const { connect } = require('react-redux'); import { AppState } from '../app.reducer'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import { clipboard } from 'electron'; import Button from './Button/Button'; import { Fragment } from 'react'; import { accountTypeToString } from '@joplin/lib/utils/joplinCloud/types'; import bridge from '../services/bridge'; type JoplinCloudConfigScreenProps = { inboxEmail: string; joplinCloudAccountType: number; userEmail: string; joplinCloudWebsite: string; }; const JoplinCloudConfigScreen = (props: JoplinCloudConfigScreenProps) => { const copyToClipboard = () => { clipboard.writeText(props.inboxEmail); }; const isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount = props.joplinCloudAccountType !== 1; const goToJoplinCloudProfile = async () => { await bridge().openExternal(`${props.joplinCloudWebsite}/users/me`); }; return (
{_('Account type')} | {accountTypeToString(props.joplinCloudAccountType)} |
{_('Email')} | {props.userEmail} |
{_('Any email sent to this address will be converted into a note and added to your collection. The note will be saved into the Inbox notebook')}
{ isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount ?{props.inboxEmail}
{_('Your account doesn\'t have access to this feature')}