import { toIso639 } from '../../locale'; import Resource from '../../models/Resource'; import Setting from '../../models/Setting'; import shim from '../../shim'; import { ResourceEntity, ResourceOcrStatus } from '../database/types'; import OcrDriverBase from './OcrDriverBase'; import { RecognizeResult } from './utils/types'; import { Minute } from '@joplin/utils/time'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import filterOcrText from './utils/filterOcrText'; import TaskQueue from '../../TaskQueue'; import eventManager, { EventName } from '../../eventManager'; const logger = Logger.create('OcrService'); // From: export const supportedMimeTypes = [ 'application/pdf', 'image/bmp', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/webp', 'image/x-portable-bitmap', ]; const resourceInfo = (resource: ResourceEntity) => { return `${} (type ${resource.mime})`; }; export default class OcrService { private driver_: OcrDriverBase; private isRunningInBackground_ = false; private maintenanceTimer_: any = null; private pdfExtractDir_: string = null; private isProcessingResources_ = false; private recognizeQueue_: TaskQueue = null; public constructor(driver: OcrDriverBase) { this.driver_ = driver; this.recognizeQueue_ = new TaskQueue('recognize', logger); this.recognizeQueue_.setConcurrency(5); this.recognizeQueue_.keepTaskResults = false; } private async pdfExtractDir(): Promise { if (this.pdfExtractDir_ !== null) return this.pdfExtractDir_; const p = `${Setting.value('tempDir')}/ocr_pdf_extract`; await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(p); this.pdfExtractDir_ = p; return this.pdfExtractDir_; } public get running() { return this.runInBackground; } private async recognize(language: string, resource: ResourceEntity): Promise { if (resource.encryption_applied) throw new Error(`Cannot OCR encrypted resource: ${}`); const resourceFilePath = Resource.fullPath(resource); if (resource.mime === 'application/pdf') { // OCR can be slow for large PDFs. // Skip it if the PDF already includes text. const pageTexts = await shim.pdfExtractEmbeddedText(resourceFilePath); const pagesWithText = pageTexts.filter(text => !!text.trim().length); if (pagesWithText.length > 0) { return { text: pageTexts.join('\n'), }; } const imageFilePaths = await shim.pdfToImages(resourceFilePath, await this.pdfExtractDir()); const results: RecognizeResult[] = []; let pageIndex = 0; for (const imageFilePath of imageFilePaths) {`Recognize: ${resourceInfo(resource)}: Processing PDF page ${pageIndex + 1} / ${imageFilePaths.length}...`); results.push(await this.driver_.recognize(language, imageFilePath)); pageIndex++; } for (const imageFilePath of imageFilePaths) { await shim.fsDriver().remove(imageFilePath); } return { text: => r.text).join('\n'), }; } else { return this.driver_.recognize(language, resourceFilePath); } } public async dispose() { await this.driver_.dispose(); } public async processResources() { if (this.isProcessingResources_) return; this.isProcessingResources_ = true; const totalResourcesToProcess = await Resource.needOcrCount(supportedMimeTypes); const inProcessResourceIds: string[] = []; const skippedResourceIds: string[] = [];`Found ${totalResourcesToProcess} resources to process...`); const makeQueueAction = (totalProcessed: number, language: string, resource: ResourceEntity) => { return async () => {`Processing resource ${totalProcessed + 1} / ${totalResourcesToProcess}: ${resourceInfo(resource)}...`); const toSave: ResourceEntity = { id:, }; try { const fetchStatus = await Resource.localState(; if (fetchStatus.fetch_status === Resource.FETCH_STATUS_ERROR) { throw new Error(`Cannot process resource ${resourceInfo(resource)} because it cannot be fetched from the server: ${fetchStatus.fetch_error}`); } if (fetchStatus.fetch_status !== Resource.FETCH_STATUS_DONE) { skippedResourceIds.push(;`Skipping resource ${resourceInfo(resource)} because it has not been downloaded yet`); return; } const result = await this.recognize(language, resource); toSave.ocr_status = ResourceOcrStatus.Done; toSave.ocr_text = filterOcrText(result.text); toSave.ocr_details = Resource.serializeOcrDetails(result.lines), toSave.ocr_error = ''; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = typeof error === 'string' ? error : error?.message; logger.warn(`Could not process resource ${resourceInfo(resource)}`, error); toSave.ocr_status = ResourceOcrStatus.Error; toSave.ocr_text = ''; toSave.ocr_details = ''; toSave.ocr_error = errorMessage || 'Unknown error'; } await; }; }; try { const language = toIso639(Setting.value('locale')); let totalProcessed = 0; while (true) { const resources = await Resource.needOcr(supportedMimeTypes, skippedResourceIds.concat(inProcessResourceIds), 100, { fields: [ 'id', 'mime', 'file_extension', 'encryption_applied', ], }); if (!resources.length) break; for (const resource of resources) { inProcessResourceIds.push(; await this.recognizeQueue_.pushAsync(, makeQueueAction(totalProcessed++, language, resource)); } } await this.recognizeQueue_.waitForAll(); if (totalProcessed) { eventManager.emit(EventName.OcrServiceResourcesProcessed); }`${totalProcessed} resources have been processed.`); } finally { this.isProcessingResources_ = false; } } public async maintenance() { await this.processResources(); } public async runInBackground() { if (this.isRunningInBackground_) return; this.isRunningInBackground_ = true; if (this.maintenanceTimer_) return;'Starting background service...'); await this.maintenance(); this.maintenanceTimer_ = shim.setInterval(async () => { await this.maintenance(); this.maintenanceTimer_ = null; }, 5 * Minute); } public async stopRunInBackground() {'Stopping background service...'); if (this.maintenanceTimer_) shim.clearInterval(this.maintenanceTimer_); this.maintenanceTimer_ = null; this.isRunningInBackground_ = false; await this.recognizeQueue_.stop(); } }