const React = require('react'); const Component = React.Component;
const { Platform, TouchableOpacity, Linking, View, Switch, Slider, StyleSheet, Text, Button, ScrollView, TextInput } = require('react-native');
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
const { ScreenHeader } = require('lib/components/screen-header.js');
const { _, setLocale } = require('lib/locale.js');
const { BaseScreenComponent } = require('lib/components/base-screen.js');
const { Dropdown } = require('lib/components/Dropdown.js');
const { themeStyle } = require('lib/components/global-style.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/config-shared.js');
const SyncTargetRegistry = require('lib/SyncTargetRegistry');
class ConfigScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
static navigationOptions(options) {
return { header: null };
constructor() {
this.styles_ = {};
this.checkSyncConfig_ = async () => {
await shared.checkSyncConfig(this, this.state.settings);
this.saveButton_press = () => {
return shared.saveSettings(this);
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
this.setState({ settings: this.props.settings });
styles() {
const themeId = this.props.theme;
const theme = themeStyle(themeId);
if (this.styles_[themeId]) return this.styles_[themeId];
this.styles_ = {};
let styles = {
body: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
flexDirection: 'column',
settingContainer: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: theme.dividerColor,
paddingTop: theme.marginTop,
paddingBottom: theme.marginBottom,
paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft,
paddingRight: theme.marginRight,
settingText: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
flex: 1,
descriptionText: {
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
flex: 1,
permissionText: {
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
flex: 1,
marginTop: 10,
settingControl: {
color: theme.color,
flex: 1,
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
styles.settingControl.borderBottomWidth = 1;
styles.settingControl.borderBottomColor = theme.dividerColor;
styles.switchSettingText = Object.assign({}, styles.settingText);
styles.switchSettingText.width = '80%';
styles.switchSettingContainer = Object.assign({}, styles.settingContainer);
styles.switchSettingContainer.flexDirection = 'row';
styles.switchSettingContainer.justifyContent = 'space-between';
styles.linkText = Object.assign({}, styles.settingText);
styles.linkText.borderBottomWidth = 1;
styles.linkText.borderBottomColor = theme.color;
styles.linkText.flex = 0;
styles.linkText.fontWeight = 'normal';
styles.switchSettingControl = Object.assign({}, styles.settingControl);
delete styles.switchSettingControl.color;
//styles.switchSettingControl.width = '20%';
styles.switchSettingControl.flex = 0;
this.styles_[themeId] = StyleSheet.create(styles);
return this.styles_[themeId];
settingToComponent(key, value) {
const themeId = this.props.theme;
const theme = themeStyle(themeId);
let output = null;
const updateSettingValue = (key, value) => {
return shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value);
const md = Setting.settingMetadata(key);
if (md.isEnum) {
value = value.toString();
let items = [];
const settingOptions = md.options();
for (let k in settingOptions) {
if (!settingOptions.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue;
items.push({ label: settingOptions[k], value: k.toString() });
return (
{ updateSettingValue(key, itemValue); }}
} else if (md.type == Setting.TYPE_BOOL) {
return (
updateSettingValue(key, value)} />
} else if (md.type == Setting.TYPE_INT) {
return (
updateSettingValue(key, value)} />
} else if (md.type == Setting.TYPE_STRING) {
return (
updateSettingValue(key, value)} secureTextEntry={!!} />
} else {
//throw new Error('Unsupported setting type: ' + md.type);
return output;
render() {
const settings = this.state.settings;
const settingComps = shared.settingsToComponents(this, 'mobile', settings);
const syncTargetMd = SyncTargetRegistry.idToMetadata(settings['']);
if (syncTargetMd.supportsConfigCheck) {
const messages = shared.checkSyncConfigMessages(this);
const statusComp = !messages.length ? null : (
{messages.length >= 1 ? ({messages[1]}) : null}
{ statusComp }
if (Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version >= 23) {
// Note: `PermissionsAndroid` doesn't work so we have to ask the user to manually
// set these permissions.
{_('To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions')}
{_('- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.')}
{_('- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.')}
{_('- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.')}
{ Linking.openURL('') }}>
{_('Make a donation')}
{ Linking.openURL('') }}>
{_('Joplin website')}
{ Linking.openURL('') }}>
Privacy Policy
return (
{ settingComps }
const ConfigScreen = connect(
(state) => {
return {
settings: state.settings,
theme: state.settings.theme,
module.exports = { ConfigScreen };