import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import bridge from './services/bridge'; import KvStore from '@joplin/lib/services/KvStore'; import * as ArrayUtils from '@joplin/lib/ArrayUtils'; import { CheckForUpdateOptions, extractVersionInfo, GitHubRelease } from './utils/checkForUpdatesUtils'; const packageInfo = require('./packageInfo.js'); import { compareVersions } from 'compare-versions'; const logger = Logger.create('checkForUpdates'); let checkInBackground_ = false; let isCheckingForUpdate_ = false; function onCheckStarted() {'Starting...'); isCheckingForUpdate_ = true; } function onCheckEnded() {'Done.'); isCheckingForUpdate_ = false; } async function fetchLatestReleases() { const response = await shim.fetch(''); if (!response.ok) { const responseText = await response.text(); throw new Error(`Cannot get latest release info: ${responseText.substr(0, 500)}`); } return (await response.json()) as GitHubRelease[]; } function truncateText(text: string, length: number) { let truncated = text.substring(0, length); const lastNewLine = truncated.lastIndexOf('\n'); // Cut off at a line break unless we'd be cutting off half the text if (lastNewLine > length / 2) { truncated = `${truncated.substring(0, lastNewLine)}\n...`; } else { truncated = `${truncated.trim()}...`; } return truncated; } async function getSkippedVersions(): Promise { const r = await KvStore.instance().value('updateCheck::skippedVersions'); return r ? JSON.parse(r) : []; } async function isSkippedVersion(v: string): Promise { const versions = await getSkippedVersions(); return versions.includes(v); } async function addSkippedVersion(s: string) { let versions = await getSkippedVersions(); versions.push(s); versions = ArrayUtils.unique(versions); await KvStore.instance().setValue('updateCheck::skippedVersions', JSON.stringify(versions)); } export default async function checkForUpdates(inBackground: boolean, parentWindow: any, options: CheckForUpdateOptions) { if (isCheckingForUpdate_) {'Skipping check because it is already running'); return; } onCheckStarted(); checkInBackground_ = inBackground;`Checking with options ${JSON.stringify(options)}`); try { const releases = await fetchLatestReleases(); const release = extractVersionInfo(releases, process.platform, process.arch, shim.isPortable(), options);`Current version: ${packageInfo.version}`);`Latest version: ${release.version}`);'Is Pre-release:', release.prerelease); if (compareVersions(release.version, packageInfo.version) <= 0) { if (!checkInBackground_) { await bridge().showMessageBox(_('Current version is up-to-date.')); } } else { const shouldSkip = checkInBackground_ && await isSkippedVersion(release.version); if (shouldSkip) {'Not displaying notification because version has been skipped'); } else { const fullReleaseNotes = release.notes.trim() ? `\n\n${release.notes.trim()}` : ''; const MAX_RELEASE_NOTES_LENGTH = 1000; const truncateReleaseNotes = fullReleaseNotes.length > MAX_RELEASE_NOTES_LENGTH; const releaseNotes = truncateReleaseNotes ? truncateText(fullReleaseNotes, MAX_RELEASE_NOTES_LENGTH) : fullReleaseNotes; const newVersionString = release.prerelease ? _('%s (pre-release)', release.version) : release.version; const buttonIndex = await bridge().showMessageBox(parentWindow, { type: 'info', message: `${_('An update is available, do you want to download it now?')}`, detail: `${_('Your version: %s', packageInfo.version)}\n${_('New version: %s', newVersionString)}${releaseNotes}`, buttons: [_('Download'), _('Skip this version'), _('Full changelog'), _('Cancel')], cancelId: 3, }); if (buttonIndex === 0) { void bridge().openExternal(release.downloadUrl ? release.downloadUrl : release.pageUrl); } else if (buttonIndex === 1) { await addSkippedVersion(release.version); } else if (buttonIndex === 2) { void bridge().openExternal(''); } } } } catch (error) { logger.error(error); if (!checkInBackground_) await bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } finally { onCheckEnded(); } }