const React = require('react'); const { Note } = require('lib/models/note.js'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const MdToHtml = require('lib/MdToHtml'); const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const { themeStyle } = require('../theme.js'); const AceEditor = require('react-ace').default; require('brace/mode/markdown'); // // require('brace/theme/chrome'); class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { note: null, noteMetadata: '', showNoteMetadata: false, folder: null, lastSavedNote: null, isLoading: true, webviewReady: false, scrollHeight: null, editorScrollTop: 0, }; this.lastLoadedNoteId_ = null; this.webviewListeners_ = null; this.ignoreNextEditorScroll_ = false; this.scheduleSaveTimeout_ = null; this.restoreScrollTop_ = null; // Complicated but reliable method to get editor content height // this.editorMaxScrollTop_ = 0; this.onAfterEditorRender_ = () => { const r = this.editor_.editor.renderer; this.editorMaxScrollTop_ = Math.max(0, r.layerConfig.maxHeight - r.$size.scrollerHeight); if (this.restoreScrollTop_) { this.editorSetScrollTop(this.restoreScrollTop_); this.restoreScrollTop_ = null; } } } mdToHtml() { if (this.mdToHtml_) return this.mdToHtml_; this.mdToHtml_ = new MdToHtml(); return this.mdToHtml_; } async componentWillMount() { let note = null; if (this.props.noteId) { note = await Note.load(this.props.noteId); } const folder = note ? Folder.byId(this.props.folders, note.parent_id) : null; this.setState({ lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), note: note, folder: folder, isLoading: false, }); this.lastLoadedNoteId_ = note ? : null; } componentWillUnmount() { this.saveIfNeeded(); this.mdToHtml_ = null; this.destroyWebview(); } async saveIfNeeded() { if (this.scheduleSaveTimeout_) clearTimeout(this.scheduleSaveTimeout_); this.scheduleSaveTimeout_ = null; if (!shared.isModified(this)) return; await shared.saveNoteButton_press(this); } async saveOneProperty(name, value) { await shared.saveOneProperty(this, name, value); } scheduleSave() { if (this.scheduleSaveTimeout_) clearTimeout(this.scheduleSaveTimeout_); this.scheduleSaveTimeout_ = setTimeout(() => { this.saveIfNeeded(); }, 500); } async componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if ('noteId' in nextProps && nextProps.noteId !== this.props.noteId) { this.mdToHtml_ = null; const noteId = nextProps.noteId; this.lastLoadedNoteId_ = noteId; const note = noteId ? await Note.load(noteId) : null; if (noteId !== this.lastLoadedNoteId_) return; // Race condition - current note was changed while this one was loading // If we are loading nothing (noteId == null), make sure to // set webviewReady to false too because the webview component // is going to be removed in render(). const webviewReady = this.webview_ && this.state.webviewReady && noteId; this.editorMaxScrollTop_ = 0; this.editorSetScrollTop(0); this.setState({ note: note, lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), webviewReady: webviewReady, }); } } isModified() { return shared.isModified(this); } refreshNoteMetadata(force = null) { return shared.refreshNoteMetadata(this, force); } title_changeText(event) { shared.noteComponent_change(this, 'title',; this.scheduleSave(); } toggleIsTodo_onPress() { shared.toggleIsTodo_onPress(this); this.scheduleSave(); } showMetadata_onPress() { shared.showMetadata_onPress(this); } webview_ipcMessage(event) { const msg = ? : ''; const args = event.args; const arg0 = args && args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : null; const arg1 = args && args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : null; reg.logger().debug('Got ipc-message: ' + msg, args); if (msg.indexOf('checkboxclick:') === 0) { // Ugly hack because setting the body here will make the scrollbar // go to some random position. So we save the scrollTop here and it // will be restored after the editor ref has been reset, and the // "afterRender" event has been called. this.restoreScrollTop_ = this.editorScrollTop(); const newBody = this.mdToHtml_.handleCheckboxClick(msg, this.state.note.body); this.saveOneProperty('body', newBody); } else if (msg.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') === 0) { require('electron').shell.openExternal(msg); } else if (msg === 'percentScroll') { this.ignoreNextEditorScroll_ = true; this.setEditorPercentScroll(arg0); } else { bridge().showMessageBox({ type: 'error', message: _('Unsupported link or message: %s', msg), }); } } editorMaxScroll() { return this.editorMaxScrollTop_; } editorScrollTop() { return this.editor_.editor.getSession().getScrollTop(); } editorSetScrollTop(v) { if (!this.editor_) return; this.editor_.editor.getSession().setScrollTop(v); } setEditorPercentScroll(p) { this.editorSetScrollTop(p * this.editorMaxScroll()); } setViewerPercentScroll(p) { this.webview_.send('setPercentScroll', p); } editor_scroll() { if (this.ignoreNextEditorScroll_) { this.ignoreNextEditorScroll_ = false; return; } const m = this.editorMaxScroll(); this.setViewerPercentScroll(m ? this.editorScrollTop() / m : 0); } webview_domReady() { if (!this.webview_) return; this.setState({ webviewReady: true, }); //this.webview_.openDevTools(); } webview_ref(element) { if (this.webview_) { if (this.webview_ === element) return; this.destroyWebview(); } if (!element) { this.destroyWebview(); } else { this.initWebview(element); } } editor_ref(element) { if (this.editor_ === element) return; if (this.editor_) {'afterRender', this.onAfterEditorRender_); } this.editor_ = element; if (this.editor_) { this.editor_.editor.renderer.on('afterRender', this.onAfterEditorRender_); } } initWebview(wv) { if (!this.webviewListeners_) { this.webviewListeners_ = { 'dom-ready': this.webview_domReady.bind(this), 'ipc-message': this.webview_ipcMessage.bind(this), }; } for (let n in this.webviewListeners_) { if (!this.webviewListeners_.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; const fn = this.webviewListeners_[n]; wv.addEventListener(n, fn); } this.webview_ = wv; } destroyWebview() { if (!this.webview_) return; for (let n in this.webviewListeners_) { if (!this.webviewListeners_.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; const fn = this.webviewListeners_[n]; this.webview_.removeEventListener(n, fn); } this.webview_ = null; } aceEditor_change(body) { shared.noteComponent_change(this, 'body', body); this.scheduleSave(); } render() { const style =; const note = this.state.note; const body = note ? note.body : ''; const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme); const visiblePanes = this.props.visiblePanes || ['editor', 'viewer']; const borderWidth = 1; const rootStyle = Object.assign({ borderLeft: borderWidth + 'px solid ' + theme.dividerColor, boxSizing: 'border-box', paddingLeft: 10, paddingRight: 0, }, style); const innerWidth = rootStyle.width - rootStyle.paddingLeft - rootStyle.paddingRight - borderWidth; if (!note) { const emptyDivStyle = Object.assign({ backgroundColor: 'black', opacity: 0.1, }, rootStyle); return
} const titleEditorStyle = { width: innerWidth - rootStyle.paddingLeft, height: 24, display: 'block', boxSizing: 'border-box', paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 5, paddingLeft: 8, paddingRight: 8, marginTop: 10, marginBottom: 10, marginRight: rootStyle.paddingLeft, }; const bottomRowHeight = rootStyle.height - titleEditorStyle.height - titleEditorStyle.marginBottom - titleEditorStyle.marginTop; const viewerStyle = { width: Math.floor(innerWidth / 2), height: bottomRowHeight, overflow: 'hidden', float: 'left', verticalAlign: 'top', borderLeft: '1px solid ' + theme.dividerColor, boxSizing: 'border-box', }; const paddingTop = 14; const editorStyle = { width: innerWidth - viewerStyle.width, height: bottomRowHeight - paddingTop, overflowY: 'hidden', float: 'left', verticalAlign: 'top', paddingTop: paddingTop + 'px', lineHeight: theme.textAreaLineHeight + 'px', fontSize: theme.fontSize + 'px', }; if (visiblePanes.indexOf('viewer') < 0) { // Note: setting webview.display to "none" is currently not supported due // to this bug: // So instead setting the width 0. viewerStyle.width = 0; viewerStyle.borderLeft = 'none'; editorStyle.width = innerWidth; } if (visiblePanes.indexOf('editor') < 0) { editorStyle.display = 'none'; viewerStyle.width = innerWidth; } if (this.state.webviewReady) { const mdOptions = { onResourceLoaded: () => { this.forceUpdate(); }, postMessageSyntax: 'ipcRenderer.sendToHost', }; const html = this.mdToHtml().render(body, theme, mdOptions); this.webview_.send('setHtml', html); } const titleEditor = { this.title_changeText(event); }} /> const viewer =