import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, Linking, View, Switch, ScrollView, Text, TouchableOpacity, Alert, PermissionsAndroid, Dimensions, AccessibilityInfo } from 'react-native'; import Setting, { AppType, SettingMetadataSection } from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import NavService from '@joplin/lib/services/NavService'; import SearchEngine from '@joplin/lib/services/search/SearchEngine'; import checkPermissions from '../../../utils/checkPermissions'; import setIgnoreTlsErrors from '../../../utils/TlsUtils'; import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry'; import { State } from '@joplin/lib/reducer'; const { BackButtonService } = require('../../../services/back-button.js'); import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import ScreenHeader from '../../ScreenHeader'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import BaseScreenComponent from '../../base-screen'; import { themeStyle } from '../../global-style'; import * as shared from '@joplin/lib/components/shared/config/config-shared'; import SyncTargetRegistry from '@joplin/lib/SyncTargetRegistry'; import biometricAuthenticate from '../../biometrics/biometricAuthenticate'; import configScreenStyles, { ConfigScreenStyles } from './configScreenStyles'; import NoteExportButton, { exportButtonDescription, exportButtonDefaultTitle } from './NoteExportSection/NoteExportButton'; import SettingsButton from './SettingsButton'; import Clipboard from '@react-native-clipboard/clipboard'; import { ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react'; import SectionHeader from './SectionHeader'; import ExportProfileButton, { exportProfileButtonTitle } from './NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton'; import SettingComponent from './SettingComponent'; import ExportDebugReportButton, { exportDebugReportTitle } from './NoteExportSection/ExportDebugReportButton'; import SectionSelector from './SectionSelector'; import { TextInput, List } from 'react-native-paper'; import PluginService, { PluginSettings } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService'; import PluginStates, { getSearchText as getPluginStatesSearchText } from './plugins/PluginStates'; import PluginUploadButton, { canInstallPluginsFromFile, buttonLabel as pluginUploadButtonSearchText } from './plugins/PluginUploadButton'; import NoteImportButton, { importButtonDefaultTitle, importButtonDescription } from './NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton'; import SectionDescription from './SectionDescription'; import EnablePluginSupportPage from './plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage'; import getVersionInfoText from '../../../utils/getVersionInfoText'; interface ConfigScreenState { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied settings: any; changedSettingKeys: string[]; searchQuery: string; searching: boolean; fixingSearchIndex: boolean; checkSyncConfigResult: { ok: boolean; errorMessage: string }|'checking'|null; showAdvancedSettings: boolean; selectedSectionName: string|null; sidebarWidth: number; } interface ConfigScreenProps { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied settings: any; themeId: number; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied navigation: any; } class ConfigScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent<ConfigScreenProps, ConfigScreenState> { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public static navigationOptions(): any { return { header: null }; } private componentsY_: Record<string, number> = {}; private styles_: Record<number, ConfigScreenStyles> = {}; private scrollViewRef_: React.RefObject<ScrollView>; public constructor(props: ConfigScreenProps) { super(props); this.state = { ...shared.defaultScreenState, selectedSectionName: null, fixingSearchIndex: false, sidebarWidth: 100, searchQuery: '', searching: false, }; this.scrollViewRef_ = React.createRef<ScrollView>(); shared.init(reg); } private checkSyncConfig_ = async () => { if (this.state.settings[''] === SyncTargetRegistry.nameToId('joplinCloud')) { const isAuthenticated = await reg.syncTarget().isAuthenticated(); if (!isAuthenticated) { void NavService.go('JoplinCloudLogin'); return; } } // to ignore TLS errors we need to change the global state of the app, if the check fails we need to restore the original state // this call sets the new value and returns the previous one which we can use later to revert the change const prevIgnoreTlsErrors = await setIgnoreTlsErrors(this.state.settings['net.ignoreTlsErrors']); const result = await shared.checkSyncConfig(this, this.state.settings); if (!result || !result.ok) { await setIgnoreTlsErrors(prevIgnoreTlsErrors); } }; private e2eeConfig_ = () => { void NavService.go('EncryptionConfig'); }; private saveButton_press = async () => { if (this.state.changedSettingKeys.includes('') && this.state.settings[''] === SyncTargetRegistry.nameToId('filesystem')) { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { if (Platform.Version < 29) { if (!(await this.checkFilesystemPermission())) { Alert.alert(_('Warning'), _('In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.')); } } } // Save settings anyway, even if permission has not been granted } // changedSettingKeys is cleared in shared.saveSettings so reading it now const shouldSetIgnoreTlsErrors = this.state.changedSettingKeys.includes('net.ignoreTlsErrors'); const done = await shared.saveSettings(this); if (!done) return; if (shouldSetIgnoreTlsErrors) { await setIgnoreTlsErrors(Setting.value('net.ignoreTlsErrors')); } }; private syncStatusButtonPress_ = () => { void NavService.go('Status'); }; private manageProfilesButtonPress_ = () => { void NavService.go('ProfileSwitcher'); }; private fixSearchEngineIndexButtonPress_ = async () => { this.setState({ fixingSearchIndex: true }); await SearchEngine.instance().rebuildIndex(); this.setState({ fixingSearchIndex: false }); }; private logButtonPress_ = () => { void NavService.go('Log'); }; private manageSharesPress_ = () => { void NavService.go('ShareManager'); }; private setShowSearch_(searching: boolean) { if (searching !== this.state.searching) { this.setState({ searching }); AccessibilityInfo.announceForAccessibility(searching ? _('Search shown') : _('Search hidden')); } } private onSearchButtonPress_ = () => { this.setShowSearch_(!this.state.searching); }; private onSearchUpdate_ = (newQuery: string) => { this.setState({ searchQuery: newQuery }); }; private updateSidebarWidth = () => { const windowWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; let sidebarNewWidth = windowWidth; const sidebarValidWidths = [280, 230]; const maxFractionOfWindowSize = 1 / 3; for (const width of sidebarValidWidths) { if (width < windowWidth * maxFractionOfWindowSize) { sidebarNewWidth = width; break; } } this.setState({ sidebarWidth: sidebarNewWidth }); }; private navigationFillsScreen() { const windowWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; return this.state.sidebarWidth > windowWidth / 2; } private onJumpToSection_ = (section: string) => { const label = Setting.sectionNameToLabel(section); AccessibilityInfo.announceForAccessibility(_('Opening section %s', label)); this.setState({ selectedSectionName: section, searching: false, }); }; private showSectionNavigation_ = () => { this.setState({ selectedSectionName: null }); }; public async checkFilesystemPermission() { if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { // Not implemented yet return true; } return await checkPermissions(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, { title: _('Information'), message: _('In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.'), buttonPositive: _('OK'), }); } public UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { this.setState({ settings: this.props.settings }); } public styles(): ConfigScreenStyles { const themeId = this.props.themeId; if (this.styles_[themeId]) return this.styles_[themeId]; this.styles_ = {}; this.styles_[themeId] = configScreenStyles(themeId); return this.styles_[themeId]; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private onHeaderLayout(key: string, event: any) { const layout = event.nativeEvent.layout; this.componentsY_[`header_${key}`] = layout.y; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private onSectionLayout(key: string, event: any) { const layout = event.nativeEvent.layout; this.componentsY_[`section_${key}`] = layout.y; } private componentY(key: string): number { if ((`section_${key}`) in this.componentsY_) return this.componentsY_[`section_${key}`]; if ((`header_${key}`) in this.componentsY_) return this.componentsY_[`header_${key}`]; console.error(`ConfigScreen: Could not find key to scroll to: ${key}`); return 0; } private hasUnsavedChanges() { return this.state.changedSettingKeys.length > 0; } private promptSaveChanges(): Promise<void> { return new Promise(resolve => { if (this.hasUnsavedChanges()) { const dialogTitle: string|null = null; Alert.alert( dialogTitle, _('There are unsaved changes.'), [{ text: _('Save changes'), onPress: async () => { await this.saveButton_press(); resolve(); }, }, { text: _('Discard changes'), onPress: () => resolve(), }], ); } else { resolve(); } }); } private handleNavigateToNewScreen = async (): Promise<boolean> => { await this.promptSaveChanges(); // Continue navigation return false; }; private handleBackButtonPress = (): boolean => { const goBack = async () => { BackButtonService.removeHandler(this.handleBackButtonPress); await BackButtonService.back(); }; // Cancel search on back if (this.state.searching) { this.setShowSearch_(false); return true; } // Show navigation when pressing "back" (unless always visible). if (this.state.selectedSectionName && this.navigationFillsScreen()) { this.showSectionNavigation_(); return true; } if (this.hasUnsavedChanges()) { void (async () => { await this.promptSaveChanges(); await goBack(); })(); return true; } return false; }; public componentDidMount() { if (this.props.navigation.state.sectionName) { this.setState({ selectedSectionName: this.props.navigation.state.sectionName }); setTimeout(() => { this.scrollViewRef_.current.scrollTo({ x: 0, y: this.componentY(this.props.navigation.state.sectionName), animated: true, }); }, 200); } BackButtonService.addHandler(this.handleBackButtonPress); NavService.addHandler(this.handleNavigateToNewScreen); Dimensions.addEventListener('change', this.updateSidebarWidth); this.updateSidebarWidth(); } public componentWillUnmount() { BackButtonService.removeHandler(this.handleBackButtonPress); NavService.removeHandler(this.handleNavigateToNewScreen); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private renderButton(key: string, title: string, clickHandler: ()=> void, options: any = null) { return ( <SettingsButton key={key} title={title} clickHandler={clickHandler} description={options?.description} statusComponent={options?.statusComp} styles={this.styles()} disabled={options?.disabled} /> ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public sectionToComponent(key: string, section: SettingMetadataSection, settings: any, isSelected: boolean) { const settingComps: ReactElement[] = []; const advancedSettingComps: ReactElement[] = []; const headerTitle = Setting.sectionNameToLabel(; const sectionDescription = Setting.sectionDescription(key, AppType.Mobile); if (sectionDescription && !this.state.searching) { settingComps.push( <SectionDescription key='section-description' content={sectionDescription} />, ); } const matchesSearchQuery = (relatedText: string|string[]) => { let searchThrough; if (Array.isArray(relatedText)) { searchThrough = relatedText.join('\n'); } else { searchThrough = relatedText; } searchThrough = searchThrough.toLocaleLowerCase(); const searchQuery = this.state.searchQuery.toLocaleLowerCase().trim(); const hasSearchMatches = headerTitle.toLocaleLowerCase() === searchQuery || searchThrough.includes(searchQuery); // Don't show results when the search input is empty return this.state.searchQuery.length > 0 && hasSearchMatches; }; const addSettingComponent = ( component: ReactElement, relatedText: string|string[], settingMetadata?: { advanced?: boolean }, ) => { const hiddenBySearch = this.state.searching && !matchesSearchQuery(relatedText); if (component && !hiddenBySearch) { if (settingMetadata?.advanced) { advancedSettingComps.push(component); } else { settingComps.push(component); } } }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const addSettingButton = (key: string, title: string, clickHandler: ()=> void, options: any = null) => { const relatedText = [title]; if (typeof options === 'object' && options?.description) { relatedText.push(options.description); } addSettingComponent(this.renderButton(key, title, clickHandler, options), relatedText); }; const styleSheet = this.styles().styleSheet; const addSettingLink = (key: string, title: string, target: string) => { const component = ( <View key={key} style={styleSheet.settingContainer}> <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { void Linking.openURL(target); }} accessibilityRole='link' > <Text key="label" style={styleSheet.linkText}> {title} </Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ); addSettingComponent(component, title); }; const addSettingText = (key: string, text: string) => { addSettingComponent( <View key={key} style={styleSheet.settingContainer}> <Text style={styleSheet.settingText}>{text}</Text> </View>, text, ); }; for (let i = 0; i < section.metadatas.length; i++) { const md = section.metadatas[i]; // Handled below if (md.key === 'plugins.states') continue; if ( === 'sync' && md.key === 'sync.resourceDownloadMode') { const syncTargetMd = SyncTargetRegistry.idToMetadata(settings['']); if (syncTargetMd.supportsConfigCheck) { const messages = shared.checkSyncConfigMessages(this); const statusComp = !messages.length ? null : ( <View style={{ flex: 1, marginTop: 10 }}> <Text style={this.styles().styleSheet.descriptionText}>{messages[0]}</Text> {messages.length >= 1 ? ( <View style={{ marginTop: 10 }}> <Text style={this.styles().styleSheet.descriptionText}>{messages[1]}</Text> </View> ) : null} </View> ); addSettingButton('check_sync_config_button', _('Check synchronisation configuration'), this.checkSyncConfig_, { statusComp: statusComp }); } } const settingComp = this.settingToComponent(md.key, settings[md.key]); const relatedText = [md.label?.() ?? '', md.description?.() ?? '']; addSettingComponent( settingComp, relatedText, md, ); } if ( === 'plugins') { const pluginStatesKey = 'plugins.states'; const pluginService = PluginService.instance(); const updatePluginStates = (newSettingValue: PluginSettings) => { const value = pluginService.serializePluginSettings(newSettingValue); shared.updateSettingValue(this, pluginStatesKey, value); }; if (settings['plugins.pluginSupportEnabled']) { addSettingComponent( <PluginStates key={'plugin-states'} styles={this.styles()} themeId={this.props.themeId} pluginSettings={settings[pluginStatesKey]} updatePluginStates={updatePluginStates} shouldShowBasedOnSearchQuery={this.state.searching ? matchesSearchQuery : null} />, getPluginStatesSearchText(), ); if (canInstallPluginsFromFile()) { addSettingComponent( <PluginUploadButton key='plugins-install-from-file' pluginSettings={settings[pluginStatesKey]} updatePluginStates={updatePluginStates} styles={this.styles()} />, pluginUploadButtonSearchText(), { advanced: true }, ); } } else { const enablePluginSupport = () => { shared.updateSettingValue(this, 'plugins.pluginSupportEnabled', true); }; addSettingComponent( <EnablePluginSupportPage key='plugin-support-disabled-screen' themeId={this.props.themeId} onEnablePluginSupport={enablePluginSupport} />, ['plugins', _('Plugins')], ); } } if ( === 'sync') { addSettingButton('e2ee_config_button', _('Encryption Config'), this.e2eeConfig_); } if ( === 'joplinCloud') { const label = _('Email to note'); const description = _('Any email sent to this address will be converted into a note and added to your collection. The note will be saved into the Inbox notebook'); const isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount = this.props.settings['sync.10.accountType'] !== 1; const inboxEmailValue = isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount ? this.props.settings['sync.10.inboxEmail'] : '-'; addSettingComponent( <View key="joplinCloud"> <View style={this.styles().styleSheet.settingContainerNoBottomBorder}> <Text style={this.styles().styleSheet.settingText}>{label}</Text> <Text style={this.styles().styleSheet.settingTextEmphasis}>{inboxEmailValue}</Text> </View> { !isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount && ( <View style={this.styles().styleSheet.settingContainerNoBottomBorder}> <Text style={this.styles().styleSheet.descriptionAlert}>{_('Your account doesn\'t have access to this feature')}</Text> </View> ) } { this.renderButton( 'sync.10.inboxEmail', _('Copy to clipboard'), () => isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount && Clipboard.setString(this.props.settings['sync.10.inboxEmail']), { description, disabled: !isEmailToNoteAvailableInAccount }, ) } </View>, [label, description], ); } if ( === 'tools') { addSettingButton('profiles_buttons', _('Manage profiles'), this.manageProfilesButtonPress_); addSettingButton('status_button', _('Sync Status'), this.syncStatusButtonPress_); addSettingButton('log_button', _('Log'), this.logButtonPress_); addSettingButton('fix_search_engine_index', this.state.fixingSearchIndex ? _('Fixing search index...') : _('Fix search index'), this.fixSearchEngineIndexButtonPress_, { disabled: this.state.fixingSearchIndex, description: _('Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.') }); const syncTargetInfo = SyncTargetRegistry.infoById(this.state.settings['']); if (syncTargetInfo.supportsShare) { addSettingButton('manage_shares_button', _('Manage shared notebooks'), this.manageSharesPress_); } } if ( === 'importOrExport') { addSettingComponent( <NoteExportButton key='export_as_jex_button' styles={this.styles()} />, [exportButtonDefaultTitle(), exportButtonDescription()], ); addSettingComponent( <NoteImportButton key='import_as_jex_button' styles={this.styles()} />, [importButtonDefaultTitle(), importButtonDescription()], ); addSettingComponent( <ExportDebugReportButton key='export_report_button' styles={this.styles()}/>, exportDebugReportTitle(), ); addSettingComponent( <ExportProfileButton key='export_data' styles={this.styles()}/>, exportProfileButtonTitle(), ); } if ( === 'moreInfo') { if (Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version >= 23) { // Note: `PermissionsAndroid` doesn't work so we have to ask the user to manually // set these permissions. addSettingComponent( <View key="permission_info" style={styleSheet.settingContainer}> <View key="permission_info_wrapper"> <Text key="perm1a" style={styleSheet.settingText}> {_('To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions')} </Text> <Text key="perm2" style={styleSheet.permissionText}> {_('- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.')} </Text> <Text key="perm3" style={styleSheet.permissionText}> {_('- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.')} </Text> <Text key="perm4" style={styleSheet.permissionText}> {_('- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.')} </Text> </View> </View>, '', ); } addSettingLink('donate_link', _('Make a donation'), ''); addSettingLink('website_link', _('Joplin website'), ''); addSettingLink('privacy_link', _('Privacy Policy'), ''); const versionInfoText = getVersionInfoText(settings['plugins.states']); addSettingText('version_info', versionInfoText); addSettingButton('copy_app_info', _('Copy version info'), () => { Clipboard.setString(versionInfoText); }); const featureFlagKeys = Setting.featureFlagKeys(AppType.Mobile); if (featureFlagKeys.length) { const headerKey = 'featureFlags'; const featureFlagsTitle = _('Feature flags'); addSettingComponent( <SectionHeader key={headerKey} styles={this.styles().styleSheet} title={featureFlagsTitle} onLayout={event => this.onHeaderLayout(headerKey, event)} />, _('Feature flags'), ); addSettingComponent( <View key="featureFlagsContainer">{this.renderFeatureFlags(settings, featureFlagKeys)}</View>, featureFlagsTitle, ); } } if (!settingComps.length && !advancedSettingComps.length) return null; if (!isSelected && !this.state.searching) return null; const headerComponent = ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.onJumpToSection_(; }}> <SectionHeader styles={styleSheet} title={headerTitle} /> </TouchableOpacity> ); const renderAdvancedSettings = () => { if (!advancedSettingComps.length) return null; const toggleAdvancedLabel = _('Advanced settings'); return ( <List.Accordion title={toggleAdvancedLabel} expanded={this.state.showAdvancedSettings} onPress={() => this.setState({ showAdvancedSettings: !this.state.showAdvancedSettings })} > {this.state.showAdvancedSettings ? advancedSettingComps : null} </List.Accordion> ); }; return ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied <View key={key} onLayout={(event: any) => this.onSectionLayout(key, event)}> <View> {this.state.searching ? headerComponent : null} {settingComps} {renderAdvancedSettings()} </View> </View> ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied, Old code before rule was applied private renderToggle(key: string, label: string, value: any, updateSettingValue: Function, descriptionComp: any = null) { const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); return ( <View key={key}> <View style={this.styles().getContainerStyle(false)}> <Text key="label" style={this.styles().styleSheet.switchSettingText}> {label} </Text> {/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied */} <Switch key="control" style={this.styles().styleSheet.switchSettingControl} trackColor={{ false: theme.dividerColor }} value={value} onValueChange={(value: any) => void updateSettingValue(key, value)} /> </View> {descriptionComp} </View> ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private handleSetting = async (key: string, value: any): Promise<boolean> => { // When the user tries to enable biometrics unlock, we ask for the // fingerprint or Face ID, and if it's correct we save immediately. If // it's not, we don't turn on the setting. if (key === 'security.biometricsEnabled' && !!value) { try { await biometricAuthenticate(); shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value, async () => await this.saveButton_press()); } catch (error) { shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, false); Alert.alert(error.message); } return true; } if (key === 'security.biometricsEnabled' && !value) { shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value, async () => await this.saveButton_press()); return true; } return false; }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied public settingToComponent(key: string, value: any) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const updateSettingValue = async (key: string, value: any) => { const handled = await this.handleSetting(key, value); if (!handled) shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value); }; return ( <SettingComponent key={key} settingId={key} value={value} themeId={this.props.themeId} updateSettingValue={updateSettingValue} styles={this.styles()} /> ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied private renderFeatureFlags(settings: any, featureFlagKeys: string[]): any[] { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const updateSettingValue = (key: string, value: any) => { return shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const output: any[] = []; for (const key of featureFlagKeys) { output.push(this.renderToggle(key, key, settings[key], updateSettingValue)); } return output; } public render() { const settings = this.state.settings; const showAsSidebar = !this.navigationFillsScreen(); // If the navigation is a sidebar, always show a section. let currentSectionName = this.state.selectedSectionName; if (showAsSidebar && !currentSectionName) { currentSectionName = 'general'; } if (this.state.searching) { currentSectionName = null; } const sectionSelector = ( <SectionSelector selectedSectionName={currentSectionName} styles={this.styles()} settings={settings} openSection={this.onJumpToSection_} width={this.state.sidebarWidth} /> ); let currentSection: ReactNode; if (currentSectionName || this.state.searching) { const settingComps = shared.settingsToComponents2( this, AppType.Mobile, settings, currentSectionName, // TODO: Remove this cast. Currently necessary because of different versions // of React in lib/ and app-mobile/ ) as ReactNode[]; const searchInput = <TextInput value={this.state.searchQuery} label={_('Search')} placeholder={_('Search...')} onChangeText={this.onSearchUpdate_} autoFocus={true} />; currentSection = ( <ScrollView ref={this.scrollViewRef_} style={{ flexGrow: 1 }} > {this.state.searching ? searchInput : null} {settingComps} </ScrollView> ); } else { currentSection = sectionSelector; } let mainComponent; if (showAsSidebar && currentSectionName) { mainComponent = ( <View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', }}> {sectionSelector} <View style={{ width: 10 }}/> {currentSection} </View> ); } else { mainComponent = currentSection; } let screenHeadingText = _('Configuration'); if (currentSectionName) { screenHeadingText = Setting.sectionNameToLabel(currentSectionName); } return ( <View style={this.rootStyle(this.props.themeId).root}> <ScreenHeader title={screenHeadingText} showSaveButton={true} showSearchButton={true} showSideMenuButton={false} saveButtonDisabled={!this.hasUnsavedChanges()} onSaveButtonPress={this.saveButton_press} onSearchButtonPress={this.onSearchButtonPress_} /> {mainComponent} </View> ); } } const ConfigScreen = connect((state: State) => { return { settings: state.settings, themeId: state.settings.theme, }; })(ConfigScreenComponent); export default ConfigScreen;