import { readFileSync, readFile, mkdirpSync, writeFileSync, remove, copy, pathExistsSync, pathExists } from 'fs-extra'; import { rootDir } from '../tool-utils'; import { pressCarouselItems } from './utils/pressCarousel'; import { getMarkdownIt, loadMustachePartials, markdownToPageHtml, renderMustache } from './utils/render'; import { AssetUrls, Env, Locale, Partials, PlanPageParams, TemplateParams } from './utils/types'; import { createFeatureTableMd, getPlans, loadStripeConfig } from '@joplin/lib/utils/joplinCloud'; import { stripOffFrontMatter } from './utils/frontMatter'; import { dirname, basename } from 'path'; import { readmeFileTitle, replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks } from './utils/parser'; import { extractOpenGraphTags, OpenGraphTags } from './utils/openGraph'; import { readCredentialFileJson } from '@joplin/lib/utils/credentialFiles'; import { getNewsDateString } from './utils/news'; import { parsePoFile, parseTranslations, Translations } from '../utils/translation'; import { setLocale } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import applyTranslations from './utils/applyTranslations'; import { loadSponsors } from '../utils/loadSponsors'; import convertLinksToLocale from './utils/convertLinksToLocale'; interface BuildConfig { env: Env; } const buildConfig = readCredentialFileJson('website-build.json', { env: Env.Prod, }); const enGbLocale: Locale = { htmlTranslations: {}, lang: 'en-gb', pathPrefix: '', }; const glob = require('glob'); const path = require('path'); const md5File = require('md5-file'); const docDir = `${dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__dirname))))}/joplin-website/docs`; if (!pathExistsSync(docDir)) throw new Error(`Doc directory does not exist: ${docDir}`); const websiteAssetDir = `${rootDir}/Assets/WebsiteAssets`; const readmeDir = `${rootDir}/readme`; const mainTemplateHtml = readFileSync(`${websiteAssetDir}/templates/main-new.mustache`, 'utf8'); const frontTemplateHtml = readFileSync(`${websiteAssetDir}/templates/front.mustache`, 'utf8'); const plansTemplateHtml = readFileSync(`${websiteAssetDir}/templates/plans.mustache`, 'utf8'); const brandTemplateHtml = readFileSync(`${websiteAssetDir}/templates/brand.mustache`, 'utf8'); const stripeConfig = loadStripeConfig(buildConfig.env, `${rootDir}/packages/server/stripeConfig.json`); const partialDir = `${websiteAssetDir}/templates/partials`; const discussLink = ''; let tocMd_: string = null; const tocHtml_: Record = {}; const tocRegex_ = /([^]*)/; function tocMd() { if (tocMd_) return tocMd_; const md = readFileSync(`${rootDir}/`, 'utf8'); const toc = md.match(tocRegex_); tocMd_ = toc[1]; return tocMd_; } const donateLinksRegex_ = /([^]*)/; async function getDonateLinks() { const md = await readFile(`${rootDir}/`, 'utf8'); const matches = md.match(donateLinksRegex_); if (!matches) throw new Error('Cannot fetch donate links'); return ``; } function tocHtml(locale: Locale) { if (tocHtml_[locale.lang]) return tocHtml_[locale.lang]; const markdownIt = getMarkdownIt(); let md = tocMd(); md = md.replace(/# Table of contents/, ''); md = replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks(md); md = convertLinksToLocale(md, locale); let output = markdownIt.render(md); output = `
`; tocHtml_[locale.lang] = output; return output; } const baseUrl = ''; const cssBasePath = `${websiteAssetDir}/css`; const cssBaseUrl = `${baseUrl}/css`; const jsBasePath = `${websiteAssetDir}/js`; const jsBaseUrl = `${baseUrl}/js`; async function getAssetUrls(): Promise { return { css: { fontawesome: `${cssBaseUrl}/fontawesome-all.min.css?h=${await md5File(`${cssBasePath}/fontawesome-all.min.css`)}`, site: `${cssBaseUrl}/site.css?h=${await md5File(`${cssBasePath}/site.css`)}`, }, js: { script: `${jsBaseUrl}/script.js?h=${await md5File(`${jsBasePath}/script.js`)}`, }, }; } function defaultTemplateParams(assetUrls: AssetUrls, locale: Locale = null): TemplateParams { if (!locale) locale = enGbLocale; return { env: buildConfig.env, baseUrl, imageBaseUrl: `${baseUrl}/images`, cssBaseUrl, jsBaseUrl, tocHtml: tocHtml(locale), yyyy: (new Date()).getFullYear().toString(), templateHtml: mainTemplateHtml, forumUrl: '', showToc: true, showImproveThisDoc: true, showJoplinCloudLinks: true, navbar: { isFrontPage: false, }, assetUrls, openGraph: null, locale, }; } function renderPageToHtml(md: string, targetPath: string, templateParams: TemplateParams) { if (templateParams.isNews) templateParams.locale = enGbLocale; // Remove the header because it's going to be added back as HTML md = md.replace(/# Joplin\n/, ''); templateParams = { ...defaultTemplateParams(templateParams.assetUrls, templateParams.locale), ...templateParams, }; templateParams.showBottomLinks = templateParams.showImproveThisDoc; const title = []; if (!templateParams.title) { title.push('Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities'); } else { title.push(templateParams.title); title.push('Joplin'); } md = replaceGitHubByWebsiteLinks(md); md = convertLinksToLocale(md, templateParams.locale); if (templateParams.donateLinksMd) { md = `${templateParams.donateLinksMd}\n\n${md}`; } templateParams.pageTitle = title.join(' | '); const html = templateParams.contentHtml ? renderMustache(templateParams.contentHtml, templateParams) : markdownToPageHtml(md, templateParams); const folderPath = dirname(targetPath); mkdirpSync(folderPath); writeFileSync(targetPath, html); } function renderFileToHtml(sourcePath: string, targetPath: string, templateParams: TemplateParams) { try { let md = readFileSync(sourcePath, 'utf8'); if (templateParams.isNews) { md = processNewsMarkdown(md, sourcePath); } md = stripOffFrontMatter(md).doc; return renderPageToHtml(md, targetPath, templateParams); } catch (error) { error.message = `Could not render file: ${sourcePath}: ${error.message}`; throw error; } } function makeHomePageMd(readmePath: string) { let md = readFileSync(readmePath, 'utf8'); md = md.replace(tocRegex_, ''); // HACK: GitHub needs the \| or the inline code won't be displayed correctly inside the table, // while MarkdownIt doesn't and will in fact display the \. So we remove it here. md = md.replace(/\\\| bash/g, '| bash'); // We strip-off the donate links because they are added back (with proper // classes and CSS). md = md.replace(donateLinksRegex_, ''); return md; } const processNewsMarkdown = (md: string, mdFilePath: string): string => { const info = stripOffFrontMatter(md); md = info.doc.trim(); const dateString = getNewsDateString(info, mdFilePath); md = md.replace(/^# (.*)/, `# [$1](${path.basename(mdFilePath)})\n\n*Published on **${dateString}***\n\n`); md += `\n\n* * *\n\n[ Discuss on the forum](${discussLink})`; return md; }; const makeNewsFrontPage = async (sourceFilePaths: string[], targetFilePath: string, templateParams: TemplateParams) => { const maxNewsPerPage = 20; const frontPageMd: string[] = []; for (const mdFilePath of sourceFilePaths) { let md = await readFile(mdFilePath, 'utf8'); md = processNewsMarkdown(md, mdFilePath); frontPageMd.push(md); if (frontPageMd.length >= maxNewsPerPage) break; } renderPageToHtml(frontPageMd.join('\n\n* * *\n\n'), targetFilePath, templateParams); }; const isNewsFile = (filePath: string): boolean => { return filePath.includes('readme/news/'); }; const translatePartials = (partials: Partials, languageCode: string, translations: Translations): Partials => { const output: Partials = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(partials)) { output[key] = applyTranslations(value, languageCode, translations); } return output; }; const updatePageLanguage = (html: string, lang: string): string => { return html.replace('', ``); }; // TODO: Add function that process links and add prefix. async function main() { const supportedLocales: Record = { 'en_GB': enGbLocale, 'zh_CN': { htmlTranslations: parseTranslations(await parsePoFile(`${websiteAssetDir}/locales/zh_CN.po`)), lang: 'zh-cn', pathPrefix: 'cn', }, 'fr_FR': { htmlTranslations: {}, lang: 'fr-fr', pathPrefix: 'fr', }, }; // delete supportedLocales['zh_CN']; // delete supportedLocales['fr_FR']; setLocale('en_GB'); await remove(`${docDir}`); await copy(websiteAssetDir, `${docDir}`); const sponsors = await loadSponsors(); const partials = await loadMustachePartials(partialDir); const assetUrls = await getAssetUrls(); const donateLinksMd = await getDonateLinks(); for (const [localeName, locale] of Object.entries(supportedLocales)) { setLocale(localeName); const pathPrefix = localeName !== 'en_GB' ? `/${locale.pathPrefix}` : ''; // ============================================================= // HELP PAGE // ============================================================= let readmePath = `${rootDir}/`; let sourceMarkdownFile = ''; let targetDocDir = docDir; if (localeName !== 'en_GB') { const possibleSource = `${rootDir}/readme/_i18n/${localeName}/`; if (await pathExists(possibleSource)) { sourceMarkdownFile = possibleSource; readmePath = possibleSource; } else { console.warn(`Cannot find source file: ${possibleSource}`); } targetDocDir = `${docDir}/${locale.pathPrefix}`; } const readmeMd = makeHomePageMd(readmePath); renderPageToHtml(readmeMd, `${targetDocDir}/help/index.html`, { sourceMarkdownFile, donateLinksMd, partials, sponsors, assetUrls, openGraph: { title: 'Joplin documentation', description: '', url: '', }, locale, }); // ============================================================= // FRONT PAGE // ============================================================= let templateHtml = updatePageLanguage(applyTranslations(frontTemplateHtml, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), locale.lang); if (localeName === 'zh_CN') templateHtml = templateHtml.replace(/\/plans/g, '/cn/plans'); renderPageToHtml('', `${docDir}${pathPrefix}/index.html`, { templateHtml, partials: translatePartials(partials, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), pressCarouselRegular: { id: 'carouselRegular', items: pressCarouselItems(), }, pressCarouselMobile: { id: 'carouselMobile', items: pressCarouselItems(), }, sponsors, navbar: { isFrontPage: true, }, showToc: false, assetUrls, openGraph: { title: 'Joplin website', description: 'Joplin, the open source note-taking application', url: '', }, }); // ============================================================= // PLANS PAGE // ============================================================= const planPageFaqMd = await readFile(`${readmeDir}/`, 'utf8'); const planPageFaqHtml = getMarkdownIt().render(planPageFaqMd, {}); const planPageParams: PlanPageParams = { ...defaultTemplateParams(assetUrls, locale), partials: translatePartials(partials, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), templateHtml: applyTranslations(plansTemplateHtml, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), plans: getPlans(stripeConfig), faqHtml: planPageFaqHtml, featureListHtml: getMarkdownIt().render(createFeatureTableMd(), {}), stripeConfig, }; const planPageContentHtml = renderMustache('', planPageParams); const templateParams = { ...defaultTemplateParams(assetUrls, locale), pageName: 'plans', partials, showToc: false, showImproveThisDoc: false, contentHtml: planPageContentHtml, title: 'Joplin Cloud Plans', }; templateParams.templateHtml = updatePageLanguage(templateParams.templateHtml, locale.lang); renderPageToHtml('', `${docDir}${pathPrefix}/plans/index.html`, templateParams); // ============================================================= // BRAND GUIDELINES PAGE // ============================================================= { const brandAssetUrls: AssetUrls = { css: { ...assetUrls.css, brand: `${cssBaseUrl}/brand.css?h=${await md5File(`${cssBasePath}/brand.css`)}`, }, js: { ...assetUrls.js, }, }; const brandPageParams: TemplateParams = { ...defaultTemplateParams(brandAssetUrls, locale), partials: translatePartials(partials, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), templateHtml: applyTranslations(brandTemplateHtml, localeName, locale.htmlTranslations), }; const brandPageContentHtml = renderMustache('', brandPageParams); const templateParams = { ...defaultTemplateParams(brandAssetUrls, locale), pageName: 'plans', partials, showToc: false, showImproveThisDoc: false, contentHtml: brandPageContentHtml, title: 'Joplin Brand Guidelines', }; templateParams.templateHtml = updatePageLanguage(templateParams.templateHtml, locale.lang); renderPageToHtml('', `${docDir}${pathPrefix}/brand/index.html`, templateParams); } } setLocale('en_GB'); // ============================================================= // All other pages are generated dynamically from the // Markdown files under /readme // ============================================================= interface SourceInfo { title: string; donateLinksMd: string; showToc: boolean; openGraph: OpenGraphTags; sourceMarkdownName?: string; sourceMarkdownFile?: string; locale: Locale; } const mdFiles: string[] = glob.sync(`${readmeDir}/**/*.md`).map((f: string) => f.substr(rootDir.length + 1)); const sources: [string, string, SourceInfo][] = []; const makeTargetBasename = (input: string, pathPrefix: string): string => { if (isNewsFile(input)) { const filenameNoExt = basename(input, '.md'); return `news/${filenameNoExt}/index.html`; } else { // Input is for example "readme/spec/", // and we need to convert it to // "docs/spec/interop_with_frontmatter/index.html" and prefix it // with the website repo full path. let s = input; if (s.endsWith('')) { s = s.replace(/index\.md/, 'index.html'); } else { s = s.replace(/\.md/, '/index.html'); } s = s.replace(/readme\//, ''); if (pathPrefix) s = `${pathPrefix}/${s}`; return s; } }; const makeTargetFilePath = (input: string, pathPrefix: string): string => { return `${docDir}/${makeTargetBasename(input, pathPrefix)}`; }; const makeTargetUrl = (input: string, pathPrefix: string) => { return `${makeTargetBasename(input, pathPrefix)}`; }; const newsFilePaths: string[] = []; for (const mdFile of mdFiles) { if (mdFile.startsWith('readme/_i18n')) continue; for (const [localeName, locale] of Object.entries(supportedLocales)) { const title = await readmeFileTitle(`${rootDir}/${mdFile}`); const targetFilePath = makeTargetFilePath(mdFile, locale.pathPrefix); const openGraph = await extractOpenGraphTags(mdFile, makeTargetUrl(mdFile, locale.pathPrefix)); const isNews = isNewsFile(mdFile); if (isNews && localeName === 'en_GB') newsFilePaths.push(mdFile); let sourceFile = mdFile; if (localeName !== 'en_GB') { let temp = mdFile.replace(/readme\//, ''); temp = `readme/_i18n/${localeName}/${temp}`; if (await pathExists(temp)) sourceFile = temp; } sources.push([sourceFile, targetFilePath, { title: title, donateLinksMd: mdFile === 'readme/' ? '' : donateLinksMd, showToc: mdFile !== 'readme/' && !isNews, openGraph, locale, }]); } } for (const source of sources) { source[2].sourceMarkdownFile = source[0]; source[2].sourceMarkdownName = path.basename(source[0], path.extname(source[0])); const sourceFilePath = `${rootDir}/${source[0]}`; const targetFilePath = source[1]; const isNews = isNewsFile(sourceFilePath); renderFileToHtml(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath, { ...source[2], templateHtml: mainTemplateHtml, pageName: isNews ? 'news-item' : '', showImproveThisDoc: !isNews, isNews, partials, assetUrls, }); } newsFilePaths.sort((a, b) => { return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : +1; }); await makeNewsFrontPage(newsFilePaths, `${docDir}/news/index.html`, { ...defaultTemplateParams(assetUrls, null), title: 'What\'s new', pageName: 'news', partials, showToc: false, showImproveThisDoc: false, donateLinksMd, openGraph: { title: 'Joplin - what\'s new', description: 'News about the Joplin open source application', url: '', }, }); // setLocale('zh_CN'); // const translations = parseTranslations(await parsePoFile(`${websiteAssetDir}/locales/zh_CN.po`)); // await processTranslations(`${docDir}/index.html`, `${docDir}/cn/index.html`, 'zh-cn', translations); // await processTranslations(`${docDir}/plans/index.html`, `${docDir}/cn/plans/index.html`, 'zh-cn', translations); // setLocale('en_GB'); } main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });