import * as React from 'react'; import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import '@testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect'; import NoteBodyViewer from './NoteBodyViewer'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import { MenuProvider } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import { resourceFetcher, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, supportDir, switchClient, synchronizerStart } from '@joplin/lib/testing/test-utils'; import { MarkupLanguage } from '@joplin/renderer'; import { HandleMessageCallback, OnMarkForDownloadCallback } from './hooks/useOnMessage'; import Resource from '@joplin/lib/models/Resource'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import getWebViewDomById from '../../utils/testing/getWebViewDomById'; interface WrapperProps { noteBody: string; highlightedKeywords?: string[]; noteResources?: unknown; onJoplinLinkClick?: HandleMessageCallback; onScroll?: (percent: number)=> void; onMarkForDownload?: OnMarkForDownloadCallback; } const emptyObject = {}; const emptyArray: string[] = []; const noOpFunction = () => {}; const WrappedNoteViewer: React.FC = ( { noteBody, highlightedKeywords = emptyArray, noteResources = emptyObject, onJoplinLinkClick = noOpFunction, onScroll = noOpFunction, onMarkForDownload, }: WrapperProps, ) => { return ; }; const getNoteViewerDom = async () => { return await getWebViewDomById('NoteBodyViewer'); }; describe('NoteBodyViewer', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(0); await switchClient(0); }); afterEach(() => { screen.unmount(); }); it('should render markdown and re-render on change', async () => { render(); const expectHeaderToBe = async (text: string) => { const noteViewer = await getNoteViewerDom(); await waitFor(async () => { expect(noteViewer.querySelector('h1').textContent).toBe(text); }); }; await expectHeaderToBe('Test'); screen.rerender(); await expectHeaderToBe('Test 2'); screen.rerender(); await expectHeaderToBe('Test 3'); }); it.each([ { keywords: ['match'], body: 'A match and another match. Both should be highlighted.', expectedMatchCount: 2 }, { keywords: ['test'], body: 'No match.', expectedMatchCount: 0 }, { keywords: ['a', 'b'], body: 'a, a, a, b, b, b', expectedMatchCount: 6 }, ])('should highlight search terms (case %#)', async ({ keywords, body, expectedMatchCount }) => { render( , ); let noteViewerDom = await getNoteViewerDom(); await waitFor(() => { expect(noteViewerDom.querySelectorAll('.highlighted-keyword')).toHaveLength(expectedMatchCount); }); // Should update highlights when the keywords change screen.rerender( , ); noteViewerDom = await getNoteViewerDom(); await waitFor(() => { expect(noteViewerDom.querySelectorAll('.highlighted-keyword')).toHaveLength(0); }); }); it('tapping on resource download icons should mark the resources for download', async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); let note1 = await{ title: 'Note 1', parent_id: '' }); note1 = await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`); await synchronizerStart(); await switchClient(0); Setting.setValue('sync.resourceDownloadMode', 'manual'); await synchronizerStart(); const allResources = await Resource.all(); expect(allResources.length).toBe(1); const localResource = allResources[0]; const localState = await Resource.localState(localResource); expect(localState.fetch_status).toBe(Resource.FETCH_STATUS_IDLE); const onMarkForDownload: OnMarkForDownloadCallback = jest.fn(({ resourceId }) => { return resourceFetcher().markForDownload([resourceId]); }); render( , ); // The resource placeholder should have rendered const noteViewerDom = await getNoteViewerDom(); let resourcePlaceholder: HTMLElement|null = null; await waitFor(() => { const placeholders = noteViewerDom.querySelectorAll(`[data-resource-id=${JSON.stringify(}]`); expect(placeholders).toHaveLength(1); resourcePlaceholder = placeholders[0]; }); expect([...resourcePlaceholder.classList]).toContain('resource-status-notDownloaded'); // Clicking on the placeholder should download its resource await waitFor(() => {; expect(onMarkForDownload).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished(); await waitFor(async () => { expect(await Resource.localState({ fetch_status: Resource.FETCH_STATUS_DONE }); }); }); });