const { extractExecutablePath, quotePath, unquotePath, friendlySafeFilename, toFileProtocolPath } = require('./path-utils'); describe('pathUtils', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { done(); }); it('should create friendly safe filename', (async () => { const testCases = [ ['生活', '生活'], ['not/good', 'not_good'], ['really/not/good', 'really_not_good'], ['con', '___'], ['no space at the end ', 'no space at the end'], ['nor dots...', 'nor dots'], [' no space before either', 'no space before either'], ['no\nnewline\n\rplease', 'no_newline__please'], ['thatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylong', 'thatsreallylongthatsreallylongthatsreallylongthats'], ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const t = testCases[i]; expect(friendlySafeFilename(t[0])).toBe(t[1]); } expect(!!friendlySafeFilename('')).toBe(true); expect(!!friendlySafeFilename('...')).toBe(true); // Check that it optionally handles filenames with extension expect(friendlySafeFilename('', null, true)).toBe(''); expect(friendlySafeFilename('', null, true)).toBe('testing.safeext'); expect(friendlySafeFilename('thatsreallylon', null, true)).toBe(''); })); it('should quote and unquote paths', (async () => { const testCases = [ ['', ''], ['/my/path', '/my/path'], ['/my/path with spaces', '"/my/path with spaces"'], ['/my/weird"path', '"/my/weird\\"path"'], ['c:\\Windows\\test.dll', 'c:\\Windows\\test.dll'], ['c:\\Windows\\test test.dll', '"c:\\Windows\\test test.dll"'], ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const t = testCases[i]; expect(quotePath(t[0])).toBe(t[1]); expect(unquotePath(quotePath(t[0]))).toBe(t[0]); } })); it('should extract executable path from command', (async () => { const testCases = [ ['', ''], ['/my/cmd -some -args', '/my/cmd'], ['"/my/cmd" -some -args', '"/my/cmd"'], ['"/my/cmd"', '"/my/cmd"'], ['"/my/cmd and space" -some -flags', '"/my/cmd and space"'], ['"" -some -flags', '""'], ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { const t = testCases[i]; expect(extractExecutablePath(t[0])).toBe(t[1]); } })); it('should create correct fileURL syntax', (async () => { const testCases_win32 = [ ['C:\\handle\\space test', 'file:///C:/handle/space%20test'], ['C:\\escapeplus\\+', 'file:///C:/escapeplus/%2B'], ['C:\\handle\\single quote\'', 'file:///C:/handle/single%20quote%27'], ]; const testCases_unixlike = [ ['/handle/space test', 'file:///handle/space%20test'], ['/escapeplus/+', 'file:///escapeplus/%2B'], ['/handle/single quote\'', 'file:///handle/single%20quote%27'], ]; for (let i = 0; i < testCases_win32.length; i++) { const t = testCases_win32[i]; expect(toFileProtocolPath(t[0], 'win32')).toBe(t[1]); } for (let i = 0; i < testCases_unixlike.length; i++) { const t = testCases_unixlike[i]; expect(toFileProtocolPath(t[0], 'linux')).toBe(t[1]); } })); });