var { app } = require('./app.js'); var Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); var Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js'); var Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); var { cliUtils } = require('./cli-utils.js'); var yargParser = require('yargs-parser'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); async function handleAutocompletionPromise(line) { // Auto-complete the command name const names = await app().commandNames(); let words = getArguments(line); //If there is only one word and it is not already a command name then you //should look for commmands it could be if (words.length == 1) { if (names.indexOf(words[0]) === -1) { let x = names.filter((n) => n.indexOf(words[0]) === 0); if (x.length === 1) { return x[0] + ' '; } return x.length > 0 ? => a + ' ') : line; } else { return line; } } //There is more than one word and it is a command const metadata = (await app().commandMetadata())[words[0]]; //If for some reason this command does not have any associated metadata //just don't autocomplete. However, this should not happen. if (metadata === undefined) { return line; } //complete an option let next = words.length > 1 ? words[words.length - 1] : ''; let l = []; if (next[0] === '-') { for (let i = 0; i 1 && options[1].indexOf(next) === 0) { l.push(options[1]); } else if (options[0].indexOf(next) === 0) { l.push(options[0]); } } if (l.length === 0) { return line; } let ret =>toCommandLine(a)); ret.prefix = toCommandLine(words.slice(0, -1)) + ' '; return ret; } //Complete an argument //Determine the number of positional arguments by counting the number of //words that don't start with a - less one for the command name const positionalArgs = words.filter((a)=>a.indexOf('-') !== 0).length - 1; let cmdUsage = yargParser(metadata.usage)['_']; cmdUsage.splice(0, 1); if (cmdUsage.length >= positionalArgs) { let argName = cmdUsage[positionalArgs - 1]; argName = cliUtils.parseCommandArg(argName).name; if (argName == 'note' || argName == 'note-pattern' && app().currentFolder()) { const notes = await Note.previews(app().currentFolder().id, { titlePattern: next + '*' }); l.push( => n.title)); } if (argName == 'notebook') { const folders = await{ titlePattern: next + '*' }); l.push( => n.title)); } if (argName == 'item') { const notes = await Note.previews(app().currentFolder().id, { titlePattern: next + '*' }); const folders = await{ titlePattern: next + '*' }); l.push( => n.title), => n.title)); } if (argName == 'tag') { let tags = await{ titlePattern: next + '*' }); l.push( => n.title)); } if (argName == 'file') { let files = await fs.readdir('.'); l.push(...files); } if (argName == 'tag-command') { let c = filterList(['add', 'remove', 'list'], next); l.push(...c); } if (argName == 'todo-command') { let c = filterList(['toggle', 'clear'], next); l.push(...c); } } if (l.length === 1) { return toCommandLine([...words.slice(0, -1), l[0]]); } else if (l.length > 1) { let ret =>toCommandLine(a)); ret.prefix = toCommandLine(words.slice(0, -1)) + ' '; return ret; } return line; } function handleAutocompletion(str, callback) { handleAutocompletionPromise(str).then(function(res) { callback(undefined, res); }); } function toCommandLine(args) { if (Array.isArray(args)) { return { if(a.indexOf('"') !== -1 || a.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { return "'" + a + "'"; } else if (a.indexOf("'") !== -1) { return '"' + a + '"'; } else { return a; } }).join(' '); } else { if(args.indexOf('"') !== -1 || args.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { return "'" + args + "' "; } else if (args.indexOf("'") !== -1) { return '"' + args + '" '; } else { return args + ' '; } } } function getArguments(line) { let inSingleQuotes = false; let inDoubleQuotes = false; let currentWord = ''; let parsed = []; for(let i = 0; i