const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { Folder } = require('lib/models/folder.js'); const { BaseModel } = require('lib/base-model.js'); const { Note } = require('lib/models/note.js'); const shared = {}; shared.noteExists = async function(noteId) { const existingNote = await Note.load(noteId); return !!existingNote; } shared.saveNoteButton_press = async function(comp) { let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note); // Note has been deleted while user was modifying it. In that, we // just save a new note by clearing the note ID. if ( && !(await shared.noteExists( delete; reg.logger().info('Saving note: ', note); if (!note.parent_id) { let folder = await Folder.defaultFolder(); if (!folder) { //Log.warn('Cannot save note without a notebook'); return; } note.parent_id =; } let isNew = !; if (isNew && !note.title) { note.title = Note.defaultTitle(note); } // Save only the properties that have changed let diff = null; if (!isNew) { diff = BaseModel.diffObjects(comp.state.lastSavedNote, note); diff.type_ = note.type_; =; } else { diff = Object.assign({}, note); } const savedNote = await; // Re-assign any property that might have changed during saving (updated_time, etc.) note = Object.assign(note, savedNote); comp.setState({ lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), note: note, }); if (isNew) Note.updateGeolocation(; comp.refreshNoteMetadata(); } shared.saveOneProperty = async function(comp, name, value) { let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note); // Note has been deleted while user was modifying it. In that, we // just save a new note by clearing the note ID. if ( && !(await shared.noteExists( delete; reg.logger().info('Saving note property: ',, name, value); if ( { let toSave = { id: }; toSave[name] = value; toSave = await; note[name] = toSave[name]; comp.setState({ lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), note: note, }); } else { note[name] = value; comp.setState({ note: note }); } } shared.noteComponent_change = function(comp, propName, propValue) { let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note); note[propName] = propValue; comp.setState({ note: note }); } shared.refreshNoteMetadata = async function(comp, force = null) { if (force !== true && !comp.state.showNoteMetadata) return; let noteMetadata = await Note.serializeAllProps(comp.state.note); comp.setState({ noteMetadata: noteMetadata }); } shared.isModified = function(comp) { if (!comp.state.note || !comp.state.lastSavedNote) return false; let diff = BaseModel.diffObjects(comp.state.note, comp.state.lastSavedNote); delete diff.type_; return !!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length; } shared.initState = async function(comp) { let note = null; let mode = 'view'; if (!comp.props.noteId) { note = comp.props.itemType == 'todo' ? Note.newTodo(comp.props.folderId) :; mode = 'edit'; } else { note = await Note.load(comp.props.noteId); } const folder = Folder.byId(comp.props.folders, note.parent_id); comp.setState({ lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note), note: note, mode: mode, folder: folder, isLoading: false, }); comp.lastLoadedNoteId_ = note ? : null; } shared.showMetadata_onPress = function(comp) { comp.setState({ showNoteMetadata: !comp.state.showNoteMetadata }); comp.refreshNoteMetadata(true); } shared.toggleIsTodo_onPress = function(comp) { let newNote = Note.toggleIsTodo(comp.state.note); let newState = { note: newNote }; comp.setState(newState); } module.exports = shared;