import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import shim from '../../../shim'; import { downloadMediaFile, createResourcesFromPaths } from './notes'; import Setting from '../../../models/Setting'; import { readFile, readdir, remove, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import Resource from '../../../models/Resource'; import Api, { RequestMethod } from '../Api'; import Note from '../../../models/Note'; import { setupDatabase, switchClient } from '../../../testing/test-utils'; const md5 = require('md5'); const imagePath = `${__dirname}/../../../images/SideMenuHeader.png`; const jpgBase64Content = '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgICAgMCAgIDAwMDBAYEBAQEBAgGBgUGCQgKCgkICQkKDA8MCgsOCwkJDRENDg8QEBEQCgwSExIQEw8QEBD/wAALCAAFAAUBAREA/8QAFAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACf/EAB8QAAEEAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBAgUGAwAREiExM//aAAgBAQAAPwBJarVpGHm7KWbapCSwyZ6FDjkLyYE1W/LHyV2zfOk2TrzX/9k='; describe('routes/notes', () => { beforeEach(async () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); await setupDatabase(1); await switchClient(1); }); test.each([ '/invalid/url', 'htp/', 'https//', ])('should not return a local file for invalid protocols', async (invalidUrl) => { expect(await downloadMediaFile(invalidUrl)).toBe(''); }); test.each([ '', '', ])('should try to download and return a local path to a valid URL', async (url) => { const fetchBlobSpy = jest.fn(async (_url, options) => { await writeFile(options.path, Buffer.from(jpgBase64Content, 'base64')); }); const spy = jest.spyOn(shim, 'fetchBlob').mockImplementation(fetchBlobSpy); const response = await downloadMediaFile(url); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchBlobSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(response).toBe(`${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${files[0]}`); await remove(response); spy.mockRestore(); }); test('should get file from local drive if protocol allows it', async () => { const url = `file:///${imagePath}`; const originalFileContent = await readFile(imagePath); const response = await downloadMediaFile(url, null, ['file:']); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(1); expect(response).toBe(`${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${files[0]}`); const responseFileContent = await readFile(response); expect(md5(responseFileContent)).toBe(md5(originalFileContent)); await remove(response); }); test('should be able to handle URLs with data', async () => { const url = ''; const originalFileContent = Buffer.from(url.split('data:image/gif;base64,')[1], 'base64'); const response = await downloadMediaFile(url); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(1); expect(response).toBe(`${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${files[0]}`); const responseFileContent = await readFile(response); expect(md5(responseFileContent)).toBe(md5(originalFileContent)); await remove(response); }); test('should not process URLs with data that is not image type', async () => { const url = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,dGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UK'; Logger.globalLogger.enabled = false; const response = await downloadMediaFile(url); Logger.globalLogger.enabled = true; const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(0); expect(response).toBe(''); }); test('should not process URLs from cid: protocol', async () => { const url = 'cid:ii_loq3d1100'; const response = await downloadMediaFile(url); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(0); expect(response).toBe(''); }); test('should not copy content from invalid protocols', async () => { const url = 'file:///home/user/file.db'; const allowedProtocols: string[] = []; const mediaFilePath = await downloadMediaFile(url, null, allowedProtocols); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(0); expect(mediaFilePath).toBe(''); }); test.each([ '', '', ])('should correct the file extension in filename from files without or invalid ones', async (url) => { const spy = jest.spyOn(shim, 'fetchBlob').mockImplementation(async (_url, options) => { await writeFile(options.path, Buffer.from(jpgBase64Content, 'base64')); return { headers: { 'content-type': 'image/jpg', }, }; }); const response = await downloadMediaFile(url); const files = await readdir(Setting.value('tempDir')); expect(files.length).toBe(1); expect(response).toBe(`${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${files[0]}`); await remove(response); spy.mockRestore(); }); test('should be able to create resource from files in the filesystem', async () => { const result = await createResourcesFromPaths([ { originalUrl: 'asdf.png', path: `${__dirname}/../../../images/SideMenuHeader.png` }, ]); const resources = await Resource.all(); expect(result.length).toBe(1); expect(result[0].originalUrl).toBe('asdf.png'); expect(result[0].path).toBe(`${__dirname}/../../../images/SideMenuHeader.png`); expect(result[0].resource.title).toBe('SideMenuHeader.png'); expect(result[0].resource.file_extension).toBe('png'); expect(resources.length).toBe(1); expect(result[0].resource).toEqual(resources[0]); }); test('should not create resource from files that does not exist', async () => { Logger.globalLogger.enabled = false; const result = await createResourcesFromPaths([ { originalUrl: 'not-a-real-file', path: '/does/not/exist' }, ]); Logger.globalLogger.enabled = true; expect(result[0].resource).toBe(null); const resources = await Resource.all(); expect(resources.length).toBe(0); }); test('should be able to delete to trash', async () => { const api = new Api(); const note1 = await{}); const note2 = await{}); const beforeTime =; await api.route(RequestMethod.DELETE, `notes/${}`); await api.route(RequestMethod.DELETE, `notes/${}`, { permanent: '1' }); expect((await Note.load(; expect(await Note.load(; }); test('should not stop execution if a file can not be processed', async () => { Logger.globalLogger.enabled = false; const result = await createResourcesFromPaths([ { originalUrl: 'asdf.png', path: `${__dirname}/bad-path-should-not-exist` }, { originalUrl: 'asdf.png', path: `${__dirname}/../../../images/SideMenuHeader.png` }, ]); Logger.globalLogger.enabled = true; expect(result.length).toBe(2); }); test('should not return notes in the trash by default', async () => { const api = new Api(); const note1 = await{}); const note2 = await{}); await Note.delete(, { toTrash: true }); { const notes = await api.route(RequestMethod.GET, 'notes'); expect(notes.items.length).toBe(1); expect(notes.items[0].id).toBe(; } { const notes = await api.route(RequestMethod.GET, 'notes', { include_deleted: '1' }); expect(notes.items.length).toBe(2); } }); test('should not return conflicts by default', async () => { const api = new Api(); const note1 = await{}); await{ is_conflict: 1 }); { const notes = await api.route(RequestMethod.GET, 'notes'); expect(notes.items.length).toBe(1); expect(notes.items[0].id).toBe(; } { const notes = await api.route(RequestMethod.GET, 'notes', { include_conflicts: '1' }); expect(notes.items.length).toBe(2); } }); });