const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it'); const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities; const htmlentities = (new Entities()).encode; const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale'); const md5 = require('md5'); const StringUtils = require('lib/string-utils.js'); const noteStyle = require('./MdToHtml/noteStyle'); const Setting = require('./models/Setting.js'); const rules = { image: require('./MdToHtml/rules/image'), checkbox: require('./MdToHtml/rules/checkbox'), katex: require('./MdToHtml/rules/katex'), link_open: require('./MdToHtml/rules/link_open'), html_block: require('./MdToHtml/rules/html_block'), html_inline: require('./MdToHtml/rules/html_inline'), highlight_keywords: require('./MdToHtml/rules/highlight_keywords'), code_inline: require('./MdToHtml/rules/code_inline'), }; const setupLinkify = require('./MdToHtml/setupLinkify'); const hljs = require('highlight.js'); const markdownItAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor'); const markdownItToc = require('markdown-it-toc-done-right'); // The keys must match the corresponding entry in Setting.js const plugins = { mark: require('markdown-it-mark'), footnote: require('markdown-it-footnote'), sub: require('markdown-it-sub'), sup: require('markdown-it-sup'), deflist: require('markdown-it-deflist'), abbr: require('markdown-it-abbr'), emoji: require('markdown-it-emoji'), insert: require('markdown-it-ins'), multitable: require('markdown-it-multimd-table'), }; class MdToHtml { constructor(options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; // Must include last "/" this.resourceBaseUrl_ = ('resourceBaseUrl' in options) ? options.resourceBaseUrl : null; this.cachedOutputs_ = {}; } render(body, style, options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (!options.postMessageSyntax) options.postMessageSyntax = 'postMessage'; if (!options.paddingBottom) options.paddingBottom = '0'; if (!options.highlightedKeywords) options.highlightedKeywords = []; const cacheKey = md5(escape(body + JSON.stringify(options) + JSON.stringify(style))); const cachedOutput = this.cachedOutputs_[cacheKey]; if (cachedOutput) return cachedOutput; const context = { css: {}, cssFiles: {}, assetLoaders: {}, }; const markdownIt = new MarkdownIt({ breaks: true, linkify: true, html: true, highlight: function(str, lang) { try { let hlCode = ''; if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) { hlCode = hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value; } else { hlCode = hljs.highlightAuto(str).value; } if (shim.isReactNative()) { context.css['hljs'] = shim.loadCssFromJs(options.codeTheme); } else { context.cssFiles['hljs'] = 'highlight/styles/' + options.codeTheme; } return '
' + hlCode + '
'; } catch (error) { return '
' + markdownIt.utils.escapeHtml(str) + '
'; } } }); const ruleOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { resourceBaseUrl: this.resourceBaseUrl_ }); // To add a plugin, there are three options: // // 1. If the plugin does not need any application specific data, use the standard way: // // const someMarkdownPlugin = require('someMarkdownPlugin'); // markdownIt.use(someMarkdownPlugin); // // 2. If the plugin does not need any application specific data, and you want the user // to be able to toggle the plugin: // // Add the plugin to the plugins object // const plugins = { // plugin: require('someMarkdownPlugin'), // } // // And add a corresponding entry into Setting.js // 'markdown.plugin.mark': {value: true, type: Setting.TYPE_BOOL, section: 'plugins', public: true, appTypes: ['mobile', 'desktop'], label: () => _('Enable ==mark== syntax')}, // // 3. If the plugin needs application data (in ruleOptions) or needs to pass data (CSS, files to load, etc.) back // to the application (using the context object), use the application-specific way: // // const imagePlugin = require('./MdToHtml/rules/image'); // markdownIt.use(imagePlugin(context, ruleOptions)); // // Using the `context` object, a plugin can send back either CSS strings (in .css) or CSS files that need // to be loaded (in .cssFiles). In general, the desktop app will load the CSS files and the mobile app // will load the CSS strings. markdownIt.use(rules.image(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(rules.checkbox(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(rules.link_open(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(rules.html_block(context, ruleOptions)); if (Setting.value('markdown.plugin.katex')) markdownIt.use(rules.katex(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(rules.highlight_keywords(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(rules.code_inline(context, ruleOptions)); markdownIt.use(markdownItAnchor) if (Setting.value('markdown.plugin.toc')) markdownIt.use(markdownItToc, { listType: 'ul' }) for (let key in plugins) { if (Setting.value('markdown.plugin.' + key)) markdownIt.use(plugins[key]); } setupLinkify(markdownIt); const renderedBody = markdownIt.render(body); const cssStrings = noteStyle(style, options); for (let k in context.css) { if (!context.css.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; cssStrings.push(context.css[k]); } for (let k in context.assetLoaders) { if (!context.assetLoaders.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; context.assetLoaders[k]().catch(error => { console.warn('MdToHtml: Error loading assets for ' + k + ': ', error.message); }); } if (options.userCss) cssStrings.push(options.userCss); const styleHtml = ''; const html = styleHtml + '
' + renderedBody + '
'; const output = { html: html, cssFiles: Object.keys(context.cssFiles).map(k => context.cssFiles[k]), }; // Fow now, we keep only the last entry in the cache this.cachedOutputs_ = {}; this.cachedOutputs_[cacheKey] = output; return output; } injectedJavaScript() { return ''; } } module.exports = MdToHtml;