import { Compartment, EditorState, Prec } from '@codemirror/state'; import { indentOnInput, syntaxHighlighting } from '@codemirror/language'; import { openSearchPanel, closeSearchPanel, searchPanelOpen } from '@codemirror/search'; import { classHighlighter } from '@lezer/highlight'; import { EditorView, drawSelection, highlightSpecialChars, ViewUpdate, Command, rectangularSelection, } from '@codemirror/view'; import { history, undoDepth, redoDepth, standardKeymap } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { keymap, KeyBinding } from '@codemirror/view'; import { searchKeymap } from '@codemirror/search'; import { historyKeymap } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { EditorProps, EditorSettings } from '../types'; import { EditorEventType, SelectionRangeChangeEvent } from '../events'; import { decreaseIndent, increaseIndent, insertOrIncreaseIndent, toggleBolded, toggleCode, toggleItalicized, toggleMath, } from './markdown/markdownCommands'; import decoratorExtension from './markdown/decoratorExtension'; import computeSelectionFormatting from './markdown/computeSelectionFormatting'; import { selectionFormattingEqual } from '../SelectionFormatting'; import configFromSettings from './configFromSettings'; import getScrollFraction from './getScrollFraction'; import CodeMirrorControl from './CodeMirrorControl'; import insertLineAfter from './editorCommands/insertLineAfter'; import handlePasteEvent from './utils/handlePasteEvent'; import biDirectionalTextExtension from './utils/biDirectionalTextExtension'; import searchExtension from './utils/searchExtension'; import isCursorAtBeginning from './utils/isCursorAtBeginning'; const createEditor = ( parentElement: HTMLElement, props: EditorProps, ): CodeMirrorControl => { const initialText = props.initialText; let settings = props.settings; props.onLogMessage('Initializing CodeMirror...'); // Handles firing an event when the undo/redo stack changes let schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_: ReturnType|null = null; let lastUndoDepth = 0; let lastRedoDepth = 0; const schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange = (editor: EditorView, doItNow = false) => { if (schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_ !== null) { if (doItNow) { clearTimeout(schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_); } else { return; } } schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_ = setTimeout(() => { schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChangeId_ = null; const newUndoDepth = undoDepth(editor.state); const newRedoDepth = redoDepth(editor.state); if (newUndoDepth !== lastUndoDepth || newRedoDepth !== lastRedoDepth) { props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.UndoRedoDepthChange, undoDepth: newUndoDepth, redoDepth: newRedoDepth, }); lastUndoDepth = newUndoDepth; lastRedoDepth = newRedoDepth; } }, doItNow ? 0 : 1000); }; let currentDocText = props.initialText; const notifyDocChanged = (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { if (viewUpdate.docChanged) { currentDocText = editor.state.doc.toString(); props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.Change, value: currentDocText, }); schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange(editor); } }; const notifyLinkEditRequest = () => { props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.EditLink, }); }; const globalSpellcheckEnabled = () => { return editor.contentDOM.spellcheck; }; const notifySelectionChange = (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { if (!viewUpdate.state.selection.eq(viewUpdate.startState.selection)) { const mainRange = viewUpdate.state.selection.main; const event: SelectionRangeChangeEvent = { kind: EditorEventType.SelectionRangeChange, anchor: mainRange.anchor, head: mainRange.head, from: mainRange.from, to:, }; props.onEvent(event); } }; const notifySelectionFormattingChange = (viewUpdate?: ViewUpdate) => { const spellcheck = globalSpellcheckEnabled(); // If we can't determine the previous formatting, post the update regardless if (!viewUpdate) { const formatting = computeSelectionFormatting(editor.state, spellcheck); props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.SelectionFormattingChange, formatting, }); } else if (viewUpdate.docChanged || !viewUpdate.state.selection.eq(viewUpdate.startState.selection)) { // Only post the update if something changed const oldFormatting = computeSelectionFormatting(viewUpdate.startState, spellcheck); const newFormatting = computeSelectionFormatting(viewUpdate.state, spellcheck); if (!selectionFormattingEqual(oldFormatting, newFormatting)) { props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.SelectionFormattingChange, formatting: newFormatting, }); } } }; // Returns a keyboard command that returns true (so accepts the keybind) // alwaysActive: true if this command should be registered even if ignoreModifiers is given. const keyCommand = (key: string, run: Command, alwaysActive?: boolean): KeyBinding => { return { key, run: editor => { if (settings.ignoreModifiers && !alwaysActive) return false; return run(editor); }, }; }; const historyCompartment = new Compartment(); const dynamicConfig = new Compartment(); // Give the default keymap low precedence so that it is overridden // by extensions with default precedence. const keymapConfig = Prec.low(keymap.of([ // Custom mod-f binding: Toggle the external dialog implementation // (don't show/hide the Panel dialog). keyCommand('Mod-f', (editor: EditorView) => { if (searchPanelOpen(editor.state)) { closeSearchPanel(editor); } else { openSearchPanel(editor); } return true; }), // Markdown formatting keyboard shortcuts keyCommand('Mod-b', toggleBolded), keyCommand('Mod-i', toggleItalicized), keyCommand('Mod-$', toggleMath), keyCommand('Mod-`', toggleCode), keyCommand('Mod-[', decreaseIndent), keyCommand('Mod-]', increaseIndent), keyCommand('Mod-k', (_: EditorView) => { notifyLinkEditRequest(); return true; }), keyCommand('Tab', insertOrIncreaseIndent, true), keyCommand('Shift-Tab', (view) => { // When at the beginning of the editor, allow shift-tab to act // normally. if (isCursorAtBeginning(view.state)) { return false; } return decreaseIndent(view); }, true), keyCommand('Mod-Enter', (_: EditorView) => { insertLineAfter(_); return true; }, true), keyCommand('ArrowUp', (view: EditorView) => { if (isCursorAtBeginning(view.state) && props.onSelectPastBeginning) { props.onSelectPastBeginning(); return true; } return false; }, true), ...standardKeymap, ...historyKeymap, ...searchKeymap, ])); const editor = new EditorView({ state: EditorState.create({ // See // for a sample configuration. extensions: [ keymapConfig, dynamicConfig.of(configFromSettings(props.settings)), historyCompartment.of(history()), searchExtension(props.onEvent, props.settings), // Allows multiple selections and allows selecting a rectangle // with ctrl (as in CodeMirror 5) EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), rectangularSelection(), drawSelection(), highlightSpecialChars(), indentOnInput(), EditorView.domEventHandlers({ scroll: (_event, view) => { props.onEvent({ kind: EditorEventType.Scroll, fraction: getScrollFraction(view), }); }, paste: (event, view) => { if (props.onPasteFile) { handlePasteEvent(event, view, props.onPasteFile); } }, dragover: (event, _view) => { if (props.onPasteFile && event.dataTransfer.files.length) { event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; return true; } return false; }, drop: (event, view) => { if (props.onPasteFile) { handlePasteEvent(event, view, props.onPasteFile); } }, }), EditorState.tabSize.of(4), // Apply styles to entire lines (block-display decorations) decoratorExtension, biDirectionalTextExtension, // Adds additional CSS classes to tokens (the default CSS classes are // auto-generated and thus unstable). syntaxHighlighting(classHighlighter), EditorView.lineWrapping, EditorView.updateListener.of((viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) => { notifyDocChanged(viewUpdate); notifySelectionChange(viewUpdate); notifySelectionFormattingChange(viewUpdate); }), ], doc: initialText, }), parent: parentElement, }); const editorControls = new CodeMirrorControl(editor, { onClearHistory: () => { // Clear history by removing then re-add the history extension. // Just re-adding the history extension isn't enough. editor.dispatch({ effects: historyCompartment.reconfigure([]), }); editor.dispatch({ effects: historyCompartment.reconfigure(history()), }); }, onSettingsChange: (newSettings: EditorSettings) => { settings = newSettings; editor.dispatch({ effects: dynamicConfig.reconfigure( configFromSettings(newSettings), ), }); }, onUndoRedo: () => { // This callback is triggered when undo/redo is called // directly. Show visual feedback immediately. schedulePostUndoRedoDepthChange(editor, true); }, onLogMessage: props.onLogMessage, onRemove: () => { editor.destroy(); }, }); return editorControls; }; export default createEditor;