', 0) } else { setLocale(Setting.value('locale')); } let currentFolderId = Setting.value('activeFolderId'); let currentFolder = null; if (currentFolderId) currentFolder = await Folder.load(currentFolderId); if (!currentFolder) currentFolder = await Folder.defaultFolder(); Setting.setValue('activeFolderId', currentFolder ? : ''); return argv; } } module.exports = { BaseApplication };