const React = require('react'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { Header } = require('./Header.min.js'); const { SideBar } = require('./SideBar.min.js'); const { NoteList } = require('./NoteList.min.js'); const { NoteText } = require('./NoteText.min.js'); const { PromptDialog } = require('./PromptDialog.min.js'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js'); const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const { uuid } = require('lib/uuid.js'); const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js'); const { themeStyle } = require('../theme.js'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); const layoutUtils = require('lib/layout-utils.js'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const eventManager = require('../eventManager'); class MainScreenComponent extends React.Component { componentWillMount() { this.setState({ promptOptions: null, modalLayer: { visible: false, message: '', } }); } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.windowCommand) { this.doCommand(newProps.windowCommand); } } toggleVisiblePanes() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE', }); } toggleSidebar() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SIDEBAR_VISIBILITY_TOGGLE', }); } async doCommand(command) { if (!command) return; const createNewNote = async (title, isTodo) => { const folderId = Setting.value('activeFolderId'); if (!folderId) return; const newNote = { parent_id: folderId, is_todo: isTodo ? 1 : 0, }; this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_SET_NEW_ONE', item: newNote, }); } let commandProcessed = true; if ( === 'newNote') { if (!this.props.folders.length) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(_('Please create a notebook first.')); return; } await createNewNote(null, false); } else if ( === 'newTodo') { if (!this.props.folders.length) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(_('Please create a notebook first')); return; } await createNewNote(null, true); } else if ( === 'newNotebook') { this.setState({ promptOptions: { label: _('Notebook title:'), onClose: async (answer) => { if (answer) { let folder = null; try { folder = await{ title: answer }, { userSideValidation: true }); } catch (error) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } if (folder) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id:, }); } } this.setState({ promptOptions: null }); } }, }); } else if ( === 'setTags') { const tags = await Tag.tagsByNoteId(command.noteId); const tagTitles = => { return a.title }); this.setState({ promptOptions: { label: _('Add or remove tags:'), description: _('Separate each tag by a comma.'), value: tagTitles.join(', '), onClose: async (answer) => { if (answer !== null) { const tagTitles = answer.split(',').map((a) => { return a.trim() }); await Tag.setNoteTagsByTitles(command.noteId, tagTitles); } this.setState({ promptOptions: null }); } }, }); } else if ( === 'renameFolder') { const folder = await Folder.load(; if (!folder) return; this.setState({ promptOptions: { label: _('Rename notebook:'), value: folder.title, onClose: async (answer) => { if (answer !== null) { try { folder.title = answer; await, { fields: ['title'], userSideValidation: true }); } catch (error) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } } this.setState({ promptOptions: null }); } }, }); } else if ( === 'renameTag') { const tag = await Tag.load(; if(!tag) return; this.setState({ promptOptions: { label: _('Rename tag:'), value: tag.title, onClose: async (answer) => { if (answer !== null) { try { tag.title = answer; await, { fields: ['title'], userSideValidation: true }); } catch (error) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } } this.setState({promptOptions: null }); } } }) } else if ( === 'search') { if (!this.searchId_) this.searchId_ = uuid.create(); this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SEARCH_UPDATE', search: { id: this.searchId_, title: command.query, query_pattern: command.query, query_folder_id: null, type_: BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH, }, }); if (command.query) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SEARCH_SELECT', id: this.searchId_, }); } } else if ( === 'toggleVisiblePanes') { this.toggleVisiblePanes(); } else if ( === 'toggleSidebar') { this.toggleSidebar(); } else if ( === 'showModalMessage') { this.setState({ modalLayer: { visible: true, message: command.message } }); } else if ( === 'hideModalMessage') { this.setState({ modalLayer: { visible: false, message: '' } }); } else if ( === 'editAlarm') { const note = await Note.load(command.noteId); let defaultDate = new Date( + 2 * 3600 * 1000); defaultDate.setMinutes(0); defaultDate.setSeconds(0); this.setState({ promptOptions: { label: _('Set alarm:'), inputType: 'datetime', buttons: ['ok', 'cancel', 'clear'], value: note.todo_due ? new Date(note.todo_due) : defaultDate, onClose: async (answer, buttonType) => { let newNote = null; if (buttonType === 'clear') { newNote = { id:, todo_due: 0, }; } else if (answer !== null) { newNote = { id:, todo_due: answer.getTime(), }; } if (newNote) { await; eventManager.emit('alarmChange', { noteId: }); } this.setState({ promptOptions: null }); } }, }); } else { commandProcessed = false; } if (commandProcessed) { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: null, }); } } styles(themeId, width, height, messageBoxVisible, isSidebarVisible) { const styleKey = themeId + '_' + width + '_' + height + '_' + messageBoxVisible + '_' + (+isSidebarVisible); if (styleKey === this.styleKey_) return this.styles_; const theme = themeStyle(themeId); this.styleKey_ = styleKey; this.styles_ = {}; this.styles_.header = { width: width, }; this.styles_.messageBox = { width: width, height: 30, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', paddingLeft: 10, backgroundColor: theme.warningBackgroundColor, } const rowHeight = height - theme.headerHeight - (messageBoxVisible ? this.styles_.messageBox.height : 0); this.styles_.sideBar = { width: Math.floor(layoutUtils.size(width * .2, 150, 300)), height: rowHeight, display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'top', }; if (isSidebarVisible === false) { this.styles_.sideBar.width = 0; this.styles_.sideBar.display = 'none'; } this.styles_.noteList = { width: Math.floor(layoutUtils.size(width * .2, 150, 300)), height: rowHeight, display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'top', }; this.styles_.noteText = { width: Math.floor(layoutUtils.size(width - this.styles_.sideBar.width - this.styles_.noteList.width, 0)), height: rowHeight, display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'top', }; this.styles_.prompt = { width: width, height: height, }; this.styles_.modalLayer = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, { zIndex: 10000, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, width: width - 20, height: height - 20, padding: 10, }); return this.styles_; } render() { const style =; const promptOptions = this.state.promptOptions; const folders = this.props.folders; const notes = this.props.notes; const messageBoxVisible = this.props.hasDisabledSyncItems || this.props.showMissingMasterKeyMessage; const sidebarVisibility = this.props.sidebarVisibility; const styles = this.styles(this.props.theme, style.width, style.height, messageBoxVisible, sidebarVisibility); const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme); const selectedFolderId = this.props.selectedFolderId; const onConflictFolder = this.props.selectedFolderId === Folder.conflictFolderId(); const headerItems = []; headerItems.push({ title: _('Toggle sidebar'), iconName: 'fa-bars', iconRotation: this.props.sidebarVisibility ? 0 : 90, onClick: () => { this.doCommand({ name: 'toggleSidebar'}) } }); headerItems.push({ title: _('New note'), iconName: 'fa-file-o', enabled: !!folders.length && !onConflictFolder, onClick: () => { this.doCommand({ name: 'newNote' }) }, }); headerItems.push({ title: _('New to-do'), iconName: 'fa-check-square-o', enabled: !!folders.length && !onConflictFolder, onClick: () => { this.doCommand({ name: 'newTodo' }) }, }); headerItems.push({ title: _('New notebook'), iconName: 'fa-folder-o', onClick: () => { this.doCommand({ name: 'newNotebook' }) }, }); headerItems.push({ title: _('Layout'), iconName: 'fa-columns', enabled: !!notes.length, onClick: () => { this.doCommand({ name: 'toggleVisiblePanes' }) }, }); headerItems.push({ title: _('Search...'), iconName: 'fa-search', onQuery: (query) => { this.doCommand({ name: 'search', query: query }) }, type: 'search', }); if (!this.promptOnClose_) { this.promptOnClose_ = (answer, buttonType) => { return this.state.promptOptions.onClose(answer, buttonType); } } const onViewDisabledItemsClick = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Status', }); } const onViewMasterKeysClick = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'EncryptionConfig', }); } let messageComp = null; if (messageBoxVisible) { let msg = null; if (this.props.hasDisabledSyncItems) { msg = {_('Some items cannot be synchronised.')} { onViewDisabledItemsClick() }}>{_('View them now')} } else if (this.props.showMissingMasterKeyMessage) { msg = {_('Some items cannot be decrypted.')} { onViewMasterKeysClick() }}>{_('Set the password')} } messageComp = (